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View Full Version : If your real life was like Zelda Classic

02-14-2006, 08:36 PM
Think of this! Wouldn't your real life be alot easier if it was like Zelda Classic i.e. the cheat menu? Like when you are so poor and you cannot afford anything and you are stranded, in deep debt or you want something very expensive that you would never afford, you would access the cheat menu and click ruppees and you are instantly rich as Bill Gates!

When you are so hurt like a car crash or you are really sick and you wanna get well, instead of having to go to the hospital and spend a great big fortune for treatment, all you would do is simply go to the cheat menu and click hearts and you are brand new again and you are in perfect shape!

You know in real life, you have one life to live and you have to make the most of your life, but in ZC, You won't have to worry about dying and be the end of your life because after you die, you start over and play again!

You would want to walk around the whole town and go into people's houses and somebody will just give you money like "IT'S A SECRET TO EVERYBODY". That would be so cool!

Oh boy! You want to watch out and be careful when you go into other people's houses because you might end up with the "PAY ME FOR THE DOOR REPAIR CHARGE" and take your money!

Here is a biggest dream that if your life was like ZC, Wouldn't that be so cool if you were able to the life editor that would be like going into zquest and edit your life! Make your own town, design your own house the way you want it to be, change any color to any objects in your life to the color you would like just like the palette system where you can edit your palettes, you can change walls in your home to any color you want it with out spending money on paint, the smell of paint and the mess it would make, having to buy plastic sheeting to put on the floor while you are painting. It's a big hassle when it comes to painting, so with the palette system, all of the problems would be solved! Just simply go into your palettes and change anything to any color you want and bingo! Your walls are colored without painting!

Now onto the tile editor, wouldn't it be cool to edit tiles in your real life like designing floor tiles to your style you want it without having to buy carpet, floor tiles and etc. All you would do is simply go your tile editor and design your floor tiles, walls and your ceiling the style you want it without the long trips to the hardware store and spend a fortune on carpet and wallpaper!

Here is a funny one, you ate at a very special dining restaurant and when you are finished with your meal, you would go to cheats and click rupees and leave a tip of all of your money you have and go to cheats and hit rupees again and you have all your cash again!

OH, Heres a great one! When you are so curious like when you are at some place and you want to see what is in a room but the door is locked, all you would do is go to cheats and click No Walls and you are able to walk through any walls in your life and explore unseen places that you will never see in your entire life! When you get locked in a room and panic, you would go to cheats and click No Walls and escape especially you are in jail and you want to escape really badly you would do the same thing!

When you are afraid of getting hurt, like you are surrounded in alot of people with guns especially when you are at a war, you would go to cheats and click clock and you are completely invincible and nobody will hurt you and you would win the war! When you are in Las Vegas and you are on top of the Stratosphere Tower, you would go to cheats and click clock and jump right off and you won't get hurt at all!

When you have a long long walk to go and it seems too long to go, you would go to cheats and click Fast Movement and walk that long path and you would arrive at your destination in NO TIME!

Give us your thoughts!:D

02-14-2006, 08:41 PM
How much time did this took to you?
Imagine, drawing your own city!!!
having unlimited money!!!, everyone giving you their money.
If you get sick, just use 'Health' and tada!
very cool thought.

Nicholas Steel
02-14-2006, 08:48 PM
When you have a long long walk to go and it seems too long to go, you would go to cheats and click Fast Movement and walk that long path and you would arrive at your destination in NO TIME!

shame its not the same as slowing time down... meaning you would arrive at your destination approx. 10 times more wornout then if you walked there normally. (fast movement get it? it means that you move faster meaning you waste energy more (it doesnt slow time down!)... its basicaly the same as running except your more then likely to die of thirst and hunger if this was done to much)

02-14-2006, 08:59 PM
If your life was like ZC, you'd be saving people from Ganon 24/7. I wouldn't like that. What's worse, you'd be more likely to lose all health that way.

Also, if you didn't save, you'd lose everything you got that day.

02-14-2006, 09:12 PM
Also, if you didn't save, you'd lose everything you got that day.
This could be used to return in time.:rolleyes:

I once dreamed about this, but the cheats failed and I had to suffer.:(

02-14-2006, 09:15 PM
This could be used to return in time.:rolleyes:

I once dreamed about this, but the cheats failed and I had to suffer.:(

Okay, that's weird. Oh well.

02-14-2006, 11:16 PM
You could even build your VERY OWN free Buffet in your house! Once all of the food have been emptied from the bar, you would go back into zquest and refill up your dishes!

Isn't it too bad that real life doesn't work that way like ZC and ZQ?

02-14-2006, 11:25 PM
If you live like that, then watch out for people who seal off all exits and say YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE! Of course, you could always use No Walls :rolleyes:

02-15-2006, 03:55 AM
If you live like that, then watch out for people who seal off all exits and say YOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE! Of course, you could always use No Walls :rolleyes:
Well what if there are no warps in the area you're sealed off in? Like you end up in a Dmap with only that screen, and no tile or side warp to take you to another Dmap? If you accidentally saved there, you'd be stuck there forever! :p

Oh, and that whole thing about changing your walls and floors will actually be a possibility, in the future. Heck, clothes, furniture, anything like that could even have the same concept in them. How? Electronics. There's some kind of plastic wall some company is working on (or has already made, maybe) that has lots of screens inside of them, underneath the plastic layer that can change colors and patterns. You can easily change your room to fit your mood. The same idea could be applied to clothing, if it used a lot of tiny LCDs. That's actually the idea behind cloaking that the military is working on, as well (something like, thousands of tiny LCDs with thousands of tiny cameras between them which are linked to the screens on the opposite side of them, to make the wearer look virtually invisible from any angle). I read about this and a lot of other interesting things in some recent issue of Time magazine (I believe it was the one which featured the Revolution as one of those five amazing things ;)).

02-15-2006, 04:46 AM
WOW! Interesting! I cannot wait to see that possibility in the future!