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03-01-2006, 12:49 AM

I wake up in my room, it's in the winter time. I walk into where my bathroom should be and it's this really white room covered in white pillows. I'm confused and really sad. I walk into my living room and my dad is talking with the guy from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. They mention that they knew I like pillows and stuff so they made that room. I sniffle and say that I know they just want to make my life miserable. The WFRR guy says that he has something for me, and opens a nearby closet. The cannon filled with the toon killing goop from WFRR comes out and is pointing at me, and Lilith is telling them to squirt it at me as they aim it at me.

THIS is why I can STILL barely watch WFRR. You have no idea how much this terrifyed me. HORRIBLE. I STILL HAVE THE ENTIRE THING MEMORIEZD :mad:

03-01-2006, 02:05 AM
Public nudity. I used to get that one often, then it suddenly came back the other day. Wierd.

03-01-2006, 03:33 AM
augh, I hate it when you tell that story lol.

For me, it was a car accident dream. I won't go into a long story about it, because long stories about dreams are too weird to read, but it was very nightmarish/painful and I woke up thinking I was dead, and hyperventilating. That was the worst.

As for bad-dreams, I have bad dream patterns. Most commonly involving trains. I don't know why this is, since IRL I love trains. But in dreams, ever since I was little, trains have meant trouble. I dream of them coming off the track and following me, or ALMOST getting hit by them, or lying under them as they pass, or having them carry some kind of horrible thing...or just...something terrible. It's dread.

My last really bad dream involved a train coming off its track sideways and crushing me in slow motion while I couldn't move, and I died. I couldn't breathe and didn't need to, and there was just thick blackness and silence for about a minute, then I opened my eyes and stared at the wall. It was the creepiest feeling ever. Now I'm scared of dying.

Everyone says the train thing is about sex, but I don't really think so because I also have nightmares about cars and planes. Yet I love traveling. Hmm, symbolism.

Another dream-fear is agoraphobia. I have it IRL, but it rarely comes up...not the social fear everyone associates it with, but actual opposite-of-claustrophobia. Fear of big open spaces. I live in a semi-urban area by forests, so this rarely comes up IRL. But, the open sky? Terrifying. The ocean/deep water? Terrifying. Flying is terrifying because of the space, etc. Things that are way too big are terrifying. Anyway, this rarely comes up IRL, but I have bad dreams of it all the time, being left in a big flat field, or a big object in the sky, or the ocean or something. Aaauugghh.

Other dreams that aren't great are pregnancy or rape dreams. Fyi, I think every girl has these randomly a couple of times and they blow.

Oh, and I get hypogognic nightmares which involve being half-asleep and paralyzed and hallucinating. Those sometimes suck.

03-01-2006, 04:29 AM
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is one of the greatest movies of all time. Any dream where you get to experience it first hand, nightmare or not, is a damned privilege.
Oh, and I get hypogognic nightmares which involve being half-asleep and paralyzed and hallucinating. Those sometimes suck.That's hypnagogic, and I'm disappointed that you didn't say anything about Trent Reznor trying to rape you with a knife or anything. Really, that long ass post and no knives or NiN references, geez.

03-01-2006, 04:46 AM
I once had a dream that my girlfriend died. I woke up thinking that she was actually dead. Luckily she called me about a half hour later.

03-01-2006, 05:39 AM
Who Framed Roger Rabbit is one of the greatest movies of all time. Any dream where you get to experience it first hand, nightmare or not, is a damned privilege.That's hypnagogic, and I'm disappointed that you didn't say anything about Trent Reznor trying to rape you with a knife or anything. Really, that long ass post and no knives or NiN references, geez.

well, some rape dreams are okay I guess.

03-01-2006, 09:44 AM
I had a dream that Steve kidnapped Bladen and drove to Florida with him. Naturally I was freaking out and like, tried to follow him but I lost him in traffic. But I kept going thinking he'd run out of gas eventually. Well, a little later I saw his Blazer flipped upside down and Bladen hanging from the seat belt in the passenger seat. I started freaking out and took Bladen out of the Blazer, not sure if he was okay, and started looking for Steve because I was going to kill him. I woke up when I found his (Steve's) mangled body by the road, ahahaha.

This is why Bladen never goes anywhere with his father, because this would really happen :(

Darth Marsden
03-01-2006, 10:19 AM
I don't tend to dream when I'm sleeping, but I do have some weird daydreams. I'll just be sitting reading a book or something, I'll take a break and I'm miles away. The worst one of those was getting shot in the chest and bleeding to death in the middle of a crowded area and nobody blinking an eye. I've no idea where it came from, but it freaked me out. Until the same thing happened to Tom Welling on Smallville, then I didn't feel so bad :D

03-01-2006, 10:48 AM
1) When I was about 7 years old, I dreamt that I was walking down a series of very graffiti-filled alleys in uptown New York, in the Harlem area, ... and there was this very, very tall ripped brown couch just sitting there at the end of this hallway. Then my center of gravity slowly started to shift toward the couch, and I found myself being sucked into it. I remember passing right through the material right into the "core" of the couch, where this horribly rotten brown apple core sat, ... ... and somehow, ... I could sense that this apple core was pure evil.

... ... Definitely as f*cked up as can be.

2) I dreamed that I was in a similar locale to the first dream. I was standing over a manhole, and there was this green goo on the surface. I bent down to examine it for whatever reason, and then before I even knew what was happening, it began to engulf me. It was encasing me in its gelatinous mass before I could interject. I then couldn't breathe. That wouldn't be that much of a problem because you usually wake up when you're in mortal danger, ... but .. I .. couldn't wake up. I couldn't breathe either. I seriously couldn't breathe at all; not for like, at least a minute, and that was when I finally woke up. But when I DID wake up, I couldn't breathe then EITHER. It turns out I had been breathing through my nose, and it had become completely stuffed, and my body wasn't smart enough to open my mouth to breathe while I was asleep. Took a while to realize that when I was awake too. I think I almost died that night.

03-01-2006, 12:45 PM
This was a number of years ago, but I had one where I was sitting in a car, and somebody broke in and started to stab me. No idea why though. I know that I've had worse nightmares, but fortunately for me, I don't remember em. :shrug:

Aegix Drakan
03-01-2006, 01:17 PM
I mentioned my worst nightmare in the "weird dreams thread", but I'll elaborate on it here.

I'll try not to go into the gross details, but here goes.

every few months, I have a dream in which I almost get killed. and 90% of the time A witch named Morgana is behind it all. Thing is, she looks really innocent (white dress, blonde, and quite good looking), but she constantly kils innocents so she can steal their life.

Well, my worst nightmare was the second dream I had of her. (In the first dream, I just met her, and tried to escape). Now, I thought it was real life, and in the world, there was a group of magically inclined people sworn to uphold justice. they were called the "judges", and their mark was neutral red clothes. somehow, I remebered that Morgana had been publicly beheaded a few days earlier. So, I'm walking down the street, I look into someone's backyard and I see three young girls about to be executed by a judge. I could tell that the judge was bribed by some rich guy to kill off his possible rivals. I continue walking, and poof, a judge appears in front of me, poofs me over to a mini courtroom and proceeds to BullS*** me with crimes that I could not have committed.

then, The leader of the Judges (their Queen as they called her) pops in and saves my life. she warps me over to her mansion, andI find out that she is Really Morgana , possesing the Judge queen's body! she casts a mind control spell on me folowed by another weird spell, and then makes me slice off her head (she dispossed the body, and vanished just before I did it.) At that exact instant, a group of judges burst in (led by the Judge queen's younger sister). they all point at me and Say "It's HER!" I see a mirror in the corner, and I see that morgana had made me look exactly like her! (:eek:now this is very wierd, cuz I'm a guy.).
So, Still under morgana's control, and unable to do anything, I allow them to cart me off to court where they sentence me to death. They bring me to the town square, and prepare to hang me in front of a huge crowd. Literally, I woke up a second before I would've died. I was falling through the air with a freaking half second to live, when Bam! I wake up, sweating, sick in the stomach, and gasping for breath.

Since then, I have met Morgana in my dreams many more times. and most of the time I almost die. so far, out of the 10 or so times I met her, I only came out victorious once.

(shivers) you have no idea how much i'm trembling right now...whenever I tell this dream, I start shivering uncontrollably. If anyone can tell me what these dreams mean, please tell me!

03-01-2006, 08:25 PM
1) When I was about 7 years old, I dreamt that I was walking down a series of very graffiti-filled alleys in uptown New York, in the Harlem area, ... and there was this very, very tall ripped brown couch just sitting there at the end of this hallway. Then my center of gravity slowly started to shift toward the couch, and I found myself being sucked into it. I remember passing right through the material right into the "core" of the couch, where this horribly rotten brown apple core sat, ... ... and somehow, ... I could sense that this apple core was pure evil.

Omg, you hate black people!

03-01-2006, 08:25 PM
I posted this in the other dream thread, but It might be thought of as a nightmare


03-01-2006, 09:14 PM
I had a dream where I went into a coma and then none of my friends came to visit me in the hospital. The next day I gave them shit.

I don't really have nightmares, but I do get these dreams that no matter how many time I wake up in the night I have the same dream repeating over and over again. Recently it's been Tetris pieces falling, and that's it. Over and over again. I think I've been playing tetris too much. Also, one year at christmas, I kept having dreams about foreign currency. It was weird.

03-01-2006, 09:52 PM
one I had a few weeks ago seemed like something out of Silent Hill. O_o

I was in this really weird place. Kinda looked like an alleyway with a set of fire escape stairs on the walls. But everything was covered with rotting flesh, and some of it was still moving. I tried to open some of the doors so I could get out (some of them were twitching violently and I really didn't want to touch them).

I managed to get one open, and it was a bare apartment room with no wallpaper or carpets. There were a few cages and chains (I'm pretty sure it was meant to be non-sexual >_>). I walked into a bedroom and saw one of those life-sized dolls with long, black, wet hair covering the face. It then looked up at me and started to fly towards me. So naturally, I ran.

All I can remember from that point is seeing the doll's head peeking from around a corner and then turning around and running some more.

It was one freaky dream.

03-02-2006, 03:17 AM
The scariest dream I can remember was a really short one.

I was in a room full of pillars. Suddenly, a whole group of robed people started shooting at me. I don't remember whether I had a gun with me, as I focused on taking cover behind the pillars. I moved from pillar to pillar, while they continued to fire. I ducked behind one of the last pillars and turned around.....only to find myself staring down the barrel of a rifle.

Before I got a chance to move, the guy shot me.

Point blank.

In the face.

Everything went dark. I opened my eyes and found myself lying in a hospital room. I immediately sat up and blinked. I was then back in my room, and wide awake.

I haven't had a dream like that since.

03-02-2006, 03:02 PM
I got nightmares quite often as a small kid during the time that my parents almost broke up. Sort of hard not to get nightmares when they're shouting and quarreling and you're too young to understand. Thankfully that time is over. Mainly they involved both parents turning on me and yelling their heads off, telling me it was all my fault.

03-04-2006, 06:25 AM
The only bad dream I can really remember is about 6-7 years ago, when we lived at our old house. I was near the fence next to our driveway, except there was an opening, like part of the fence was taken away for a gate. I wandered in, and there was a field instead of our neighbor's house. And there was a really big black dog in there, and it was angry and started chasing me. I forget exactly how it goes, but it chased me and then I woke up. I had variations of that dream a couple of times, but they didn't happen all that often.

I haven't had a nightmare in a pretty long time, and I'd rather keep it that way. Oddly enough, I haven't actually dreamed very often these days, either. I had one a few days ago, but that's it. And whenever I do, they're very random and weird. Mixing locations up around town, putting a car wash from one side of town suddenly in the middle of the street on another.. that kinda random crap.