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View Full Version : It's distorting the grabbed images!!!

Otto Halmen
02-05-2006, 09:04 AM
I was creating animated doors and gates for a Pure Tileset quest. I took a screenshot from the editor with the dungeon door tile and the correct color, then I imported it into GIMP (a GNU Image Manipulation Program) for editing. But when grabbing the edited version "back" to ZQuest, the colors are distorted. I have saved the edited image as a bmp, with 16 indexed colors and no color reduction or dithering happened to the image. The colors were exactly the same as in ZQuest, but ZQuest still reduces and thus distorts them. Why can't it just take the exact colours; they are exactly the same in the image and in the Cset.

Do you know how I can fix this problem? Please help!

02-05-2006, 10:04 AM
Maybe when you saved the GIMP the colors reverted to 256 colors, but you can make this.

1.- In 2.11 open your quest, select Grab and select your image.
2.- Press "R".
3.- Grab them and take a snapshot of them.
4.- DON'T save it, open 2.10 (or the version you're using) and import them into the quest (grab).