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03-10-2006, 02:06 AM
how do i make one midi play, say your in your custom town on one screen then when you go into overworld theres a different midi playing? this confused me on link to the future...:( :googly: :googly: :googly:

Nicholas Steel
03-10-2006, 02:16 AM
its easy the custom town is on one dmap while the overworld is on another... since they are both on seperate dmaps you can have diff. midi for both.

03-10-2006, 03:05 AM
wow... that cleared things right up thank you very much:) :D

03-10-2006, 08:35 PM
OMG....okay i got that but how do you do it i spent about half an hour making direct warps and warps but they wont work oh and also screen warps is that how you do it it just hit me sudenly that, may be a possible never thought of it, can you give detail on how to do it step by step?....:confused:

03-10-2006, 09:09 PM
The latest beta has screen midi, so you don't have to swap dmaps as much.

03-10-2006, 09:28 PM
WHERE in the heck do i get that? its not in Downloads is it..

03-10-2006, 09:41 PM
No, It's on the Beta Discussion.

Hmmm... Are you using side warps?
PS: I can give you a Link if you don't find it. :)

03-10-2006, 09:54 PM
uhmm... thanks i guess:) :D :rolleyes:

03-10-2006, 09:58 PM
i would like it if you sent the link and no i didnt think of using side warps... im dumb sometimes :P:tongue:

03-10-2006, 10:20 PM

03-10-2006, 11:55 PM
ZOMG this is sweet... much better then 210....... thanks firefly im really new to this ZC thing and im very fast learner took about 2 weeks for me to figure out just about everything about ZC and the basics...:D thank you again for the help

03-11-2006, 12:10 AM

Do you know how to use Screen-Specific MIDIs? I can explain it to you...

They are in the Screen flags (F9)

03-11-2006, 04:20 AM
No, no i got it preety much..... ive got it almost all figured out exept for starting locations and when you walk out of a door how to put like direct warp to a specific place you want to land on the screen not like in a corner up top.For example: you go into starting screen in the game and pick the game you have made like a qustom quest then you enter the game and you end up in the corner of the room stuck in a pile of tree's.

03-11-2006, 04:22 AM
Thoes problems have been bugging me for a while now.. they just dont work for me, i dont even know the first place to look to fix the problem, ive tried searching...:confused: :shakeno:

03-11-2006, 05:28 AM
To get Link to start the quest somewhere other than the top-left corner of the screen, you have to place the green square where you want him to start. Press Page Down until a couple icons show up at the bottom of the screen, then click the green square and place it somewhere. Likewise, the blue square determines where Link will end up after a TILE warp (or an exit from a dungeon). So place the blue square wherever you want Link to appear after he leaves the cave/dungeon/whatever.

03-11-2006, 05:40 AM
:shakeno: :confused: oh.. hmm and where will i find these in the flags...:googly:

03-11-2006, 05:43 AM
OH... LOL!! i see it now... but i tryed that but it didnt work it put me on the block but not in the middle of the sumbscreen on the game where the game window is..DUH... god i can be stupid -__-

03-11-2006, 05:46 AM
For the future, try not to double post like that. If you have something to add, just edit your previous post. It's okay to post again after someone else has posted, though.

Anyway, did that solve your problem? Also, I forgot to ask, but are you starting in the correct screen number that you want to?

03-11-2006, 05:49 AM
will do :) and uhmm I dont know im really lost:tongue: heres what im doing i make myself a new quest, then i delete map then make a new start location, then i go into game to make shure it works and i end up in some tree... im setting up the possition right but not the play screen i dont know how to do that...:confused:

03-11-2006, 05:58 AM
Ahh, okay, to set which screen Link will start/continue in, go to Data -> Dmaps and then edit Dmap 0 (which is usually the overworld dmap, although it CAN be any number), then set the number in the continue box to the screen number you want him to start on.

03-11-2006, 06:07 AM
so will it directly put me in the middle or that area when I do that? so i dont get stuck in the walls..:scared: also what if i enter the game and go into a store or cave store then i come out and i end up somewhere eles can i fix this?

03-11-2006, 06:10 AM
No, you have to set the green tile in that screen for where you want Link to appear.

Nicholas Steel
03-11-2006, 06:11 AM
press page down (in 2.11 you will see 4 blue squares these are return points... if you are not using multiwarps then only use a) once u have pressed down enough you should see a rupee symbol and a green square then a flag symbol... place the green square somewhere and the first blue square somewhere... do this for starting screen... if making a cave/dungeon then on the screen you appear on after exiting use the blue square and in the dungeon use the green square.

(if someone wants to elaborate more then do so as its pretty late here)

03-11-2006, 06:12 AM
Okay... well that helps alot... if have n-emore questions ill know who to talk to ^_^ THIS IS GREAT now im actualy good enuf to make my own quests and submit them ^_^ thanks you people who helped me!!

Nicholas Steel
03-11-2006, 06:16 AM
no problemo.

03-11-2006, 08:34 PM
Another question... how do you get WAV into midi's and if there is a way to make them into MIDS how do i do so...:cool:

Well in any case... im trying to find Oracle series mids like boss fights and possibly black tower ... ive got this really cool idea to make remake of black tower with my own boss.. but have no idea how >.<


and... another question -.-
how do i make people that are too big for tiles like Din oos or a boss like mothula also in oos? ive got the tiles but dont know how to set them up like there a Layer, or however you do it >.< honestly i dont know...

03-11-2006, 08:47 PM
You can't convert other files into midis. (http://www.vgmusic.com/faq/faq-misc.shtml#A)

Here are some GB Zelda midis. (http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gameboy/index-gr.html)

For your last question, put them on a layer. Bottom on layer 1 or 2. Top part on layer 3.

I'm just wondering, how far are you in making this OoA quest?

03-11-2006, 08:49 PM
Since im a fast learner and im good with my hands :P i started this morning at around 11:20 and im almost done overworld of labryyna....:)

OH.. and thank you for the mids

im good at this stuff becuz i play zelda everyother day and oracles are my fav set and series of zelda so =\ im kinda interested and alwas wanted to make my own so im eager ^_^

03-11-2006, 08:51 PM
:shocking: Wow! It took me at least a week to do the OoS Overworld (Holodrum)and it's only one season! (Winter)

03-11-2006, 08:53 PM
Another question... how do you get WAV into midi's and if there is a way to make them into MIDS how do i do so...:cool:

Well in any case... im trying to find Oracle series mids like boss fights and possibly black tower ... ive got this really cool idea to make remake of black tower with my own boss.. but have no idea how >.<


and... another question -.-
how do i make people that are too big for tiles like Din oos or a boss like mothula also in oos? ive got the tiles but dont know how to set them up like there a Layer, or however you do it >.< honestly i dont know...
HEY! I thought I was the only one making a remake of the Oracles games! :(

03-11-2006, 08:54 PM
hehe^_^ yeah im prety fast i guess the thing is im only 14 =\:scared:

IT SEEMS I HAVE A RIVAL IN ORACLES... or a freind ^_^ i rather be friends on making oracles tho how about that ;)

03-11-2006, 08:57 PM
:lol: Looks like there're three of us making these, but I haven't worked on mine in... about a year...
(I'm 14 too...)

03-11-2006, 09:02 PM
:lol: Looks like there're three of us making these, but I haven't worked on mine in... about a year...
(I'm 14 too...)
Hey, how odd. I'm 14, too. But MY Oracles remakes won't just be similar to the originals, they'll be PERFECT REMAKES OF THEM FOR ZELDA CLASSIC. At the rate the betas are going, it may not be long before all the components are in place....

03-11-2006, 09:10 PM
yeah... heh oracles are t3h bomb:D

03-11-2006, 09:19 PM
yeah... heh oracles are t3h bomb:D
I HAVE run into a roadblock in my making of the OoS overworld (that's the remake I'm making first), and that's the simple fact that the screens in LoZ are bigger than the screens in the Oracles games.

03-11-2006, 09:51 PM
Hey, how odd. I'm 14, too. But MY Oracles remakes won't just be similar to the originals, they'll be PERFECT REMAKES OF THEM FOR ZELDA CLASSIC. At the rate the betas are going, it may not be long before all the components are in place....

Whoa, I never expected that, I'm 14 too, I was born in February 92...
Well, let's act like a moderator, Please stay on topic... I know, this thread is sorta fun, you can continue talking about this, but have something that's about the topic in future posts. :)

WHAT??? DOES EVERYONE HERE IS 14???!!! (well, except for Rakki and Franpa)

03-11-2006, 10:18 PM
sorry guys havent answerd n stuf >.< i was making my new Oracle... and yeah its weird that the screens are much bigger they should make next beta with option for smaller screen/subscreen:D

Nicholas Steel
03-11-2006, 10:22 PM
try pure zelda classic?

type "pure zelda classic" into google. its a site which hosts many tile sets.

03-11-2006, 10:46 PM
Or try PureZC (http://www.purezc.com) instead of searching in google.

03-12-2006, 03:34 AM
K, i need more help... how do i make custom bosses? i want to make a giant reaper stalfose or vernan off OOA but i dont know how to do that

another question: also is it possible to make a screen like when your fighting a boss having a message string?

and ive got this really great black tower set i just made i dont know how to put it on here... it has thos head as blocks and walk tiles new stairs and it has vernan ghost form :)

03-12-2006, 03:49 AM

No, and thank God, because sometimes 14 year olds don't know the first thing about proper grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. (myspace, anyone?)

Nicholas Steel
03-12-2006, 03:55 AM
HEY... im 17 and i know naught about grammer.

03-12-2006, 04:00 AM
Are you saying I dont know grammar? Because I do, I just choose not to use it. :D

so no one will answer my question? -__- im stucklz....:confused: :confused: :(

zomg, ive got another question, how do i make star tiles that will trigger blocks i kant seem to get it to work 4 me........

03-12-2006, 09:14 PM
Quick question!how do i change statues shoot fire and where they come from?:D


03-12-2006, 09:34 PM
Hmmm... Press F12.
The fire come from statues. :shrug:
Yeah, I don't know anything about grammar. :sweat:

03-13-2006, 02:07 AM
can i make a enemy flag becuz it just comes out of the floor tiles and its anoying

AND im making a small quest called Black tower/Black tower turret/vernan its a small simple quest but fun/anoying/extremely hard(mine is i found ooa really easy)

03-15-2006, 12:31 AM
I HAVE run into a roadblock in my making of the OoS overworld (that's the remake I'm making first), and that's the simple fact that the screens in LoZ are bigger than the screens in the Oracles games.

I told you about that a while ago.

I HAVE run into a roadblock in my making of the OoS overworld (that's the remake I'm making first), and that's the simple fact that the screens in LoZ are bigger than the screens in the Oracles games.

(I hate english class. It's my worst class)

03-15-2006, 05:07 PM
I told you about that a while ago.
Really? I don't remember you telling me about that.

03-15-2006, 07:05 PM
can i make a enemy flag becuz it just comes out of the floor tiles and its anoying

Ummm... Yup, use "Enemy XX" flag, I don't know if this is what you mean...

03-16-2006, 12:41 AM
Making a quest: Black tower
Overworlds: -1%
Dungeons: -1%
Caves: -1%
Screenshot: Not available.
Release date: In a little.


Vernan off oracle of ages custom boss: Things i want her to do: teleport like a wizrobe and shoot fire balls in a counter clockwise circle shooting out

\\ || //
// || \\: shooting fire in directions like that but more circular.

04-19-2006, 03:22 AM
Wow.. I havent been on the computer for a while.. busy with mid terms and school... honestly this oracle quest isent going to get done sooner then i hoped... maybe ill save this for a rainy day (alwas raining in BC) >.<:D