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View Full Version : Sequel Thoughts

Darth Pikachu
02-27-2006, 11:32 PM
For anyone whose played/beat my first quest, I am currently making the second, and I thought I would ask where I could improve upon? For Example, I think the Eternal Dungeon was TOO HARD, and I doubt I will put another like it in, unless it is a bonus dungeon. Any other thoughts on what I could fix for the next one? Comments would be greatly appreciated.

03-09-2006, 12:52 PM
Your quest is very good, so that is probably why no one has posted here. I haven't got to the eternal dungeon yet, so I can't comment on that.

I didn't really like how when you got the map in a dungeon, it displayed the whole map constantly. This made it hard to keep track of where you had been, and where you hadn't. I don't know if you did this because of the mapping bug in the new version.

Darth Pikachu
03-09-2006, 02:33 PM
Nah, I just wanted you to have some extra hints to continue in a dungeon, should you get stuck.

03-09-2006, 07:35 PM
Righto, even though I haven't beaten your quest yet (stupid magic triad.... and the magic octoroks), I'll still post things that aren't really story related, reguardless if it critizism or if you already know. Here goes:
- You know those annoying boomerang puzzles in the Magical Triad? Get rid of those... unless you're going to make them a bit easier.
- Another comment on Magical Triad: Never put more than one lengthy puzzle in a row.
- Overworld... try to make it not to repetitive or something like that. Let me elaborate:
- Don't make a whole bunch of useless screens with enemies on them. Try to make paths to areas (maybe not that obvious) and make sure every screen actually has a purpose (or at least most). That screen may have a warp to another place, make a path to a heart piece or dungeon, or whatever. Just try not to make useless screens that get in the way and all that. Unless of course, it's a certain area that on purposely does that.... hehehe.

Right, that's all of the critizism on the first quest I can think of... for now. Now going to suggestions. Actually, a lot of these are probably going to be in my quest, but I won't post every one of them as I want to keep a few to myself. Ergo:
- This does go along with the overworld critizism. Anyways, how about like, one standard 16x8 overworld with several/many paths leading to other areas, probably dungeon areas.
- This is more a quick-traveling thing I suppose. Makea little cave probably near the beginning that allows instantaneous movement to areas around the overworld. Just make sure you put the limitations.

I might post more later. Just make sure you make use of at least most features in 2.11. By the way, what tileset are ya gonna use?

Darth Pikachu
03-09-2006, 10:37 PM
I plan on using DoR Tileset. It really seems to adapt to the work. Also, I planned on using 9 Overworld maps, but at this point, I alos plan on hiding A LOT of items in the overworlds and a lot more secrets. For example, I doubt anyone found this, but I did hide something else in the first one, maybe a 'bonus' for those who want to go hunting. I plan on putting a lot of bonus dungeons in the next one ( at this point, maybe one per OW, no promises). I also plan on pushing the 255 DMAP limit in 2.10, when the full version of 2.11 comes out, I will most likely upgrade it. It just depends on the timing. No pics at this point because I don't want to give anything away.:D

03-10-2006, 05:36 PM
Due to the new 'independant screen midi' released in beta 9 of 2.11, you might not have to push 255 dmaps. So, how much of an improvement should we 'waiters' expect to see in this next one in terms of looks, difficulty, and annoyances?

Darth Pikachu
03-11-2006, 12:58 AM
Looks, I would say better than the first, but I may still ask for comments with certain areas as I may ask for beta testers to comment on graphics and difficulty.

I still plan on making it tough, but I have been thinking. The problem with the first is that people didn't have a choice. I will probably make two quests, one easy one hard. These are the differences I plan on putting in to date:

Easy Version
1) Bosses 1-8 will have Heart Containers and not HCPs.
2) 50% less enemies
3) No bonus dungeons
4) One and only one ending

Hard Version
1) All bosses have HCPs and there will be a lot more places to explore.
2) Bonus dungeons, for those who feel the first quest was not a challenge...
3) Semi-Interactive Ending (you'll just have to wait to find out what I mean by this!)

As for annoyances, I thought that boomerang block puzzles were new and cool, because I didn't play any quest that did these, but I can completely understand how these are annoying. So less of these. Also, there will be two towns that change after each of the first eight dungeons are completed. So there will be a lot more hints on where you should go next. I just love the whole idea of exploration. If you played DQ8, I loved the way that the world was so freeform, I'd like to getr my overworld around that kind of calibur, but with more caves, etc to explore. I'll give you the start plot, but the entire quest will unfold as the game is played.

*******Spoilers to Quest One Below!!********

Ok, so the Master Sword shattered. Link finds the smith but needs a lot of rare metal to reforge the Master Sword. Link must explore the world to find these pieces of metal for the blacksmith. A lot of the plot will unfold, including some hints at the origin of Ganon, before the Gerudos, AFTER you find those pieces, but I'm not telling anyone about it until it's done.

03-11-2006, 01:08 AM
hmmm... Why does no one know about the [noparse]-=SPOILER=-

03-11-2006, 10:35 AM
Well, if you want, I suppose you could have Link search for the Metal Triforce... lol. Anyways... did I just read "Bonus dungeons, for those who feel the first quest was not a challenge... " I didn't even get to the eternal dungeon because the snow place was frigin' hard itself with all of those magic octoroks running around! Well, just don't make it impossible... unless one of them carries of course, the golden / purple armor (that one would be almost impossible hehehehe...).

Righto, next suggestions / critizism:
- You know how there was only 2 shops holding considering the size of the overworlds? Yeah, there should have been at least 4 in the first one. So, for this second quest, I'd add in a few more shops holding medicine. By the way, don't make total rip-off shops, unless you have a few spare shops. And the insane increase for money in info shops? Way... too much. Unless you're hiding something really really badly, try not to make the cost any higher than 100.
- Just a question... What was with that one screen in the first overworld with the blue darknuts and the 4-headed gleeok? I mean, it didn't even give anything afterwards.

Darth Pikachu
03-11-2006, 07:58 PM
LOL about the gleeok. I'll tell you. Originally, I was going to have two ways to enter Hyrule Castle, but I removed the front entrance, just not the enemies. Also, each overworld in the next has a potion shop easily accessible. Also, most to all of the info will be free, i.e. exposition via towns.