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View Full Version : From russia with love 007

01-26-2006, 07:50 PM
My favorite 007 game is From russia with love 007 for gamecube.I tell you this game is kinda hard in my opinion.

01-26-2006, 10:08 PM
... ... Boy. You really don't stop, do you, bringer? :p Like I keep saying over at the other forum, you really need to start putting some thought into your threads. All you have here is the name of a game, and a single opinion of difficulty.

Perhaps you would like to expand on your topic by introducing the layout of the weapons, or why it's difficult? Maybe recommend a particular feature of the game, such as plot, action, theme, etc.

01-27-2006, 08:21 AM
The serum gun is a weapom that confuses foes.
Sonic cufflinks like the surum gun this weapon le0ts out loud noise that stop enemys for a few seconds.
the bazooka is a good weapon to have but it requires bond focus.
reason why this game is difficultis because in some levels bond has to save this guy from getting shot in Gpsy camp and Sniper alleyoctopus base is kind of a hard level. Briefcase turrent is weapom inside of a briefcase jusy lay it down and it will shoot. Laser watch is a weapom good for blowing things up throuhgh a window.
I hope i have explained enough. BH4

Sorry if i spelled some words wrong.

01-27-2006, 04:08 PM
fuck spelling, try working on some grammar..

as far as 007 goes, the last game i played of that is Goldeneye for N64

01-27-2006, 05:32 PM
*Nods to geru*

Laser watch is a weapom good for blowing things up throuhgh a window.Is this one of the "default" weapons you get eventually, or is it like one of those "One time only, in one specific mission" weapons? ... In other words, once you get this weapon, is it yours forever?

01-27-2006, 06:26 PM
Yes it is BH4 the laser watch is a weapon James bond can keep forever in the game.