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02-28-2006, 12:50 PM
Some backround infos:
This is a tie-in to my fantasy/sci-fi story that I'm currently working on (click here to see it (http://s3.invisionfree.com/infiniforums/index.php?showforum=50)). It takes place roughly 2 years from the opening of the story...

Rules: you're limited to using up to 5 characters (can be from just about anything, needs a discription along with some abilities), try to keep to the storyline, and no "instant kills" please (a few more might be added along the way)

Characters -
Dynamix - He's one of the few to have explored the dimentions; as a result of many battles, he's lost many a limb, so most of his body is cybernetic. He singlehandedly won the Second Dimentional Wars. Some of his abilitles including the general mastery of the elements, the use of swords, a full range of magiks and transending the dimentions

Newtype - He's returned to the present after having being stuck 500 years in the past. He's a Neko-cyberhumanoid (he turned part cat after a battle going ary). During the Third Dimentional Wars, his dimention was completely distroyed, leaving him without a home.
Some of his abilitles includes dual-sword mastery, control of lightning, has a copy of Bass built into him, can cast Magus-type spells, and going into a "Blood Riot" powered rage.

(I will be introducing a few other characters later on if the story progresses...)

Newtype has just used most of his energy to make the final time jump to the present.
Thinking to himself, I'm finally back, but where am I? I don't recognize this dimention. Looks like I used a bit too much energy... He promptly passed out from the exhaustion.

Back at Dynamix's home dimention; he notices that his equiptment has finally detected Newtype. Great, what did he get himself into this time... Interesting, this dimention hasn't been explored yet. It's going to make it quite a bit harder to find him now.
After completing that thought, he warped to that dimention.

02-28-2006, 01:11 PM
Vincent 'Death' Alcatai - Still quite young, this master swordsman can wield two swords to devastating effect, as well as combine his sword abilities with a rare breed of Water magic. He can also increase his reflexes to the point where he is almost untouchable against the lumbering titans of monsters he's fought in the past.

(I might also add his companion later)

"For some strange reason, I fear that this virus will spread..." Death looked down at the ground, his navy blue hair almost blending in with the night. He'd seen so many of his friends infected by the virus, he almost wanted to have it on him, just so he could join them again.

As he sat down next to his old house, he heard something rustle behind him... "What the hell...?" Leaping towards the hedge, he found himself being bound by one of those infected by the virus... Damnit, it's Kuraudo... "What do you want?!?" He was greeted by a snarl, "Oh... I see, you want to infect me... Well..." He brought his sword out and sliced through the ropes with ease, "Come and get me!"

[Outclassed, so help would be appreciated? XD]

02-28-2006, 01:20 PM
(Dynamix) Great, I've come to a world that's being plagued by some kind of virus "Activate Barrier Armor" I'll have to make this exploration quick..

After some time, Newtype began to wake up and realized that somebody just tripped over him. He notices that it's some guy with blue hair, and that he's been running for quite a while. "Dude, what's the rush?" He then got up and dusted himself off, sensing something was coming his way. "I see that you're having some problems, need some help? Oh, Newtype by the way."

02-28-2006, 02:54 PM
"Everyone just calls me Death." Death looked at Newtype, "You look just like one of them, y'know... Help would be appreciated." Death looked at his pursuer and grinned, Just like the old times. He phased out somewhat, a strange feeling overcoming him, First sign of the virus... PHASING OUT AND TINGLING!

Struggling to keep his feet, Death started stumbling around, randomly mumbling something like "No... NOT NOW!" His head started to hurt, Second sign... headaches, sore arses and sometimes nausea... "Newtype... Get to... that subway... station..." Stumbling over his feet again, Death fell down the stairs to said subway station, his whole body looking paler than before.

02-28-2006, 03:25 PM
(Newtype)"Activate Double Speed routines." Newtype then picked up Death and ran into the subway. What the heck is going on in this world...oh shi-- As he ran into the subway, he saw a SpiderDemon causing a bloody rampage. With Death over his shoulder, he managed to roll out of the way of the chaingun fire. My strength hasn't fully recovered yet, how the hell can I take this demon on?

(Dynamix) Well, I finally reached some ground, this place is a bit barren. Hmm; I've found NT, dang, he's on the other side of this planet. I guess it's time to speed run...

02-28-2006, 04:18 PM
Death saw the SpiderDemon and smirked, "Password's Sub-Zero." The SpiderDemon backed away, "Found him on the other side of the subway... thought he'd be a bit more helpful on this side." Newtype shrugged and walked past the 'guard', wondering how someone so young managed to tame such a powerful being.

Inside, Death saw what was left of his Survival force, "People, we have a problem." By this time, his whole body was starting to turn snow-white... "One of 'em got me."

03-01-2006, 01:47 PM
(Dynamix) There, I'm getting there finally. Looks like there's been some chaos here...What the-- As he avoided a fireball, Dynamix noticed that there was a horde of demons charging him. Now he was starting to get angry. "So, you've managed to infiltrate this dimention too, eh? Abyss will pay for what he's done...but first I have to take care of these minions. FIRESTORM!" A large group of demons were engulfed in the flames and were destroyed; but the stronger ones kept advancing. Looks like NT will have to wait a little while, I hope he's alright...

03-02-2006, 12:28 PM
(Scanning target... Target identified as follows:

Minak 'XIII' Sudanski: The best friend of Death, XIII is half-android, armed with a powerful sniper rifle. He doesn't talk much, running on the premise that 'actions speak louder than words'. A great ally to have in combat, especially against other gunners.

Scan complete.)

As Dynamix struggled to fight the demons, he didn't notice someone take up a sniping position behind him, but started to notice that someone was helping him when the demons started taking heavy losses from what appeared to be railgun shots.

Back with Death and Newtype, the SpiderDemon was anxious, wondering when it would next get to feed... "Hey, someone throw Guardian something to eat." Everyone looked around for the source of the voice, but a cough led them to Death's position, who was now looking much worse for the wear. "Don't just sit there, feed 'im!"

03-02-2006, 12:42 PM
(Newtype) well now...let's see if I have enough power for a spell FIRESTORM!
The following attack took out the SpiderDemon, but it completly revealed their location. With that, Newtype felt something starting to come over him. He knew exacly what it was, the Blood Riot. Might as well make this worthwhile, as he was thinking that, the inner demon took over and started destroying everything in sight.

(Dynamix) I'm getting a little sick of these demons."Whoever is behind me better clear some space, there's going to be a massive explosion very soon." With saying that, he began the movements for a Quadranic attack.
(here's how that works, in order to perform it, one needs to "draw" a 3D polygon around the target. after an incantation, energy/elemental blasts come forth from the "connecting joints" of the polygon. if there is no target, there will be a massive explosion)
They'll never know what hit them. Thinking that, he finished connecting the object and the incantation. With that, he said, "Ignite Quadranic Firestorm". A massive fire-based explosion ensued.

03-03-2006, 07:19 PM
Tracy: An android at about 25 years of age. He can control metal(his entire skeleton is, and a mesh under his skin) and use magic. Has normal guy cut silver hair w/bangs, think Trunks from DBZ. Fun fact-he was made at Area 51 on Earth to be the "ultimate soldier":P(prototype) but got rebelious. (don't ask where "Kuwawa" came from:sweat:)

The light was gone, and Tracy looked around to see he was not where he was before-with his wife and Mr. Kuwawa on the Sarcacia Navy's space hq fighting.
"Dammit Kuwawa! He ******* sent me through dimentions again! AGAIN!!!" Just then he heard a massive explosion. "What the hell!?"

03-06-2006, 03:30 PM
There was a strange outage of power in the rebels' as Death stood up, "Let them come." He drew his twin katanas, the moonlight shining on his newly-formed fur. "They shall pay for what they did to me." Leaping out of the camp, Death fought his way towards XIII and Dynamix.

When he got there, the half-android was still using his sniper rifle to help Dynamix. "Any luck yet XIII?" The dimentional signal for no(*) was given. "I see." Leaping into combat, Death felt very lucky, very swift and very powerful.

(*): Dimentional signal for no: A thumbs-down, followed by a swift smoothing of the signal-giver's hair.

03-07-2006, 01:24 PM
Newtype was realizing that he was regaining control of his mind again. "Why have you giving me control now?" Because something devastating is coming... The inner demon replied. "Then why can't I sense it?" Relax and concentrate. "wtf, it couldn't be. WHO'S THERE?!"

"I see that you're still atune as always." The mystery form replied. "And since it seems like your energy is about what it was when you fought Speed, this will be all too simple."

"The 8 Demon Overlords? But that's impossible! Unless... the Orochi was revived. You must be the 4th."
(The Demon Overlords were the cause of the Third Dimentional Wars, and in the resulting carnage, Newtype's dimention was completely distroyed before they could be defeated)

"The titles of number are ones that you gave us, we go by our own standards. Now that we are back and more powerful than ever, we'll start by destroying Dynamix and his friends. Then his dimention. Onward Elemental! HAHAHAHA"

If "Elemental" is the 5th, I've got to warn them!

"And where do you think you're going? I, the Planner, shall destroy you now!"

03-07-2006, 05:38 PM
Tracy watched from his hiding place in the distance, totally confused as to what was going on. What side to take...The cat kid might need help. Hmm... Low to the ground, he sneaked a little closer to get a better view of the situation. Wait! Don't get distracted! I need to get back to hq and make sure we're not in trouble and losing. He stopped about 20 yards away to avoid getting noticed, and to make up for the extra distance, he focused his computer eyes to where it seemed to him he was only feet away. Now, if only I could hear them as if I were feet away...Oh well.

03-08-2006, 06:48 PM
my character: Mangetsu Zataka - a mysterious swordsman of nerly unequalled skill. able to use various healing and attack magic spells in addition to powerful and destructive sword techniques. (he's from a story I'm working on called Guardian of Destiny)

Mangetsu appears and drwas his sword. He charges at the Planner and executes a series of lightning fast sword strikes. "I see. You're stronger than you look."

03-08-2006, 07:10 PM
Wow, that was sudden. Where'd he come from? Tracy slowly turned to leave, thinking the situation was now under control, but then decided against it. Just in case there's more trouble, and I don't know how to get back anyway. What's leaving going to do?

*Man, I'm posting alot and doing hardly anything with them:mad:

03-14-2006, 01:23 PM
(Dynamix) Well, I hope he got the message...
(Death) eh? who?
(Dynamix) Something nasty is coming. 0_0 It couldn't be.

(???) but it is! Come Contamination, let us distroy them!
(Contamination) Yes Elemental! Now that I've infected this planet with that virus, I will soon have an army of minions to destroy you!

(???) And what makes you think I'm going to let you do that? Flare!
(Dynamix) well, it seems that you got the message, Jo'suke

Jo'suke is another in a line of cyborgs, his resulting in an explosion, not unlike Dynamix. Since he's somewhat new to the scene, he has quite a bit to learn. He's currently training to be a master wizard in another dimention.

(Jo'suke) Well, at least I brought my wizard book with this time; but what's with the android standing over there?
(Elemental) You dare ignore us, impudent fools!


Thinking to himself, Newtype is trying to decide what to do next, now that a swordsman has entered the fray. A union is the only way... "Wait, you mean..." Yes, drain your Spiritual energy into your phisical energy. I will then fill the gap. "A Duos fusion... if it will work again... Power Recovery!" Good, now give me some time to prepare

(Planner) so, you're physicial energy has been recovered, you are now nothing!
(Newtype) I think not, activate Quadspeed mode and activate Heavy Attack Mode. I hope this works....

03-20-2006, 03:31 PM
Death's catlike face scrunched up into a near-frown at the sight of 'Contamination'. "Garnex."

(Sorry for shortarse post, but I really need some help here.)

03-25-2006, 08:38 PM
Tracy stood up, oustretched his right arm and pointed his fingers at Contamination, and shouted his spell.

"Bullet!" Immediately little balls of magic shot like bullets from his fingers and hit Contamination head on in the chest. "Ha, hit him! ...Wait, I just got involved..." He cursed himself inwardly at his clumsy mistake, but then decided it wasn't stupid because that guy looked like he needed help.

Unfortunately, everyone now knew his position and Contamination was not down.

03-27-2006, 02:56 PM
(Dynamix) looks like someone else doesn't like the demon...

Planner: looks like both of you will have to wait, I have other matters to attend to...
Newtype: Not if I can help it!

Newtype and Mangetsu chased after the Planner, only to discover a larger battle was being waged. Then Newtype noticed something he really didn't want to see: A hulking form covered in black armor. If only I had the energy to complete the spell to knock off his armor, oh well, once this ritual is completed, I can finally finish off Abyss

04-09-2006, 08:47 PM
"Crap, now what? Uh...s-someone tell me who to hit next. Please?" Afterall I jumped in on someone elses battle.

04-27-2006, 12:58 PM
Dynamix: what the...Jo'suke disappeared?! Again?! Great...
Whoever you are that just attacked that demon, I need some cover fire so I can get rid of this feind.

Elemental: Chaos Firestorm!

Dynamix: not good... this is going to be one hell of a battle...