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03-02-2006, 08:48 PM
Think what happens if Microsoft took over the job in finishing developing ZC! Tell us your thoughts!

03-05-2006, 07:54 AM
I would stop using it because at some point, Microsoft would start charging for it once they had a hold of some royalties for the Zelda Series. Even if, they won't do it as it offers no benefit to the company. Let's say they couldn't get royalties. Do you really think Microsoft would waste the time to develop freeware if it offers no profit to them and has nothing to do with their company? Oh well, those are just my 2 cents.

03-05-2006, 06:44 PM
It would probably look uglier, and have updates that would cost money and add no real features to the program. They also wouldn't likely listen to the users.

Wait, why are we discussing something that has even less of a chance of ever happening than Nintendo shutting us down? :p

03-05-2006, 06:52 PM
They would literally draw the Blue Screen of Death and warp to it in every quest because they're too lazy to code it in themselves.

03-05-2006, 07:21 PM
I would stop using it because at some point, Microsoft would start charging for it once they had a hold of some royalties for the Zelda Series. Even if, they won't do it as it offers no benefit to the company. Let's say they couldn't get royalties. Do you really think Microsoft would waste the time to develop freeware if it offers no profit to them and has nothing to do with their company? Oh well, those are just my 2 cents.

Ha ha! That's what I thought! I bet they would make it shareware and I would bet it would cost us $900.00!:D

03-05-2006, 07:26 PM
Well of course, Microsoft would do a good job with it. I don't think Nintendo would let them have the Zelda Classic name though. lol. But, I think it would turn out really good, however, yeah, they would start charging. :P

03-05-2006, 08:14 PM
Then, you would have to go search for a CRACK for it!

03-15-2006, 12:46 PM
Why are Microsoft buying Zelda Classic!

Ha ha! That's what I thought! I bet they would make it shareware and I would bet it would cost us $900.00!:D

What! $900.00!
Where I live that would be £18,000.50!
Microsoft! Don't buy Zelda Classic! British people like me won't afford to be able to play it any more!

*slow motion*
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooo!!!!
*end slow motion*

I am not paying Eighteen thousand pounds and 50 pence just for a lark about on my pc!

80s Knight
03-15-2006, 01:55 PM
Uhhh.. this is a 'what if...' thread. Nobody's buying anything. Yeah.


03-15-2006, 11:04 PM
Microsoft is just plain evil. They wouldn't take over because it wouldn't aid them in their plans of world domination.

If they did somehow, then ZQuest would have an annoying paperclip popping up all the time asking you stupid questions. Also, the editor would fight you just to be a pain in the butt like Microsoft software is notorious for doing. hehe.

And as for the blue screen of death, yes ZeldaClassic would then have its very own blue screen of death and it would happen right when you get to the last boss of your quest just so you can't win!!!

And then, just when you were pissed off and thought that was bad enough, it causes your whole system to crash!

So you'd end up having paid them $900.00 to crash your computer for you when you could've done it yourself for free if you wanted to. hehe.

03-15-2006, 11:22 PM
If Microsoft took over ZC Development...
They release the game for the X-Box, Nintendo gets mad at them for using characters from their games, Nintendo eats Microsoft, Sony tries to buy Microsoft while it's weak, Sony buys Microsoft, Nintendo buys Sony, Shigeru Miyamoto dominates the world, poor people recieve Game-Cubes and Revolutions instead of clothes and food, poverty ends, Charles Martinet becomes the president...
Let Microsoft take over Zelda Classic!

Microsoft is just plain evil. They wouldn't take over because it wouldn't aid them in their plans of world domination.
I completely agree!

Dart Zaidyer
03-15-2006, 11:54 PM
Wait, I've got a better idea for a topic:

What if NASA acquired a convoluted set of plans to build a kite?

I mean, it makes just as much sense and is easily just as intriguing, right?

03-16-2006, 06:36 PM
They better not buy this program. A fan game is better if it's free and not have to be charged. They would completly ruin it for everyone.

03-16-2006, 06:45 PM
They better not buy this program. A fan game is better if it's free and not have to be charged. They would completly ruin it for everyone.
I agree. Microsoft would ruin ZC, and I think that if they DID take over ZC, Nintendo would have it shut down.