View Full Version : Internet badasses

02-02-2006, 08:31 AM
You know someones a internet badass when:

1) All of their arguments lead to a wiki link...

2) They point out someones spelling and grammar when they damn well understood the transition of ideas heince only doing it to be a bitch...

3) Has their little click of people that dont even know them but swear they "love each other"

4) they register at AGN (haha)

5) Is under 18 and in a Moderator/Admin spot (they get power fits >_<)

6) Everyone else is wrong because they say so.

7) If its not their opinion its not worth being listened to, and the person presenting it is a idiot at all costs...

8) they take out their lack of good pussy on other people

9) They are 14 years old and claim to of been through college and are currently in the work place for microsoft... (or some crazy shit)

10) every post is a flame

^_^ there are my 10 signs of a internet bad ass... alot of them apply to people on this website but I dident write this for that, itss just in General...

(whatch here they come!)

02-02-2006, 09:56 AM
I must concur with points 1, 2, 3, and 5, but in one of those "Neutral Good" pussy ways. The other points just tend to follow with the individual imbued with the skills necessary to make it on the internet. Some people use them for good, while others use them for bad. (Bad, hence the other points in the list I didn't concur with.)

02-02-2006, 09:58 AM
2) They point out someones spelling and grammar when they damn well understood the transition of ideas heince only doing it to be a bitch...


3) Has their little click of people that dont even know them but swear they "love each other"

clique* don't*

7) If its not their opinion its not worth being listened to, and the person presenting it is a idiot at all costs...

an idiot*

8) they take out their lack of good pussy on other people

Speak for yourself.

^_^ there are my 10 signs of a internet bad ass... alot of them apply to people on this website but I dident write this for that, itss just in General...

(whatch here they come!)

didn't* watch*

I couldn't resist.

02-02-2006, 12:36 PM
^_^ haha moo your good, I asked for that o_O

02-02-2006, 12:42 PM
How on Earth are you able to take yourself seriously?

02-02-2006, 12:45 PM
by not being you...

02-02-2006, 01:07 PM
... ... What the fuck? http://www.purezc.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/icon_blink.gif

Seriously, what's with this topic? What exactly are you hoping to achieve, pryme8? :odd: May I ask, if you don't mind, what Your Post (http://www.armageddongames.net/showpost.php?p=1055701&postcount=6) did in relation to the topic? Did it attempt to accuse Saffith of being uncomfortably elite or something? I don't quite follow your point...

02-02-2006, 01:08 PM
no its not pointed tword anyone on this site, its just a generlised statment that ive noticed for a while... Im not calling anyone on here one, but there are some (^_^) Im not trying to stir up anything, i was just board and felt like posting somthing!


plus i pmed him saying dont take that offencively it was a joke... cause im realy trying not to make people mad anymore, its pointless...

02-02-2006, 01:12 PM
"Anymore?" :p ... ... Eh, nevermind. Silly to ask, really. (Anything to spur activity ... ... ... )

Frankly, I'm just happy AGN has everything in order. It's not chaotic like so many other internet boards. AGN really has their act together, and really, I couldn't be happier.

Plus, GD has been kinda slow as of late. I remember spending whole afternoons just hitting F5 to see who I could reply to next, ... ... fun times. I want to try to see if I can bring those times back, if I can think of enough topics to discuss.

02-02-2006, 01:15 PM
yha one thing i like about AGN is the Owners and Moderators actualy know what they are doing!

plus besides some members thinking they are the end all be all, there are people like you that keep this site so awsome ^_^

02-02-2006, 01:22 PM
yha one thing i like about AGN is the Owners and Moderators actualy know what they are doing!1) While I'm sure some people will seriously think this is a series of elaborate suck-ups, ... I ask, ... "Where do I have to go? Can I be promoted for some reason? No. Can I get banned for being friendly and/or being active without spamming? lol, I sure as hell hope not." With that in mind...

2) Well, AGN's got just about six years under its belt. It also has some very mature and intellectually inclined members. Somewhere in that mix is a great combination for skill and diligence in decisionmaking. (Plus, SB and Eckels know how to install hacks and code stuff, so...)

plus besides some members thinking they are the end all be all, there are people like you that keep this site so awsome ^_^Um, thanks. :) You too, ... ... The thing about forums is, without members and activity, it's nothing. If people aren't posting, or lack the motivation to post, ... what happens to the forum? It'll die. If a forum drives off its own members, well, that's an incredibly poor decision on the forum's behalf.

02-02-2006, 01:27 PM
yha i understand this consept, but every time i try to motivate a thread that could actualy amount in something productive, Instead of helping the topic alot of people become detrimental to it, by flaiming and others thinking that person is right because they called me an idiot 1000 times...

the funny thing is if it was in person and me and them had a intelegent argument i would put them to shame, beacuse they wouldent have time to go to google and formulate BS to make it sound like they know what they are talking about. Plus they would end up getting mad and use profanity or instantly go for insults on someones charicter because they have nothing to realy back up...

02-02-2006, 01:38 PM
Pryme8 - one of the true model friends and intellects around. Thanks for the eye-openers. I'll do my best to identify my "badass pussiness" and change to fit your idea of a great acid-tripping deep-shit wondering internet poster.

Honestly guys, this is golden advice. You can't get this shit on Wikipedia.

02-02-2006, 01:42 PM
haha toolie, that was the first funny thing ive ever seen you post!

o_O personaly i have no problem with you i just dont like how you attack me any chance you get and construe what I am trying to conumicate

your a prolly a very cool person, we just havent gotten off to the right foot o_O

02-02-2006, 01:51 PM
You know someones a internet badass when:
1) All of their arguments lead to a wiki link...

Toolie linked Wikipedia so you could become not an idiot about the subject. He's fully capable of explaining why you're wrong.

5) Is under 18 and in a Moderator/Admin spot (they get power fits >_<)

Most of the mods/admins were under 18 at one point while here, like me for example. I don't think anyone has ever accused me of having power fits.

6) Everyone else is wrong because they say so.

You're wrong.

7) If its not their opinion its not worth being listened to, and the person presenting it is a idiot at all costs...

Yeah, we like to ignore dumb opinions. This is called science.

8) they take out their lack of good pussy on other people

I don't know who you are talking about.

02-02-2006, 01:52 PM
This is an interesting thread in the least, but it seems a bit... random for me.

02-02-2006, 01:54 PM
yha and the world being flat was science too Rainman, and you see what that amounted too, plus to be fair science is always contradicting itself... just because more people belive one thing over anouther does not make the more popular 100% correct...

and if they are fully capible of explaining why im wrong they why dont they do it? why is it always "Your wrong cause your a idiot" thats not proving anything and if you think that is then... wow, just wow...

02-02-2006, 01:57 PM
11) their post contains ih8u, c u l8r, and so on
12) their post contains one word, or one smiley
13) their argument is "I've got more posts/been here longer/got higher reputation than you, so it's my word that counts"
14) they make a thread in gb because they were banned/someone neg repped them/breaker kicked them from chat
15) they take the internet seriously

That's my two cents. All in all a very interesting discussion, but

5) Is under 18 and in a Moderator/Admin spot (they get power fits >_<)

yha one thing i like about AGN is the Owners and Moderators actualy know what they are doing!

At least they know what they're doing when they get a power fit ...

02-02-2006, 02:04 PM
haha, i said they dident apply to everyone and it wasent writien with AGN in mind...

but fuck yha yours go on the list also!! ^_^

02-02-2006, 02:04 PM
12) their post contains one word, or one smiley

what about blank posting?

02-02-2006, 02:07 PM
o_O i dont know if thats as much internet badassness as internet douchbagisum

02-02-2006, 03:29 PM
by not being you...

That was such a clever comment. So clever in fact, that I had a flash back of the 3rd grade.

^_^ haha moo your good, I asked for that o_O

your a prolly a very cool person, we just havent gotten off to the right foot o_O

and if they are fully capible of explaining why im wrong they why dont they do it? why is it always "Your wrong cause your a idiot" thats not proving anything and if you think that is then... wow, just wow...


02-02-2006, 04:06 PM
o_O im too lazy,

Is Correct Spelling Important?

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I aulaclty cluod uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid -- aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are pelacd, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers be in the rghit pclaes. The rset can be a taotl mses and you sitll can raed it wouthit a porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas thohugt slpeling was imtorpant. Just geos to sohw…

02-02-2006, 04:19 PM
yha and the world being flat was science too Rainman, and you see what that amounted too, plus to be fair science is always contradicting itself... just because more people belive one thing over anouther does not make the more popular 100% correct...

and if they are fully capible of explaining why im wrong they why dont they do it? why is it always "Your wrong cause your a idiot" thats not proving anything and if you think that is then... wow, just wow...
The scientific method was hardly well formed when people thought the world was flat. It was an opinion of the time and was found dumb through a great amount of evidence. There are still people who continue to think the world is flat and they'll throw around a lot of bullshit evidence to try and prove it. We know it's a dumb idea now because it was refuted by the sheer amount of evidence collected. Science never contradicts itself. If something is determined to be more credible then that's the accepted scientific fact until something else is found more credible. That's how science works today. This has been going on for a really long time it's pretty apparent that we're going in the right direction. It'd be pretty monumental if a huge widely accepted scientific fact were overturned today. Some of the smaller details are still up for debate, however.

As for the debate on the internet, none of us are really expert enough to talk scientifically about a topic of science. We don't have the means to test out our hypothesis so a large part of debate is citing evidence from experts and debating which ones we should listen too. Usually our best bet is to look at what most of the experts community thinks. Sometimes a fringe scientist might offer an alternative hypothesis that can't be immediately refuted. In this case, the scientist only has to test his theory with an experiment and present it too the scientific community. At that point, many other scientist debate the credibility of the experiment and try to reproduce the results over and over again. As for us, we are mainly at the mercy of what the experts want to and can explain to us. We can, however, determine which facts are largely up for debate and which are widely accepted.

Toolie probably can interpret what claims are credible better than most of us since he's more knowledgeable in the field. He even may have direct knowledge, but that is a result of months of hard college work and to expect him to explain theories completely and in a way you can understand is kind of a lot to expect. I could explain circuit theory to you, but you're going to have to accept I know what I'm talking about unless you want me to explain the algebra, calculus, and physics needed to learn it. At some point you're going to just have to accept someone knows what they are talking about unless you're going to become an expert in that field. :shrug:

02-02-2006, 04:47 PM
that is a very well put statment Rainman, but if in the process of explaining somthing every other word is about how stupid someone is then it starts to lean twords discreditation (i think i just made that word up o_O) because why should they have to point out the person is a idiot if they are able to make their point strong enouph to show the person is realy one...

02-02-2006, 04:52 PM
o_O im too lazy,

I think that's probably your biggest problem, in typing, organization of ideas, and dare I say the thought process itself.

Do us all a favor, carefully read over that next post you make. You're probably not going to change your mind on whether or not to post your next sub-intellectual excretion, but the least you can do is actually type the words correctly and with proper punctuation.

I know that communicating your ideas is all thats important in writing, but your typing prospers from being less irritating when it is done in a clear and in a regular format. Just know that I personally tend to tune out halfway through somebody's paragraph replies when I come across bad spelling and punctuation. They may be others who do the same.

02-02-2006, 05:53 PM
I think that's probably your biggest problem, in typing, organization of ideas, and dare I say the thought process itself.

Do us all a favor, carefully read over that next post you make. You're probably not going to change your mind on whether or not to post your next sub-intellectual excretion, but the least you can do is actually type the words correctly and with proper punctuation.

I know that communicating your ideas is all thats important in writing, but your typing prospers from being less irritating when it is done in a clear and in a regular format. Just know that I personally tend to tune out halfway through somebody's paragraph replies when I come across bad spelling and punctuation. They may be others who do the same.

"Do us all a favor, carefully read over that next post you make." the

"ideas is all thats important" that's or that is

"You're probably not going to change your mind on whether or not to post your next sub-intellectual excretion, but the least you can do is actually type the words correctly and with proper punctuation." you're; you shouldent have the "but" instead you should of ended the sentance and started the next with, The least...

" I come across bad spelling and punctuation" and/or

"They may be others who do the same." There

I did this just to point out the fact if you realy wana be a dick about things its possible no matter what, all of you make grammar and typo mistakes too.. so please dont be so rash to say I am the only one, i put up with alot of unitelegent babble and so should yall...

I happen to have very good english and grammar and held over a 95% in all of my AP English classes, so just because I dont feel like writting a perfuct essay every time i wana post on here does not make me a dumb ass...

02-02-2006, 06:51 PM
If you have to "put in effort" to communicate thought in the English language somewhat comprehensibly, then maybe - just maybe - you're not as proficient or capable as you think you are. Or interesting.

I could read pages of thought from people like Daarkseid and Rainman, because not only are their posts legible and pleasing grammatically, but they're interesting and reasonable. These are two fields which you should know by now that you are very much lacking in.

To fit in with your description of me as a person who calls a "disagree-er" an idiot at every chance, I will now call you an idiot.


02-02-2006, 08:19 PM
your the definition of a internet badass toolie, you act smart and all touph over the computer screen, but in real life you would bitch out... dont talk to me unless you have something usefull to say...

02-02-2006, 08:45 PM
Actually I'm a IRL badass. I ride a motorcycle, chew tobacco, and smack bitches. Watch who you're fucking with.

02-02-2006, 11:13 PM
i stab people like you... lol jk ^_^

02-03-2006, 12:32 AM
lol jk ^_^

Okay okay, Pryme8, ha ha! We need to take it easy, our playful internet joking around might be
getting out of hand.... You don't want anyone here to think we seriously don't like each other, do you? We should really take a break, pal. It might be getting old on everyone :(

plz snd me message when u get back thanks buddy =-)

02-03-2006, 12:39 AM
This is seriously the most ridiculous thread I've ever seen.

02-03-2006, 01:00 AM
You know someones a internet badass when:

2) They point out someones spelling and grammar when they damn well understood the transition of ideas heince only doing it to be a bitch...

4) they register at AGN (haha)

6) Everyone else is wrong because they say so.

7) If its not their opinion its not worth being listened to, and the person presenting it is a idiot at all costs...

8) they take out their lack of good pussy on other people

10) every post is a flame

you know your spelling sucks, right? I mean, come on, you can't even use ' properly. back when I registered, I was what, 14? 13? I could spell "hence" without even thinking about it. I mean, God, I know rocks that can spell better than you. maybe you should get your empty head out of your ass and pay a little better attention to what you're typing!

*please note that all flaming and rude remarks in this post were simply to prove that I am an internet badass, and was, in no way, meant to offend anyone, or start a flame war. DON'T HURT ME PLEASE!!! I'LL BE GOOD!!! thank you

02-03-2006, 07:56 AM
FUck you B o_O IM goma castrate joo casue im a an alpha and Omgea typoe shit punk111!

^_^ haha, my typeing when I chat or talk on forums there is no thinking over what I am putting down; its all off the brain and never looked at agian...


02-03-2006, 12:49 PM
Most people who graduate the 4th grade don't have to put any effort into spelling. For intelligent (non retarded?) people spelling words like 'perfuct', 'touph', or 'unitelegent' does not take much forethought.

Also, every time you say "I could dominate you in a debate IRL" I giggle a little because I know my dad could beat up your dad and I have a 5th degree black belt so I could kick your ass :rolleyes:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Pryme8 again.

02-03-2006, 03:31 PM
FUck you B o_O IM goma castrate joo casue im a an alpha and Omgea typoe shit punk111!
aww. that's mean. how about, you add a sign that somone is an internet badass if they have a stereotypical badass-like anime character for their avatar? that way, I can be an internet badass without trying to think up witty things to say to insult people

02-03-2006, 03:31 PM
hahah yall crack me up...

02-03-2006, 03:54 PM
Pryme, I'm sorry, but no one here is afraid of you, and no one is impressed by your thread. You've done nothing more than make yourself look like a complete idiot. You brag about abusing drugs and alcohol, things that most of the people here do not do and are not impressed by, and yet you still come here thinking you're some "internet bad ass".

Also, you can't judge someone's offline life because of how they act online (unless they tell you all about their offline life, such as bragging about tripping on acid, omg u r so kewl). Telling someone they're a pussy because they insulted you on the internet is just plain retarded. For example, Toolie is an awesome person, online and offline. You're just having problems excepting such a concept because you are the complete opposite.

02-03-2006, 07:52 PM
jk is just kicking. this is a no punching zone.


02-03-2006, 08:06 PM
Maybe Pryme is just trying to play a game:

How many posts does it take to make a reputation red.

02-03-2006, 08:09 PM
8) they take out their lack of good pussy on other people
What about those of us who aren't particularly interested in pussy?

02-03-2006, 08:13 PM
this internet thuggery must cease and desist

02-04-2006, 11:33 AM
this internet thuggery must cease and desist
who are you?

Anyways, I take back what I said earlier, this is one of the more funnier threads I've seen in a while.

02-04-2006, 06:03 PM
haha at least Cyborg is getting the point of this ^_^

02-06-2006, 10:40 PM