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View Full Version : Question about save files and archiving.

02-08-2006, 10:01 PM
Hello, I'm relatively new to ZC. I have my ZC folder set up, and inside the folder, I have additional folders for all the separate quests I have downloaded. I have no problem starting a custom quest. My problem is that after I save a custom quest and exit the program, when I restart the program and go to start up one of my saved quests, I get an error message saying "error: file not found"
This only happens after I exit the program. There is one game that is not in a separte folder ... one of the Metroid quests, and it is the only custom quest that I have no problem saving and continuing with.

I thought about getting rid of the separate folders for custom quests within the ZC folder, but that wouldn't work because most of the sfx. files share the same name and they would overwrite eachother.

Can anyone tell me what I should do, and if I am right in thinking that the separate folders may be the reason I can't continue saved files?

02-08-2006, 10:12 PM
Try this: Go into ZC. Press the A Button (Alt key for me) and see what the name of the quest it's looking for is. If it's the same as the quest you last saved on using that file, then I have no idea what to do. However, if it's NOT the same name as the quest, go into the folder with the quest and move the quest into the ZC folder. You do not have to move the entire contents of the folder.

Hope that helps. If it doesn't, you could always try re-installing ZC.:shrug:

02-08-2006, 10:25 PM
Or to make it a lot easier, hit ESC. Go to Misc/Quest Dir... and find the folder the quest you want to reload is in. Click OK. Now try and reload the quest, and it should work.

Unfortunately, ZC doesn't remember doing this, so you have to re-do it each time you re-open ZC.

02-08-2006, 10:26 PM
Ok ... I checked it out ... the file it is looking for is the file saved in one of the archive folders.

For example:
Mario's Insane Rampage
When I start the custom quest, I choose the MIR folder (where I saved it within ZC) and then I choose the MIRfullqst file and the game starts.
After I exit, and try the file and recieve the error message saying it can't locate the MIRfullqst file.

Are you saying that for a game that has a separate sfx. file, I could copy and paste the qst.file in the ZC folder, but leave the sfx.file in the separate quest folder? Will the game still play that quest's sfx file?

I'll go try it out and see what happens.

Also, and this may be related, when I want to restart a game, like the Dr. Wily's Revenge game, I have to go through the intro each time. Is there a way to go around that? Or is it just because of the problem I'm having?

02-08-2006, 10:42 PM
No, the .qst file and the .sfx file have to be in the same directory. Like I said, just load it from Misc. / Quest Dir... Choose the folder the quest you want to load is in (like Mario's Insane Rampage. Open the 'Mario's Insane Rampage folder), and hit 'OK'. Then you should be able to reload the quest (MIRFull.qst), no cutting and pasting needed.

And just sit through the intros. Those show up sometimes even after you've started the file. Just skip through them.

02-08-2006, 10:49 PM
How do you skip through the intros?

I'll check out the "Misc. / Quest dir" thingy ...

I didn't see your earlier message ... I just reinstalled ZC for the heck of it anyway.

02-09-2006, 02:12 AM
Just wait until they finish.
And Zelda Classic always forgets the folder in which you have the quests, fortunately this have been fixed in the current beta. :)

Dark Nation
02-09-2006, 08:55 AM
Try this fix:

Open Zelda Classic (the game engine).
Change your quest directory.
Exit Zelda Classic.
Open ag.cfg in notepad.

Look for the lines that start with "qst_dir=" and either "win_qst_dir=" or "dos_qst_dir=".

Change the part after the equals sign in the "win_qst_dir=" line (or "dos_qst_dir=" if you see that instead) to match the part after the equals sign in the "qst_dir=" line.

So, if you have this:

then change it to this:


That should fix your problem permanently. However, if you need to change your quest directory, you will need to follow these instructions again.

02-09-2006, 09:06 AM
Also, and this may be related, when I want to restart a game, like the Dr. Wily's Revenge game, I have to go through the intro each time. Is there a way to go around that? Or is it just because of the problem I'm having?

If a quest has an intro and you're starting a new game then yes, you have to watch the intro every time you start a new game with that quest file. But if you have saved the quest and then continue, you shouldn't see the intro, at least not in MMDWR.