View Full Version : The NEW Super Mario Bros... yay!

03-15-2006, 12:54 AM
Has anyone seen the latest screens from this game? May could not come soon enough...



03-15-2006, 01:01 AM
Dah, I already knew about this game...
Poor Buzzies, they're getting uglier. :(

03-15-2006, 01:21 AM
Although I do trust nintendo in making mario game, I don't like the 3d models in a 2d world.

Reminds me of Viewtiful Joe. sure it was a good game, but it just couldnt get into it.

03-15-2006, 01:30 AM
I hate nintendo, nd i feel the ds is overall just another rehash, but lets not get into my views please ...I will say though that looks so much like what i dreamed super mario bros would look like when i was like 8 it's scarey ...pretty damned cool from the retro aspect.

Darth Marsden
03-15-2006, 06:26 AM
The only 2D platformer I've really been able to get into was that Duke Nukem one which was really 3D. Manhatten Project? It's been a while. Anyway, the point is that this looks like it might interest me in the same way. Hmm.

03-15-2006, 11:14 AM
From the looks of it, it looks very....I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's like they're trying to recycle a bunch of old concepts, put a new skin on it, and call it a new game. It looks more like "Super Mario Bros 1 Remake" instead of a true new Mario game. Kinda like a highschool burnout who hangs around in the parking lot 10 years after he graduated "Hey guys, I'm still cool...right....right?"

I'm going to have to play this personally. I'm still getting it, but at this point I'm unconvinced that it's going to be a second coming of Mario.

EDIT: Actually,a few of the screenshots look promising, such as the upper left one on the first page. I just hope they don't rely on nostalgia, and actually bring something new to the table. I hope in the new product I can actually point to lots of little things and say "That's cool, and an awesome and fitting addition to the Mairo universe". So far, all I've seen are sharks.

03-15-2006, 11:48 AM
Something that bugs me is how they tote around the word "New Super Mario Bros." like its the actual title. I know its new, I don't need it to see it in the title. And what happens when its not new, and the title still says it is. :p

Nintendo Power had an article about it this month and had it in caps, not "the new Super Mario Bros, but "New Super Mario Bros.". Its not a typo, because everyone's site says it that way. So it doesn't appear to be a tentative title. Just something that bugged. I thought I'd share. ;)

03-15-2006, 02:04 PM
It looks promising, but I'd have to try it out before I can give a definite opinion.
Hopefully, it wont turn out to be crap.

03-15-2006, 02:17 PM
I'm excited to play it. My only worry is that it will be short, and whether it will feel like the original Super Mario Bros with the 3D character models.

03-15-2006, 03:45 PM
One word: WOW!

I am going to get this game. Nintendo, I am waiting. I'm just about crazy about anything to do with Mario, remake or not. I've recently played through SMB3 again and guess what, I still like it. So if it is a SMB1 remake - and it doesn't look like it - I'll play it through and still enjoy every moment.

Of course I'd be even more thrilled if it has new features, and some of the screenshots look like it does.

This is more classical, but yeah, I'd like to play these levels through again with newer graphics.

03-15-2006, 04:57 PM
Dude, that'd be pure bitchin'... The original Super Mario Bros. w/3d graphics, maybe as a bonus unlockable mode after you beat the game. I'd frickin' love that. I was SOOOO disappointed when, during the release of all those Super Mario Advance games, not one of them was the original Super Mario Bros. Then again, they should've just released Super Mario Allstars on GBA and that would've taken care of it right there... But nooooo, we have to milk the frickin' franchise, don't we? *sigh* So torn... I both love and hate Nintendo so much... *shrug*

03-15-2006, 05:15 PM
They re-released SMB1 back in the days of the Gameboy Color. That's why they never made an 'advance' version of it.

03-15-2006, 05:16 PM
I'll probably end up getting this. But I'm hoping that they add enough to make it fun to play. I don't just want the same version of the first Mario Bros. game with better graphics. But from some screenshots, it looks somewhat promising.

But nooooo, we have to milk the frickin' franchise, don't we?
Have you seen the Pokemon games? :p

03-15-2006, 05:25 PM
If you read the description, it's not a remake of the first game, but an entirely new SMB game. I dunno where the whole remake thing came from.

I'm not so concerned with new features. I mean, yeah, they'd be awesome, but we haven't had a traditional Super Mario Bros. game since Super Mario World, and if the game is just like the earlier ones, well, more of the same thing doesn't bother me one bit. They're still fun to play.

Glenn the Great
03-15-2006, 05:53 PM
It looks a little too plain to me. Just looking at the screenshots available, it seems to be just Mario 1 with a few new twists. What disappoints me about it is that the screens don't seem as lively as those of Mario 3. Mario 3 was chock full of interesting and exotic concepts and things everywhere you went. This just looks like a slightly better job of what Mario Allstars did for Mario 1.

03-16-2006, 12:05 PM
so... much... badassedness.... I can't wait.

03-16-2006, 02:04 PM
Just look at page 6. That looks like enough new content to satisfy me. I remember how fun it was to play SSBM in adventure mode, because I got to do fun shit with my cool 3D characters. What's wrong with that? Sure, it might be like the older games, but who cares? It's still fun.

03-18-2006, 09:38 PM
This will catch my interest when they finally realease it because I always loved the 2d side scrolling version of mario. I never was interested in the 3d version of the mario games.

03-19-2006, 02:29 AM
I'm definitely buying this, because I function by the Blizzard Principle, which is, in my own words: Innovation can take second place, and graphics third, providing that solid, fun gameplay takes first place.

I don't mind playing games that aren't cutting edge or conceptually unique, provided that they're just plain fun. Some of my favorite games right now and over the past few months have been freeware games, or old games I used to have demos of that have become abandonware after five or six years. This new Mario Bros game has some new stuff, but what's really going to sell it is:

1) It's mario, and thus kid/mom friendly
2) It's a solid 2d platformer

Some multiplayer co-op or time attack modes would be great for replay value, but even on it's own, I'd buy this game hands down.

03-20-2006, 08:35 AM
Oh hey, so apparently the new Super Mario Bros. will have 80 levels... Also, there are some even newer screenshots.


03-20-2006, 02:37 PM
80 levels?!? That's awesome! I can't wait to get my new Nintendo Power (which is cited as the source of this new info) :D

04-12-2006, 03:37 AM
OK, I'm convinced (http://gonintendo.com/?p=1997)

Doubly so (http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20060411/mario.htm)

04-12-2006, 11:50 AM
With recent games (specifically Mario Kart: DS, Tetris: DS, and to some extent Metroid Prime: Hunters for it's multiplayer options) Nintendo has just been putting tons of content into their games. The New Super Mario Bros with it's 80+ levels, multiplayer modes, etc, is no exception. I'm glad to see this because it adds a lot of value to an otherwise simple game like SMB.

04-12-2006, 10:58 PM
I see wifi... and the return of the world map. I must have it now.

04-25-2006, 07:15 PM
Sorry to resurrect a new thread, but there's a new official gameplay video for New Super Mario Bros... Frickin' awesome, too. Apparently Nintendo will be releasing a video once a week until the game is out.


04-26-2006, 07:16 PM
Sorry to resurrect a new thread, but there's a new official gameplay video for New Super Mario Bros... Frickin' awesome, too. Apparently Nintendo will be releasing a video once a week until the game is out.


That was sweet. Did you notice in one of the water ones Mario had a big blue turtle shell on his back? New suit?

04-26-2006, 07:21 PM
yea but is it just me or do those sharks seem really plain?

04-26-2006, 08:23 PM
That was sweet. Did you notice in one of the water ones Mario had a big blue turtle shell on his back? New suit?

I got a chance to watch the video today too. I'm much more interested in the game now because it looks like they've added a lot of little things from other Mario games, so it's not simply a beefed up SMB. (for instance the P blocks that make coins appear, and how Mario somersaults after he's touched a star-man)

I like the video preview thing they're doing. Hopefully Nintendo will do it for more games in the future. As it stands, I can't wait to see the other videos they plan to release as the launch day approaches.

04-26-2006, 08:44 PM
I'll get it as soon as it's released, but i'm not interested in the hype it's generating, for some reason.

05-01-2006, 07:10 PM
New video up at the main site (http://mario.nintendo.com/). Good news, the levels are a great deal more vertical than I had previously thought.

Oh, by the way, the shark in the water shown earlier was from Mario 64.

05-01-2006, 08:41 PM
Heh, would've posted myself had I not been so busy today. The new video rocked, and demonstrated that it's very much not just a re-hash of the original. Also, the levels seem to have a lot more "character" than I had previously thought, which relieves me a great deal. I just hope that Mario's friction is better than Mario 64... I hate sliding all over the place.

05-05-2006, 06:52 AM
Gameplay video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWhJtkvXNlE). Finally, some decent gameplay video. World 1-3 seems rather short, but other than that, looks really nice so far.

05-05-2006, 09:48 AM
OMG! That was freakin' awesome! Seriously, it's like they picked the best stuff thing out of each of the past Mario games, and threw in some new stuff, as well. Wow, I'd been wondering what the heck the blue shell did.

05-05-2006, 01:17 PM
It does look great. I may have to get a Nintendo DS pretty soon. It just looks damn sexy. Too bad it doesn't seem like there is Co-Mode, to play the game with two players all of the way through. That would have been cool. :P

05-05-2006, 01:50 PM
Heh, four more new videos here: http://media.ds.ign.com/media/682/682879/vids_1.html

I can't believe it, they brought classic Bowser battles back! Frickin' sweet! Man, the only thing this game seems to be missing is the raccoon suit.

05-05-2006, 05:12 PM
Since when did Marios theme go from ragtime to reggae?

05-08-2006, 07:44 AM
Playing it right now, before release, i know, it leaked. It's great, i highly suggest you pick it up when it comes out.

05-08-2006, 10:36 AM

I think that's the highest score I've seen a DS game get. I'd have to check though.

Edit: Yup, next highest is Metroid Prime: Hunters at 9.0. So suffice to say, it's the best game out for the DS :P

05-08-2006, 01:11 PM
Quoth the Tycho (http://www.penny-arcade.com):
"It's great. NewSMB is great. That's it, all done."

05-08-2006, 02:29 PM
New video up (http://mario.nintendo.com). Yay. It shows the multiplayer mode. Looks pretty freaking fun only I hope it's not limited to just those levels (I saw four I think).

05-08-2006, 08:46 PM
Wow, 9.5 on IGN. Not that I read them much, but thats cool.

That mp looks pretty crazy, the more I watch, the more I like.

05-16-2006, 02:01 PM
So, my mini critique of the game: I got it yesterday (Thank you, Shopko), and I'm trying to make it last as long as I can by not just barreling through it. The graphics and conrols are tight, and it's definetly a fun romp through the Mushroom Kingdom. That said, the music is ok, some of its good, some of it's alright, not really bad, but there isn't a lot of variety. The power-ups are my biggest beef though. The giant mushroom is worthless. The blue shell is kinda cool the first time, but then equally as worthless. And nothing was done with the tiny mushroom that couldn't have been done with the normal small mario.

That said, don't let me discourage you. It's still more than worth picking up. Haven't had this much fun with a platformer in quite awhile :).

05-16-2006, 03:47 PM
I got it today, and I freaking love it. Completely different opinion. The level setup is awesome, the new items are fun, and the music is great...especially watching the baddies dance to it. Excellent game. Get it.

05-16-2006, 07:04 PM
I thought the 10 minute romp I had with my co-worker in multiplater was pretty awesome.

It brings back fond memories.

05-17-2006, 12:09 AM
So, my mini critique of the game: I got it yesterday (Thank you, Shopko), and I'm trying to make it last as long as I can by not just barreling through it. The graphics and conrols are tight, and it's definetly a fun romp through the Mushroom Kingdom. That said, the music is ok, some of its good, some of it's alright, not really bad, but there isn't a lot of variety. The power-ups are my biggest beef though. The giant mushroom is worthless. The blue shell is kinda cool the first time, but then equally as worthless. And nothing was done with the tiny mushroom that couldn't have been done with the normal small mario.

That said, don't let me discourage you. It's still more than worth picking up. Haven't had this much fun with a platformer in quite awhile :).

I totally agree. Fire Flower is the only powerup worth having. The Mega Mushroom is so rare that it doesn't really matter that it's cool. You also end up missing out on giant coins and stuff because you generally smash all the pipes and crap that lead to them :(

Mini Mushroom is indeed worthless. About the coolest thing I saw them do with it was if you beat world 2's castle as Mini Mario (not super easy cuz you have to pound-stomp the guy) then it takes you to world 4 instead of world 3. Turtle Shell is also pretty useless. It's more of a "Sonic the Hedgehog" type item. You run through the level at high speeds smashing everything in your path, but you miss every item and the control is too hard to really keep yourself alive without stopping at every gap, pipe, block, etc in your way.

Music is ok but you are right, not as good as other Mario games. I was also a little disappointed with multiplayer. I thought it was going to support Nintendo Wifi but it's only local wifi :(

And actually, the world maps I think I dislike. They are all kind of boring. And unlike say, SMW, there is no way to tell which levels have multiple exits (i.e. the red dots vs. the white dots in SMW) and everything is pretty generic. Green Mushroom house if fun but gets old fast. They should have picked, say, three or four different mini games and alternated them. Right now it's just a guessing game and you still walk out with at least 5 1ups unless you are really unlucky. I mean, they could have done stuff like SMW's bonus games (i.e. rotating Tic-Tac-Toe thing, the X/O block matching, etc). I would have liked to see more. Regular Mushroom Houses tend to be useless only because you usually save something in that slot anyways (and it's not like SM3 where you can get like 40 items held).

It is fun though. I've enjoyed it so far. It's actually a bit harder than most Mario games (that being you tend to die a lot). Despite that the first few bosses have been rediculously easy. Like three stomps on the head. It's a joke. Maybe it gets harder later. Of course, as typical, 1ups are also given out like candy. I had over 50 lives by world 3. The play control is decent but I do think it's a little too loose. It's very much like playing Mario 64 rather than, say, Super Mario World. Actually, it reminds me a bit of the classic SMB.

So yeah, I would say it's a great game but it doesn't top say, Super Mario World. But for DS it's a lot of fun.

05-17-2006, 11:42 AM
After playing further into the game, I have become rather disappointed. The coin collection for us obsessive compulsive people is rather tedious in some places, and I have to die five times for one coin...and once I finally get it, I die just afterwards and start over. It is still an excellent game, but I am disappointed that there is not a flying method...and all of the mini games seem generic at best. Super Mario World is still better.

05-17-2006, 01:02 PM
Perhaps people's hopes were too high? Just a thought... I dunno, I'm personally loving it. I'll agree, I miss the racoon suit more than anything, and I don't very much care for the overworld maps (if nothing else, they're way too horizontal, and they lack character), but the levels themselves are really enjoyable. I especially love the mushroom levels... They were always my favorite in Mario 1, too, but now with all those crazy mushrooms, like the ones that bend or bounce or whatever, it's even more fun. Also, World 8 was awesome. Well, World 8 after the first castle, really.

Okay, so I'll admit, it could've used more levels, and the powerups kinda sucked, but aside from that... I look at it as a Mario game for fans of the original Super Mario Bros. Sure, it doesn't have the depth of, say, Super Mario World, but if you look at it as going back to its roots, re-doing the original with all of the bells and whistles which have been introduced since then, I think the game really did a tremendous job of that.

Also, it's one of the best uses for 3D models I've ever seen in a game. Better than sprites, in my opinion, which is odd, because I'm generally a fan of sprites.

05-17-2006, 01:30 PM
Yeah, as much negative stuff as I can say about the game, it is still definetly worth picking up. However, I can't say it's one of those Mario games I'll be able to go back and play time and time again. I beat it last night, and while all of the boss battles were ridiculously easy, looking back on the whole game, I kinda realized something... as an original super mario bros. type game, it was really fun. Just a quick romp through some very innovative levels, though some of them were really short lived. But it just lacks the depth of Super Mario Bros. 3/Super Mario World. And I don't think it was intended to go up against them either. So here's to hoping, someday in the future, they might give us something like that too. I mean, we *are* getting Yoshi's Island 2 :).

05-20-2006, 12:03 AM
Well I beat it. That was too easy. I just spammed fireballs and he was dead in like 30 seconds.

05-20-2006, 05:10 PM
You know, I played through world 7 today (I skipped it before just to beat it). I have to say, world 7 world lvl 8 are awesome. They represent what this game should have been. Just some fun and imaginative levels. I think the game suffers because it strives too much to be a SMB1 clone. It's like, "Let's take SMB1 and add a couple new powerups and change the levels and call it a new game!". That's probably what hurts the game the most.

I hope they do make an official "new" Super Mario Bros. (2d) in the future. They are doing Super Paper Mario but that's a little gimmicky too. I'd like to see something regular but unique :)

But yeah, Fire Bros. and Sumo Bros. rock. They should have shown up a lot earlier than World 8 (and then only once for the Fire Bros! Sumo Bros. might have been in world 6 or 7)

05-20-2006, 05:39 PM
I was gunna say, after playing through World's 4 and 7 again, they do feel really nice compared to the rest of them. Brought back a lot of memories.

05-23-2006, 03:19 PM
I borrowed the New Super Mario Bros from my friend and started playing it yesterday. I'm in the middle of World 2 right now. Honestly though, I have been underwhelmed, and I am not having much fun at all playing it. It feels like a big mesh of aspects from all different Mario games in the style of the original, minus the challenge or surprise I come to expect from a Mario game.

I will probably keep playing it, but I have a feeling I will be glad I didn't buy it myself.

05-23-2006, 03:24 PM
This may be a stupid question, but how do you save?

After you beat a castle or fortress, you can't just go back through it again to save. It doesn't give you that option. The only thing that does is beating a fortress or castle of the first time, or opening up a new path, which you can only do once. What happens after you do all that? How do you save again?

05-23-2006, 03:27 PM
After you beat World 8, you can save at any time on the World Map in the pause menu.

05-23-2006, 03:29 PM
By the way, I keep noticing people commenting on the lack of challenge... Do bear in mind that the last true Mario came out, what, more than 10 years ago? I think people forget that, and automatically compare their experience to, say, the first time they played Super Mario World, or even Super Mario 3... Remember, we were all much younger back then, Mario was still new. Heck, I still have memories of struggling to get through 1-1 in the orignal. To expect the difficulty to match that, I think, is ludicrous.

For the moment, anyway, this has become my standard Mario game for when I need a fix, replacing the old standby of Mario 1.

05-23-2006, 04:01 PM
By the way, I keep noticing people commenting on the lack of challenge... Do bear in mind that the last true Mario came out, what, more than 10 years ago? I think people forget that, and automatically compare their experience to, say, the first time they played Super Mario World, or even Super Mario 3... Remember, we were all much younger back then, Mario was still new. Heck, I still have memories of struggling to get through 1-1 in the orignal. To expect the difficulty to match that, I think, is ludicrous.

For the moment, anyway, this has become my standard Mario game for when I need a fix, replacing the old standby of Mario 1.

I never said that. I said it was pretty hard. The exception is boss fights which are *too* easy. At the very least it should scale. Every boss is 3 stomps = dead. That's rediculous.

My problem with the game is not lack of difficulty, but lack of originality and uniqueness. It's just more of the same. It doesn't seem to have the soul that other Mario titles have had. The levels as I've said are generally well designed (moreso towards the end) but everything else just isn't *there*.

05-23-2006, 07:33 PM
I have New Super Mario Bros., and I like it. I only have one problem-I can't save anymore. I'm at World 8, I have all the Worlds unlocked, but I can't beat the Ghost House of World 4 or World 8-3, on account of a lot of the things in this game creep me out. I can't help it. Oh, does anyone know how to get to the Cannon of World 1? I've found a pipe in the Tower there, but being Mega Mario, you can't push it, there's no invisible blocks to get in it, and any Mario fan should know that you can't go in a sideways pipe while jumping. I have found no secret exits in World 1-4, so how do I get to the Cannon?

Nicholas Steel
05-23-2006, 08:05 PM
super mario bros 3/world where awesome due to there lack of instant death area's/hard to get out of death area's.... they just had ingenious layouts and tons of baddies.

05-23-2006, 08:38 PM
I think people forget that, and automatically compare their experience to, say, the first time they played Super Mario World, or even Super Mario 3... Remember, we were all much younger back then, Mario was still new. Heck, I still have memories of struggling to get through 1-1 in the orignal. To expect the difficulty to match that, I think, is ludicrous.

True, but those games still challenge me today! (in fact, I don't think I've ever beaten SMB 3). The New SMB is a walk in the park so far.

My problem with the game is not lack of difficulty, but lack of originality and uniqueness. It's just more of the same. It doesn't seem to have the soul that other Mario titles have had.

That's more or less the reason why I haven't been able to have fun with the game.

05-27-2006, 10:28 AM
Slight bump.

Just got New SMB yesterday. New SMB isn't as good as most of the other Mario games out, but it's better than the Mario Sports games and Mario Parties we've been force-fed for a while. This is actually one of the best Marios in a while. Maybe it's not as good as SMB3, but who cares? It's damn fun and the most fun I've had with a new Mario game in years.

The game is pretty frustrating though, and there've been times when I've just shut it off because I got sick of dying. :x Then again, I don't think any Mario will dethrone SMB3 as the KING of frustrating Mario games.

It doesn't quite have the uniqueness since it kind of feels like a mish-mesh of different bits of already existing Mario games, unfortunately. However, using original music was a nice touch instead of just reusing old music. Overall I think the game's pretty fun, but it has some flaws. I can easily overlook these though.

The mini-Mario and Blue Shell Mario powerups are awesome, BTW.