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03-07-2006, 11:35 AM
There are some occasions in FPS games (Such as Serious Sam, Star Trek Elite Force, Half Life, etc.) where you just get twitchy, and start to jump around, and make excessive movements. I'm no exception to this. Hell, I'm the spokesgamer for this.

However, it's definitely something I'd encourage doing. Spazzy gamers will tend to fall off more cliffs and such this way, but they're also more likely to get practice in avoiding doing such things in the process. You're also more likely to avoid being hit when you're never, ever motionless. It forces you to train your cursorfingers to lock onto your opponents as you move around, which is yet more practice.

Jumping frequently in Platformer games gives you yet more practice with agility. The more maneuvering you do, the more of other forms you'll be doing as well. You can practive going into a crouching position from a jump, which can let you quickly dodge a projectile that you had almost succeeded in dodging from the jump you just made, but decided against it.

Remember folks. NEVER sit still. NEVER. Camping only gets you fried, as people can and will sneak up behind you and headshot you to death. Circlestrafe wherever possible. Practice keeping your cursor on the same position onscreen as you do, and remember to reload when you have a spare moment.

It seems obvious, but it's amazing how often you forget in the head of combat, when your first instinct is to just aim your weapon at the nearest enemy who's shooting at you.

03-07-2006, 12:06 PM
Hell, I remember doing pretty close to that stuff when I was playing Doom II. I could go on a saveless run to some of the final levels of the game. (heck if my other computer didn't fry about 5 years ago, I'd have a few multi-level recordings to prove it) Now if I can improve my Unreal Torunament performance...

Aegix Drakan
03-07-2006, 12:11 PM
lol. if you want hyper FPS, you should play SRB2! now that is FAST!

I'm kinda hyper when it comes to FPS's. in SRB2, I am almost untouchable, cause I Dash all over the place!

Never sit still or you are toast!

Cheers BH4!

Darth Marsden
03-07-2006, 02:39 PM
What the hell does SRB2 stand for?

And I have long learnt these lessons BH, as my many victories in Goldeneye and Half-Life deathmatches will prove. Still, I suppose some people have yet to learn the importance of them, so it's a nice post. If I could give three pieces of advice, they would be:

- Always keep moving
- Learn from your mistakes
- Look up a ladder before climbing it (Placing tripwires and remote detonators at the top of a ladder is far too much fun to be legal)

Aegix Drakan
03-07-2006, 02:52 PM
SRB2 stands for Sonic RoboBlast 2

It is a fan made 3d sonic game. The multiplayer mode is done FPS style, where you shoot rings at each other. Really good stuff.

03-07-2006, 05:36 PM
Heh, SRB2 kicks my ass. Way too frickin' fast for me. As for the rest, well I kinda tend to jump around anyway, just 'cause I get antsy so I'm always hopping around like some fool 'cause I hate having to walk places. It only figures that in City of Heroes, I took jumping as my transport power - now I have an excuse.

03-08-2006, 12:07 AM
I played Call of duty the orginal on the computer. In the beginning, the main tatic was jumping up and down just like in any other multi-player game. After a while they added a patch that if you jumped 3 times in a row your guy would get "tired" and do half ass jumps and slow down. So if you tried the jump constantly moving techniqe youd render yourself a sitting duck.

I imagine they did this because it is a war game, compared to something like serious sam.

Off topic: When you quit serious sam it asks,"are you serious?"

When me and my friend first saw this we were cracking up.