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View Full Version : I can't play my saved quest!

02-24-2006, 10:57 PM
I was just trying to test something in my quest (and I had already saved), but when I tried to open it in ZC, I got a message that said:

Error loading DarkWT.qst:
Doesn't match saved game
C:\Program Files\ZC2.10\DarkWT.qst.

DarkWT.qst is what I named the quest, but I'm going to change it to match the header. I think I saved the quest BEFORE I changed the header (more specifically, the name), which was changed 3 times. Is that the problem?

02-25-2006, 04:40 AM
Your saved game contains a name and version. If you change the name of your quest in the header, old saved games won't work anymore. There's also a min.ver. in the header - as I understand it if you change the version number of your quest you can still load old saves as long as their version number is at least min.ver.

02-25-2006, 04:59 AM
Yeah, so if you want to test something, delete the error one, and make a new one, this one should work (not your quest, your ZeldaClassic file. Then make a new one under "Register Name") and make sure the quest you want to test is under "!st.qst" unless you changed the name. Good Luck.

02-25-2006, 03:12 PM
Okay, thanks. I had a feeling that the name was the problem. It's actually no big deal, I haven't made much of the quest. But I just don't like this sort of thing because it reminds me of my Super Nintendo, which, for some reason or another, will sometimes delete ALL dat on any of my games, making me lose all my hard work.