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View Full Version : 'Start' button combos

03-15-2006, 02:55 AM
There should be more combos that make use of the 'Start' button. 'Start' could really be a useful button, used possibly just as often as 'A' or 'B', if the user chooses so. We already have a combo that brings up a save menu if Link stands there and the player presses Start.

I would like to see the following additions:

1) A screen flag that makes step combos not activate until you not only stand on the combo, but press 'Enter' first. This would be good for an 'action' sort of button. In the quest, however, you may want to make it obvious that the player needs to press the 'Enter' button to initiate the step combos.

2) Somehow have warps that don't activate until you press Enter. Perhaps have the following new combos:
'Start' Warp [A]
'Start' Warp [B]
'Start' Warp [C]
'Start' Warp [D]
'Start' Warp [Random]

Plus a screen flag that makes these combos direct warps. With these you could have the player stand in front of a sign and if he/she presses Start (the 'Enter' key in my case), then the player will warp to an identical screen with a string on it, as if Link is reading the sign.

3) 'Start'->Trigger (Perm) & 'Start'->Trigger (Temp) Combos: Stand on these & press the start button to make the secrets appear (perminantly or temporarily)

4) 'Start'->Kill All Enemies combo: Stand here, press Start and watch all the enemies die. Not sure why it would be used...perhaps could be used with Room State Carry over & the 'Trigger' enemy for global 'action triggers'
(Action trigger being anything triggered via the 'Start' Button, AKA 'Action Button')

03-15-2006, 03:49 AM
personally, I think the 'start' and 'action' buttons should be completley different. that way, you couldn't screw up the pause screen. but if that were to happen, there'd have to be warp triggers for both, so you can have "PRESS START" title screens, and pause menus over warps that require the action button

03-15-2006, 12:00 PM
Hm. ... You know, ... On the standard NES controller, there were -four- buttons. A, B, Start, and Select. Whatever happened to the Select button? :odd: Kinda funky, no?

Just a thought. :shrug:

03-15-2006, 09:12 PM
If ZC used an NES controller, Select would be the seldom-used Map button, I believe. The reason I say "seldom-used" is because I think most people disable it partly because they don't want the player to be able to see the map, but probably also because of the bug with viewing the map on screens with secret combos. =/ But like I said, I think the Map button is supposed to be like Select.

03-15-2006, 10:57 PM
:) Maybe if they changed the control format to SNes, (A,S,Z,X keys.) More abilities could be implemented, like dash, roll, jump, or spin attack, or action button...

03-16-2006, 12:19 AM
Well technically, we already use an SNES style control method, save for X and Y. L and R buttons scroll through the items, remember?