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02-11-2006, 03:45 PM
Many people want undercombos that are different for other tiles, like bush and flowers and stuff. Yes, there is a way to do that, but why not Layer Negetive One?

Layer -1 will be like layer 0 but unless layer zero's tile that overlaps it is switched to combo 0, layer -1's tile won't take effect(which will still give use to the under combo, but everything under it will be different)

02-11-2006, 04:36 PM
I've wanted this for a very long time.

02-11-2006, 04:43 PM
This could be good for making undercombos.

02-11-2006, 05:39 PM
I don't see why this wouldn't be possible. It would be a good way of getting rid of undercombos for good (although I hope the option would stay, for the sake of older quests).

02-11-2006, 06:23 PM
Yeah, this would be awesome for different undercombos. Yeah I don't think they should get rid of the undercombos, because if you just have one undercombo you can just put it as the undercombo.

But yeah, layer -1 sounds good and the real undercombo would work like -2. So that if there is a blank place on layer -1 it would use undercombo that you put instead.

02-12-2006, 10:25 AM
Actually, I was planning on making an option for one of the layers to be drawn under layer 0. I'm sure the undercombo thing would work nicely as a side effect.

02-12-2006, 10:11 PM
Really it would be nice to have 2 under layers:

layer -1: If specified on a screen, draws under layer 0 through its transparent parts. The combo types and blockings on this layer would have no affect on Link. This would be very useful for areas with see-thru floors, like elevated mesh walkways.

layer U: The undercombo layer. If specified on a screen, any undercombos on the screen would be taken from this (if not, the usual undercombo would apply like normal). In addition, secret flags would not overwrite undercombos - so you could do things like have a field of slashable grass and bushes that has a temple that erupts from it when you blow the whistle.

02-12-2006, 10:42 PM
That option only allows 2 undercombo layers. Why not have the number of undercombo layers be set to "x" with x being a variable to be specified by the player. This way we could use as many undertiles as we want.

02-12-2006, 11:24 PM
Anarchy, how many different ways can you think of that would require more than two under-layers?

I'm a bit confused as to how layer -1 would work. there would still have to be an undercombo, albeit a clear one, for layer -1 to show up, right? or would ZQuest just stop drawing tiles on the combo that was slashed?

also, wouldn't this increase the number of maps people would need to use? I mean, for Hyrule Fantasy, that would require 24 new maps to be used as undercombo maps (if I decided to actually use the feature), which I'm currently using for cutscenes (yes, I'm using all 255 maps available currently). even with quests that used one or two layers per map, that would increase the file size a bit, wouldn't it?

02-12-2006, 11:56 PM
It seems to me that it would work like this:

If there is a blank tile that shows up on the first layer usually the undercombo would be right there (like when you slash something, or move a block). However, if you put in a layer -1, if there are any tiles that you place on it, that would override the undercombo, just like layer 3 overrides layer 2 for example.

And I don't see the map thing to be an issue. You don't have to use it, however, this would just be so you can use different undercombos on screens that use secret combos. Because I hate that when I use secret combos in the overworld, however, the grass needs 5 different undercombos. However, you can't put them as secret combos because then the secret(like burning a tree for example) would set it off. And if you are using all of the screens in all of the 255 maps then, I suggest you don't use this layer -1 thing because you wouldn't have the space to do it anyways. However, you aren't really using every screen on every map are you. O_o

02-13-2006, 12:05 AM
However, you aren't really using every screen on every map are you. O_o
about 90% of all the screens on a map. I know there are a few screens this would be handy on, because I'd like to have grass as well as bushes, but I think that what was suggested in the Inherent Combo Flags thread is better: each combo having it's own undercombo, like the Next feature

now, I'm not saying this is a bad idea, I'm just disputing weather using the -1 layer as a multiple-undercombo solution is

02-13-2006, 01:41 AM
I'm not sure how the game would read it. If layers -2 and under are not normally used by the game at all, then it should be harmless. They may have to configure the source code though.