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03-07-2006, 10:24 AM
Go to Quest-->Graphics-->Combos. This is the Combo Page. (As we all know. :sweat: :rolleyes: ) Press Spacebar. You'll see something relatively pointless. IMHO, NOBODY uses this, and nobody needs to, since hitting spacebar will make the Combo Pages look more like they do in ZQuest. At the very, very least, the Spacebar function should be changed to something similar to that of in the Tiles Pages, where you have a rectangular selection scheme. This would obviously be extremely helpful. Obviously. o_o

Although, now that I think about it, the alternate method for viewing Combos could be useful for viewing a "straight line" of combos across the board. One successive row of combos, each leading to the one immediately to its right, without having to switch rows every four combos. So maybe it is still somewhat useful. ;) Still, I think that Spacebar should switch selection modes just the same, like in the Tiles Screen. You all know why. :p

03-07-2006, 10:49 AM
I agree. Maybe change the spacebar to change the selection mode, and make some other key change the viewing mode though.

03-07-2006, 12:13 PM
Am I the only one to use it then? I use the spacebar in the combo to see if the tiles look right together. However, it wouldn't be a huge loss if it was taken out and replaced with BH4's suggestion.

03-07-2006, 01:27 PM
I use the spacebar EVERY time I go into the combo editor. In fact, I think the default should be dropped and it should appear just as it does in zquest. OR, better yet, this should be a savable preference.

03-08-2006, 10:07 AM
Am I the only one to use it then? I use the spacebar in the combo to see if the tiles look right together. However, it wouldn't be a huge loss if it was taken out and replaced with BH4's suggestion.Well, like QuestWizard said, it wouldn't be -replaced-. It'd simply be displaced. The spacebar, that is. It'd be assigned a new key or something.

Nicholas Steel
03-08-2006, 09:37 PM
use both and make it cycle between the 3 modes.

03-08-2006, 09:45 PM
use both and make it cycle between the 3 modes.The matter at hand isn't being understood, apparently.

franpa, go into ZQuest, and into the Quest-->Graphics-->Combos area, and hit spacebar a few times.

Now go into the Quest-->Graphics-->Tiles area, and hit spacebar a few times, and select tiles, then hit spacebar again, and select tiles. (Like, .. not tiles that are right next to each other.) You'll see what I'm saying here.

It's not a matter of switching between modes here, because there aren't "three modes." There are viewing styles, and selection styles. I'm suggesting that the viewing style be deferred to another hotkey, and a new rectangular way to select combos be established in its stead, ... yet the other way to view combos would still be present, but not accessible under the spacebar anymore. It would still be there though. No need to toggle between three modes, if one of them isn't even a mode.

Nicholas Steel
03-08-2006, 09:47 PM
thanks bh4... i now know what your on about... yes a seperate button to change view styles and another button for selection style would be greatly appreaciated.

and under certain modes... certain other modes are no longer usable.

Radien ZC
05-20-2006, 11:16 PM
I find the current spacebar-accessed viewing mode VERY useful. BH4/ST, I don't know why you think it has so little use. Perhaps you are too used to the original method? Because the original method requires you to visualize a lot without actually seeing it.

I use the new viewing method most of the time, but not all of the time. I actually switch between them quite frequently, because selecting large groups of combos is a bit quicker in the old mode.

and under certain modes... certain other modes are no longer usable.
True. Though selection and view modes are different, the selection mode BH4/ST suggested would be useless, more or less, in the old viewing mode. So they might as well cycle 3-way, in my opinion.

05-21-2006, 12:04 AM
Why, what use does the original horizontal view have? o.o'

Radien ZC
05-21-2006, 12:52 AM
Why, what use does the original horizontal view have? o.o'
I thought you were originally speaking of its virtues? O.o

...Well, the reason I switch to it sometimes is because, if you use the arrow keys in the new viewing mode, it takes about 5 times as long to scroll from the top of the page to the bottom of the page.

In the old viewing mode, all I have to do is hold Shift and the Down arrow, and BAM, less than two seconds later I can select every combo on the page.

It's just a small change, but it really adds up when you are copy/moving entire pages of combos at once.

05-21-2006, 05:09 AM
The "default" way of vieving combo pages allows you to see one page at a time, the combos nicely ordered by number.

The "space" mode I find useful because you can see the combos like you would on the combo list to the side of the screen. That's the point. It's useful for placement of larger (tree) objects. Before combo aliases, this and the brush size 2x2 or so was the quickest way. And laying out your combos/tilesets so they appear right on the side screen is very useful indeed. I'd like to keep both modes at all costs.

As to selection, I think you might expect some changes there anyway. There's still a garbage combo bug in there somewhere, and then there's the suggestion of mass copy (multiple copies of one combo at once) that was raised. Rectangular selection mode (like tile page) is something I'd like myself (and when I say that, I have only myself to blame that it doesn't exist :) ). Again, the current mode of quickly selecting consecutive tiles I'd say should be kept.

05-21-2006, 10:13 AM
I thought you were originally speaking of its virtues? O.o

...Well, the reason I switch to it sometimes is because, if you use the arrow keys in the new viewing mode, it takes about 5 times as long to scroll from the top of the page to the bottom of the page.

In the old viewing mode, all I have to do is hold Shift and the Down arrow, and BAM, less than two seconds later I can select every combo on the page.

It's just a small change, but it really adds up when you are copy/moving entire pages of combos at once.

... ...

... O.o' ... ... Okay, this is creeping me out a little bit. XD I think we're referring to two different things here. :p

I'm referring mostly to koopa's explanation of the "Default" mode, where when you first open ZQuest then head right into the Combo Page Editor, it splays things out in horizontal ascending order, rather than how it shows in ZQuest. THAT'S the view I "want to see replaced." Since we have the view which looks like the combo page, do we need one which accomplishes much the same thing, but in an alternative way? I mean, you can still probably have a ZQuest rule to toggle this view. ._o' I'd just rather see a rectangular selection tool than two different views of doing the same thing.

Also, Radien, what were you referring to when you could say that it only took two seconds to highlight a whole combo page? You're referring to the fact that ... Right. Well, couldn't you just use the mouse to do that? :p Shift+Click?

Virtues. A very happy "WTF ^o^" to you good sir. :p

05-21-2006, 10:23 AM
I use the spacebar every time I work with cycling combos, I'd hate to see it changed.

05-21-2006, 10:26 AM
That's quest ZQuest Options are for. :p Nothing has to be changed permanently if you can toggle it, or make another shortcut key for the effect, ... or even add a third toggle to the spacebar, in much the same way that pressing "o" three times switches between the different drawing modes.