View Full Version : a stupid question i know

02-08-2006, 08:11 PM
i just got the sword but i dont know how to attack ive been pressing every key on the keyboard including a and b but link still wont swing his sword?????????/ plz help

02-08-2006, 08:17 PM
Hold up! Just press the escape key (esc) and a menu will appear (not to mention the game will pause as long as the menu is up). Move the cursor to the middle option, and choose the Button Config. action or something like that. It probably has the word Control on it... In this menu, you can see/choose which keys are which buttons. Find the one that is set for the A Button.

Oh, and you might want to check the one for B, too, so you know what key to press when you get a B Button item.

02-08-2006, 08:33 PM
Zeldafreek, the A and B buttons are set to Right Ctrl and Right Alt by default. have you tried those?

02-13-2006, 04:54 PM
It's OK. Everybody asks dumb questions once in a while!

02-13-2006, 06:56 PM
Well, no question is ever dumb, it just matters when and where you ask it.

Did you get it to work Zeldafreek?

02-13-2006, 10:39 PM
I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to somehow require ZC buttons to be configured before the game can be used. Might lessen confusion somewhat for situations like this. A good habit to get into is to always configure your controls before starting any game (assuming it's an option, some stuff doesn't allow it). Granted, I like to use a gamepad wherever possible, so I have no choice in the matter :p.