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03-01-2006, 02:27 AM
What's your intake/views on marijuana?

Come on, it's not that big of a deal. Even if you do it everyday, it probably hasn't ruined your life just yet.

03-01-2006, 03:23 AM
You're a dong.

03-01-2006, 04:19 AM
Your screen name is DragonBlaze, everything in your profile is related to smoking pot, and you open up with a pathetic bitch plea: Come ooon, it's not that big of a deeaall. Why would you need someone on an intarhole forum to validate your choices and resulting lifestyle? Are your parents out of town or something? This has to be a troll account. I mean, damn.

Also, I have avatars and sigs turned off, sorry.

03-01-2006, 05:37 AM
Yeah, that's my #1 argument when potheads bring up it's not a big deal. Yet they can't stop smoking it or using it in every possible situation. Hmm.

03-01-2006, 06:41 AM
Yeah, that's my #1 argument when potheads bring up it's not a big deal. Yet they can't stop smoking it or using it in every possible situation. Hmm.

Pot isn't a big deal.

03-01-2006, 07:40 AM
And this is why drugs are bad, kids.

03-01-2006, 09:52 AM
I laugh at pot heads because they're too broke to put gas in their car half the time.

Seriously though, I've smoked it before. I haven't since like, November, and don't really plan to do it again because I just really don't really find it that appealing, but whatever. I won't waste my money on it though.

I agree with Lilith, I hate it when potheads say "Its not a big deal", and then throw fits when they lose jobs and whatnot because they can't pass a fucking piss test.

Darth Marsden
03-01-2006, 10:14 AM
For some reason I'm reminded of the episode of South Park where Mr Mackey loses his job 'cause he's passing round half a grass of pot for the kids to sniff and it gets stolen by Mr Garrison. Anybody remember that one?

Drugs are bad, m'kay?

03-01-2006, 10:43 AM
That was the first thing that came to mind when I saw this topic. :p "Now pass the marijooana back up to the front of the class, m'kay?" ... ... "m'kay?" ... ... "Who has the marijooana?" ... ... "uh oh."

I'm a fairly open minded person and all, but it's just not wise. I mean, at the very, very best, it's like being in a business meeting with 28 peers, all in high class business suits, then another of your peers enters in a hawaiin shirt and ripped jeans, doing the exact same job with the exact same attitude as everyone else. It just doesn't look too good. =/

I probably could've said that so much better... ...

03-01-2006, 12:30 PM
Hehehe I love the voice I read the OP in, later posts caused me to revise it to a more stereotypical "Heeeey guys what's your views on weeeeeeed, man?"

Anyway, all fun aside I view it as probably no more dangerous than alcohol, which is to say it's pretty dangerous to society in general and it should remain a controlled substance.

We couldn't abolish alcohol because it has been a legal part of pretty much all civilized societies for milennia. Weed doesn't share the same status and I see no reason why we need ANOTHER way for you to get smashed before driving.

*edit* Ahahaha I keep coming back to imagine Cheech or Chong stating the first post and I just noticed the "Hey it's no big deal... it hasn't ruined your life YET" part ahahahahaha

Heeeeeey man, do you got any twinkies or something I'm hungry ahahahahaha

03-01-2006, 12:43 PM
LOL at DragonBlaze's location, signature, occupation, etc.

Seriously, the more pot heads I meet the less I want pot to be legalized :x

Also, I heavily second my sister's first post.

03-01-2006, 12:58 PM
Come on, it's not that big of a deal.
why not explain why it's not a big deal?

I'm against the legalization of it. It's people like you that give me even more reason for that.

03-01-2006, 02:28 PM
wow, the hate. I was just seeing the attitude this place has with it all. Zelda classic is pretty sweet, so i figured i'd chill here for awhile.

Why is it not that big of a deal? As long as you limit yourself and don't go overboard every time, you can still be productive when you need to be. I don't even need to bring it up again, it seems there are just enough people cool with it that i won't be uncomfortable.

Aegix Drakan
03-01-2006, 02:37 PM
IMHO, Drugs are shit rolled up in paper. If you want to escape the real world for a bit, read a book or play a game. Much less harmful, and much more fun.

every time you light up a joint, you take a few months off your life. I saw a pic of what a drug addict's brain looks like, and if i still had it, I'd show you! not a pretty sight!

03-01-2006, 04:45 PM
You just reminded me of the fried eggs comparason commercial that was airing a number of years ago.

you can still be productive when you need to be
compared to what though? when you're high/ineberiated (sp?) you're not working at full potential and you're bound to make mistakes or do something stupid

03-01-2006, 05:39 PM
I remember that one. Was that where the person beat the shit out of the house with the frying pan? I loled really hard at that.

03-01-2006, 06:12 PM
Everyone I know who smokes pot is exactly the same. They are always tired, and over idealistic, spouting off random quotes from wherever to prove their points. They think they are really smart but to everyone else they just sound stupid.

Now I don't want to over generalize and say anyone who smokes is like this. This is just my experience with the people I've met who do it. I dont care how dangerous or not people say it is compared to alcohol or whatever, I've just never even been tempted to try it and don't ever plan on trying it either.

03-01-2006, 06:28 PM
The majority of potheads are like the majority of homosexuals. They all think they're a part of some uber-elite subculture. Get over yourself. You're just getting high. Or getting laid, whatever the case may be. There's no need to broadcast habits that most people find distasteful. The key to success in this culture is outward conformity.

03-01-2006, 06:50 PM
The majority of potheads are like the majority of homosexuals. They all think they're a part of some uber-elite subculture. Get over yourself. You're just getting high. Or getting laid, whatever the case may be. There's no need to broadcast habits that most people find distasteful. The key to success in this culture is outward conformity.
I wonder how many potheads over generalize subcultures. I hate people who do that.

03-01-2006, 08:24 PM
Another reason I don't like pot is that it makes you like stupid shit. I don't understand why potheads think it's AMAZINGLY FANTASTIC that stupid movies/music/etc becomes funny when you're stoned. Maybe it's fun once or twice, on occassion, but...why the hell would you want to take something that makes stupid things seem great? Wtf. I guess they can't figure out how to access good material.

03-01-2006, 08:33 PM
Marijuana is fine imo if you don't let it interfer in your work/personal life. You gotta be able to keep your priorities straight.

03-01-2006, 09:04 PM
I don't do it. Not that it's bad (only to your lungs), but because I don't feel like doing drugs. I was raised too "goody-good" to try any drugs, especially the illegal ones. But yeah, I've read up on Wikipedia about the health risks and it really does nothing long-term to you. That thing about losing months of your life everytime you smoke is untrue, and it's what those anti-drug companies use to try to scare you. There's some healthy and legal alternatives that you can use, like Salvia (legal, chewable) or magic shrooms (just eat it) and stuff like that. But I've always been too afraid to smoke it. :/

Master Ghaleon
03-01-2006, 10:52 PM
Marijuana is fine imo if you don't let it interfer in your work/personal life. You gotta be able to keep your priorities straight.

Glitch is correct.

03-02-2006, 11:47 AM
I remember that one. Was that where the person beat the shit out of the house with the frying pan? I loled really hard at that.
not exactly what I was referring to, but that short on Robot Chicken was funny as hell.
and except beating everything with a frying pan (and launching a cat with it), one's life could turn out as horrible

03-02-2006, 01:48 PM
Pot is fine as long as you keep it as a recreational activity you do every once in a while and not an every day sort of thing. Having it a banned substance tends to lead people to abuse it more though, which is one of the reasons why having it illegal is stupid. Pot should be like alcohol: you can't do it until you're 21, it's distribution is regulated, and if you drive high it is a felony.
Bringing it up as a topic of discussion isn't good either. If you do it enough that you feel the need to talk about it then it's starting to control your life. You should really take a hard look at yourself and see what you're doing to yourself.

03-02-2006, 02:19 PM
Pot is fine as long as you keep it as a recreational activity you do every once in a while and not an every day sort of thing. Having it a banned substance tends to lead people to abuse it more though, which is one of the reasons why having it illegal is stupid. Pot should be like alcohol: you can't do it until you're 21, it's distribution is regulated, and if you drive high it is a felony.
Bringing it up as a topic of discussion isn't good either. If you do it enough that you feel the need to talk about it then it's starting to control your life. You should really take a hard look at yourself and see what you're doing to yourself.

I agree, 100%.

03-02-2006, 02:32 PM
Very well put, Cloral.

03-02-2006, 02:41 PM
I agree with Glitch, Cloral and so on. If someone's an adult and can control his life then I suppose they should be legally able to do it. I'd never smoke pot myself but I'm not for a 'nanny state' either. It's more of an issue to me what to do with those people who can't control themselves, even if over the age of 21, and ruin their lives on drugs. I couldn't care less if someone just occasionally smokes a joint at home.

03-03-2006, 06:52 PM
Pot is fine as long as you keep it as a recreational activity you do every once in a while and not an every day sort of thing. Having it a banned substance tends to lead people to abuse it more though, which is one of the reasons why having it illegal is stupid. Pot should be like alcohol: you can't do it until you're 21, it's distribution is regulated, and if you drive high it is a felony.It it a lose/lose situation, though the analogy to alcohol is completely accurate.

(For the convenience of more brief sentences, I'm going to ignore medicinal use of marijuana and write as if it is completely illegal. Also I am going to unprofessionally call it weed because 4 letters is easier than 10)

Currently, possession or use of weed is illegal. This leads the defective units who believe their mission in life is to stick it to the man to do it just to prove a point. No point is proved to anyone, but they like to think that every time a joint is lit their police chief feels an electric shock or some other fairy tale nonsense like that.

Legalizing weed will cause these rejects to have to choose some other drug to rage against the machine, but we will ignore these losers because they will be abusers no matter what. If people were responsible and restricted weed to recreational use, there'd be no issue. However, let's consider some vices, both traditional and less-than-expected, that are fine so long as the participant is responsible: alcohol tobacco gambling sex MMORPGs eating All of these are perfectly legal and in some cases restricted to those of an age expected to make responsible decisions. However, hundreds of thousands of people are bound to one of these vices because they simply cannot practice moderation. Furthermore, a large portion of these individuals are underage and illegally obtain the object of their affection.

Do we need ANOTHER legally obtainable substance that can hinder your judgement to the point that you take the wheel and become a danger to others? Do we need ANOTHER legal vice that can cause a man to drain his family's resources and ruin his life? Should all of our insurance premiums and healthcare taxes be affected to cover the additional strain of yet ANOTHER dangerous vice?

I'm not saying that everyone who touches weed becomes a fiend and will be slitting throats for a dime bag within months. I am saying that a large number of people will not practice moderation and giving them the legal right to put another in danger is not something I support.

If you make any concept your god, you are bound to it. I know quite a few people who have made weed their god, and you can't convince me they are better for it.

03-04-2006, 08:20 AM
You make a good point there and you can argue well too, but following the same argument through we would have to ban alcohol, tobacco, gambling and all others. I would never smoke either weed of tobacco myself because they are both bad for you. I am at a loss to explain to weed-smokers why weed should be forbidden when tobacco is not, though. I also can't help agreeing with them that it's not my business what they do in their private lives.

With all the things you mentioned, I say a mature adult should be able to judge for him/herself how much is enough. If anyone gets addicted to either of them and through this harms himself or others, in my opinion a sort of "restraining order" would be the best solution making it illegal for that person to continue with their addiction.

I would fully support a total ban on all drugs and alcohol for people not of age. Further I would support a ban in public places, I hate it when the person next to me on the station blows smoke over everyone, the same in restaurants. But if an adult wants to smoke tobacco or dope at home, and he can control himself, I ask myself is it really my business or the state's to interfere? This argument stops the moment the person in question becomes seriously addicted.

To the point of whether we need another legal vice, I can only say that someone abusing one vice alone is bad enough, the number is irrelevant to me.

To summarize: I would legalize weed under the condition that the user is responsible, that is an occasional joint or the possession and sale of cannabis is legal but abusing it can still lead to legal consequences.

03-04-2006, 05:01 PM
Yes, I'm quite clear that your stance is the legalization of marijuana for only certain individuals and abuse is still subject to legal action.

However, my stance is quite clearly that I don't see any reason to legalize another substance that can lead people to ruin their lives.

It is my theory (I have no research to support it) that the majority of people being arrested for weed today would still be arrested if it were regulated. Many are underage, and many people profit from selling it. If weed were regulated, the underage and dealers would still be subject to prosecution. I strongly feel that the same people who would be arrested for weed-related crimes would not really change, and the set of people arrested would be identical.

Given this, what is the rationale for legalizing it? I've often seen the analogy that it is similar for a man of legal age and responsible demeanor to have some Gin and Tonic, but if this is true why do we need weed? There is already a perfectly legal alternative available but for some reason it is not adequate.

Basically my idea is that if changing the legality of an activity will have no effect on the number of arrests you make, there is no reason to alter its legality. This is why while I'd love to see alcohol and tobacco restricted, it wouldn't work. They are already legal, and making them illegal would have the same people arrested for different reasons, so why bother changing their legal status?

I guess what I find hilarious about it all is that half of the hardcore legalize weed crowd I run into is younger than 18 years old, and if it were legalized they would still be underage and still get people arrested for selling it to them. If you are an underage user when it is illegal, would you stop when it becomes legal and wait until you reach the right age? I think not.

03-05-2006, 08:59 AM
You guys just blew his mind.

I have never done pot, and really don't ever plan too. I do think it should be legalized under the rules that Cloral set out. One thing is sure though, it is not as addicting as WoW.