View Full Version : Is this a bit much?

01-28-2006, 05:08 PM
I recently had the idea to make a room in my quest that "scrolled" up, making you have to go up a lot of ladders to reach the door at the top of the room before the lava at the bottom of the room gets you. I planned to use combo cycling to make it, but would this be a bit much? I only decided on combo cycling since there's no option to make a room that actually scrolls the closer you get to a wall, like in A Link to the Past. Well, as far as I know...

01-28-2006, 05:51 PM
I think it could be a bit easier using timed direct warps that send you to a room filled with more lava.

01-28-2006, 05:58 PM
I could do that, but it'd mess with my idea. See, in my idea, the door isn't on-screen at first. As the combos cycle, you'll gradually be able to see the door. The only problem is lining up the character with the walkable tiles. Maybe I can make this work a lot better when the Roc's Cape comes out, since they might add a new combo that makes you fall south when you touch it....

01-29-2006, 06:59 AM
If you didn't mind using a TON of screens, you could use a combination of timed warps and tile warps to achieve this effect. Have each tile of the ladder activate a tile warp which "scrolls" the screen up by one row of tiles, and have the timed warps increase where the level of the lava is behind you. If you wait too long, the lava could always be 1 row closer to Link than if you had hurried up and gone up the ladder right away. You see what I'm saying? If not, I can explain in a bit more detail.

01-29-2006, 05:41 PM
I understand, but I plan to have many areas to my quest, with 2 Overworlds (basically) Map 1 is the main overworld. Map 4 is the rest of the areas (Levels 1-9 Overworlds). I plan on making the areas really big, so I can't use TONS of screens.

01-29-2006, 07:08 PM
If C-dawg can make a bunch of custom bosses for Dreams of Yesterday and still create a bunch of huge overworlds and massive dungeons with multiple screens per flashy effect. I'm sure you can do this. :P

01-29-2006, 10:19 PM
Yeah, like DFW said, you could still have a massive over/underworld and make this trick work using a bunch of screens. After all, there are 255 maps at your disposal. ;)