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View Full Version : Stuck on Link's Retirement, Zelda's Quest for Link, And End Of Time

02-07-2006, 12:56 AM
End Of Time Question:

How Do I get past This Room in Level 2:

Link's Retirement Question:

Where Do I find The hookshot and how do I get there from the cave that leads to the perpetual forest from the beach?

Zelda's Quest for Link Question:

Where do I find a key for this room in level 1:


02-07-2006, 09:11 AM
Link's Retirement: The hookshot is in lv 3. South west corner of perpetual forest.

Zelda's Quest: Cannot see picture. Blocked by work firewall. Please describe.

02-07-2006, 03:00 PM
the room that I mentioned in Zelda's Quest For Link:
(pardon the ascii map)
position that I am stuck at marked by [X]
| [_]
| [_][_]
| [_][_]
| [_]

When you first enter the room, it is dark and It has a bunch of either keese or ropes (I forget which is what), there is no door on the right side, the door on the top side leads to the room that leads to the big key room and the dungeon item room. It is the key that opens the door at the bottom of the room indicated on the map that I am missing.

Additional question about link's retirement:

I have only beaten the shed and the dungeon that you access to get the candle (I think!)... and my current saved position is in the perpetual forest one screen above where you have to pay the old lady for advice on how to get through the tree maze... I need to know how to access level three. Here's what i've learned so far using the info you have gave me: the entrance to level three appears to be inaccessible due to the ladder being one tile short of being able to climb the hill and the cave that I accessed with the advice gained from the old lady requires the hookshot for me to be able to get through it...

thanks for the advice and If I figure it out myself (by some miricale <sp?>) I will try to let you know in this thread ASAP...

02-07-2006, 03:13 PM
Ok. This may sound piculiar. But you need the bow and arrows for both.

02-07-2006, 05:25 PM
Your advice worked on ZQ4L.... I have yet to be able to try it out on Link's retirement though, seeing as though I may have to do a considerable amount of backtracking to find both bow and arrows...

Found the arrows but not the bow... any hint on where the bow might reside?

02-07-2006, 11:07 PM
I'll answer the End of Time question (considering it's my quest ;) ). There is indeed a pushable block in that room. It will open the door; however, the block will cover up the door's entrance, so you have to go in the staircase it reveals. (That pretty much gives away which block to push ;) ).

02-08-2006, 09:01 AM
The bow is in lv 2.

02-08-2006, 05:05 PM
Okay then, it appears that I have overlooked something: I need to know the location of level 2, I have only one lead: and that is a room in the passageway leading to the beach (from the vicinity of the point where level 1 is accessed) you have to bomb a wall to gain access to a room that leads to this room. This room has a bunch of sentry spikes (those little square stabbing blocks) and has this circular object that is being blocked off by a bunch of rocks...

Definitely one of my "lol :newbie:" moments

02-08-2006, 05:21 PM
Lv2 is an island off the beach. That stairs in that room is not accessable until you get the bow. Go back out to the beach. If you buy the raft, you should be on the correct beach.

02-08-2006, 05:43 PM
I have got the raft... the problem is finding the location exact location of Level 2 on the beach...

02-08-2006, 05:56 PM
There is a hole that gets bombed. It's on the screen 1 west of the shop with the shield outside.

02-08-2006, 06:21 PM
Found it... thanks for all the help so far....

02-09-2006, 12:09 PM

I am currently stuck trying to find Level 3: I have taken the raft over to the graveyard area and have located the following: a bomb shop that also sells some weird green teleport crystal, the magical boomerang, a shop that sells the blue ring for 200 rupees, and an oversised gravestone that could possibly be what i'm looking for If I knew what I needed to deal with it...

NEW PROBLEM ON Zelda's Quest for Link:

I am having trouble finding level two... I have reached a small mountain village that leads to a waterfall cave which leads to a watery area where I suspect that level two may reside, I burnt a shrub in this vicinity to find a guy that gave me what appears to be the lens of truth (the item looks like a pair of eyeglasses IMHO) but could very well be something else due to the fact that I noticed no changes to the area, My question here is this: what Items do I need in order to access level two, and where might they reside? (I will be making an edit to verify the identity of the Item that I acquired from the guy behind the bush as soon as I check on something using another quest to determine what Items show up where on the item inventory screen...)

02-09-2006, 12:12 PM
The glasses take the place of the amulet.

As for level 2. Use your candle.

02-09-2006, 12:13 PM
For End of Time, you need to buy a superbomb and use the superbomb on the giant grave.

02-09-2006, 04:01 PM
what does the amulet do?

02-09-2006, 04:06 PM
Let's you see invisible enemies.

02-09-2006, 10:35 PM
Thanks, Bender. :)

Yep, the big grave is the entrance to Level 3. That green orb is Farore's Wind, which brings you back to the beginning of the dungeon/overworld (no different than "F6 -> Continue"). However, the red orb (Din's Fire, an attack item) and the blue orb (Nayru's Love, a defensive item) are much more useful and handy.

02-10-2006, 06:46 PM
Another EOT Question:

How do I get rid of the type of boulders shown in the below picture:


also, If I need a specific item to get rid of those boulders, where might it be located

I already have the bombs, 2 super bombs, the hookshot, the bow and arrows, the candle, and any item that came from dungeons 1-3 (unless I missed something...)

02-11-2006, 05:59 PM

In Zelda's Quest for Link, which tree do I need to burn in order to find the raft?


Nevermind, I looked in the other topic...
Still need help on End of Time (see previous post w/pic)

02-12-2006, 07:37 PM
Well, to move them, you need the 2nd Power Bracelet, which is found in the NE of Hyrule. From the start of the overworld, head left, up, right, then up with the hookshot. That gives you a direction to go. You're looking for a small lake, with a mini-dungeon, to get the Power Bracelet. :)

01-20-2007, 02:31 PM
In Zelda's quest, where is the raft found. I've been searching everything... burning, pushing, bombing? Please help ~ thanks

01-20-2007, 06:49 PM
Never mind, I found previous post to this and found the silly raft... silly hidden tree... I was wondering what that extra key was for :-)

04-27-2013, 10:39 AM
Umm I need major help in Zelda's Quest for Link. I beat Level 1 but now I am just wandering aimlessly in the overworld trying to find a way to get to level 2. I have all the items from Level 1 but cant find my way to level 2 and I found a hookshot path but I lack that item atm. Please any help will be awesome.

12-15-2013, 12:00 PM
i'm stuck in Link's Retirement. so far i've beaten the first 4 dungeonss, got the lens, the mushroom, the power bracelet, the bow and arrows, the ocarina the first boomerang,the hammer and the flippers. i saw the red boomerang in the woods but i can't get to it. there is a wooden fence in the way. i tried burning it with the blue candle like i did with the piece of heart, but it didn't burn. the same thing happened in the forrest village hall with the block i'm suposed to burn. is it a bug or do i need the red candle. also, how do i get the ladder? (steper) because it seems like i need that to get any further.