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View Full Version : Why all the PMs?????

01-16-2006, 03:14 PM
Could someone explain to me the point of the PM? I thought the point of going to the forum discussion is to find answers and it is sooooooo frustrating to read page after page of Q & A only to find someone with the same problem who's asked for a PM. If I didn't want the answer to the problem I wouldn't go looking for it. I also realize that a person could ask their own question.... but then you can end up getting chastized for not reading through a thread because the answer is there. I guess I just wonder why the secrecy......

Comments anyone?

01-16-2006, 03:28 PM
Well, if it is important and you dont want anyone to find out, like a cheat, or a password, then you dont want 1500 people saying, "Yes! The password!"

01-16-2006, 06:08 PM
I usually only give a Hint in PM if it's a big one in a new guest or if the questmaker wants it that way.
But I agree why a Quest help forum if all questions end up in a PM

01-16-2006, 06:15 PM
Uh... yeah. PMs. :sweat:

At one point I got tons of PMs asking "Where's level one?", "is character X in the game?", "can you give me cheats to your quest???" and so on.

PMs asking help are understandable when someone is much further than the rest of players. That's a good way to avoid spoilers. But when people ask privately general stuff about the quest, the same stuff that can be found from the quest's own thread, it gets annoying really fast!