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View Full Version : Linking screen timers

02-15-2006, 04:35 PM
Is there a way to sort of string together timed warp tics for different screens, so that when going from one screen to another, the timers do not reset? This way you can make a screen's timed warp tics = 1800 (30 seconds) and when you are on any screen in that dmap for at least 30 seconds and then cross onto that screen, then you will warp. If you set timed warp tics for any screen, you would warp after x number of tics without having to wait on a single screen.

Perhaps the easiest way to do this would be to have the screen overlay option apply to timed warps as well. So far i dont think it does as i already have checked this out myself. If you identifiy a 'next map' and a 'next screen', tiemd warp tics should apply too. This way you could have an overworld with a day/night system, or with the new multi-warps, have random weather effects, and so on.