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01-15-2006, 06:56 PM
Well I got this 4 days ago and am working on the fifth game in the series. Here are my thoughts on each: (Note: I've only played MMX1-3 before buying this collection)

MMX1: Classic and perfect. It seems to be a bit harder than I remember it being, but its still easy and quite fun. The best in the series imo.

MMX2: Also classic and perfectly emulated. The only thing that got screwed was the sound effects, everything seems 'muffled' or low.

MMX3: This one is a bit weird. Its the PSX version which included Cinema cutscenes throughout the game. Totally new sound effects and music for many of the stages. A bit different from the SNES version, but not enough so that you can't feel nostalgic.

MMX4: My first 'new' MMX game that I've played. At first I wasn't too keen on it, since I've been weaned on MMX1-3. But I took a liking to it quite fast, despite the simplistic level designs. There is significantly less stuff to find in the 8 boss stages, but that keeps the focus on the straight and narrow for the entire game. Having the option to play either X or Zero (or hard mode as I like to call it) is a nice touch. I beat Sigma with X but having a hell of a time with Zero, still trying though! Is it me or are the Maverick bosses in X4 harder than any of the others thus far?

MMX5: This is where I can clearly see the series take a sharp downfall. The whole time element, boss leveling up, get parts at lower hours to countdown from bosses, heart tanks only applying to the character who picks it up, making parts for your armors. It was all so confusing and felt.....weird. That and the levels were quite brutal and cheap with TONS of instant death spike traps or 1-hit kills. Also not liking the end where you fight all the bosses all over again with their life meters tripled, effectively drawing out the final level to a slow crawl. Furthermore, it seems the difficulty is unbalanced, where the levels would be more dangerous than their bosses! That and there is simply too much crap that is possible to obtain in this game that you will no doubt miss a lot of stuff the first time around. I will admit however, I thouroughly enjoyed fighting the rock monster and Rangda Bangda in their new forms. Still can't beat the final form of Sigma yet though.

MMX6: I've barely tried it, but this Nightmare system is quite....awful. Sometimes it doesn't effect things too much, but other times, it is damn annoying. Furthermore, it's like there are spikes wherever I go! Haven't got too far, but not really liking it thus far.

RUSH and BASS Racing: Haven't tried it yet, but I'm sure it'll be better than the last two games mentioned.

Overall, 4 our of six games ain't bad. Its still worth the money. what are your thoughts?

01-15-2006, 10:39 PM
My friend picked up the game, and I got to play MMX1 a little today. The first was the only one in the series I played, and I always thought it was pretty good. I love how you can get armor upgrades throughout the game (which of course was not in the original Mega Man games).

The menus are ugly, but having real menus as opposed to having to walk around to play each game in the collection (like in the MM Anniversary Collection) is nice. I'm not sure how it is in the other games, but I like that you get 3 save slots for MMX1.

01-15-2006, 11:11 PM
Having never played a single MM or MMX game, is it worth it to buy this collection? I mean, I'm not really concerned about extras, but is it better to buy this or just... "find other means"... to play the games?

01-15-2006, 11:42 PM
its nice to have them all in one place to play and the emulation is not bad either.

01-16-2006, 12:09 AM
what system(s) is the game for?

01-16-2006, 12:40 AM
I've heard that several changes which were completely ready (i.e., a redone script for X6 with the new voice actors, an option for the SNES version of X3) were scrapped for some reason, which bother me a lot.

I've played X1-4 before, 1-3 on the SNES and 4 on the PC. I've also played the PC version of 1.

1: I'm amazed by how easy it was for me to beat this again. Must be the practice I got on X3.

2: This was the SNES game I'd played the least, but it seems pretty good. A few audio problems, but other than that...

3: ARGHBLE. Why did they use the PSX soundtrack? A few of the songs were improvements (The new boss theme and Blast Hornet's theme in particular), but most of them were average to painful. Thank god they didn't use the PSX version of the credits (There's a nice new song instead, about on par with the original X3 credits).
And what's up with the cutscenes? The ones which aren't wildly inaccurate don't show anything useful. All of them are horribly drawn. And the credits cutscene is basically a low-quality version of gameplay footage (WTF?)!

4: About what I remembered, but for some reason there seem to be differences in boss reactions... I don't remember Dragoon being launched upward when hit with his weakness, and I was pretty sure Spider fell to the ground when hit with his weakness...

5: Nowhere near as bad as I'd heard it was. Music was awesome (The credits theme sounds very familiar... I think it was reused in one of the MMZ games?). Bosses and stages were interesting enough. The only things I really didn't like were the select menu(s) (too plain and static), and it was way too short. Oh, and Spiral Pegasus/Skivver doesn't actually seem to take damage from his 'weakness.'

6: Haven't played it yet. I'm going to go through the two other story routes in X5 first (I've already seen X's good ending).

I've also seen some A.I. glitches in the entire series. The third Sigma Fort boss in X1 paused for about ten seconds after using his giant electric ball shot, and I don't remember the bosses in 2 and 3 being so stupid...

Battle & Chase: Can't compare it to the original, but it seems decent enough so far. I've only played two tracks, though.

01-16-2006, 02:58 AM
I've yet to pick this up, as it'd more or less just be a nice thing to have. Unlike the original Mega Man, I have a ready to play full set of Mega Man X games at the ready.

I was curious about the Mega Man X3 and what version they'd use. I thought the PSX version was pretty good personally. The japanese version ofcourse, not the English/European one. The SNES version has the classic music however. It would have been nice to include options for either.

DFW, I agree with the "new" X games. Mega Man X4 in my opinion kicks ass. But X5, um what? Then X6 is like, didn't you learn from the last time that this is going horribly wrong? X7 was aright in my opinion but it was certainly not classic mega man game. I don't recall X8 specifically. It kinda blended with X7 in the so-so category with me. I prefer the first four most.

01-16-2006, 03:09 AM
Well, the more I play MMX5, I'm started to respect it. Doesn't mean I like it better than the first four, but now I'm willing to tolerate it. It seems that there is some strategy after all into getting the 'parts' you need for your armor. The part idea is an excellent idea, just poorly implemented. You should be able to find the parts in the levels, rather than randomly winning them from defeating a boss at level 8 or higher.
As for the Skiver (Or Wing Pegasus!) Dark Hold merely holds him in position for a set amount of time. You still have to do the damage yourself with your X Buster or Z-Sabre. In other words, he has no real weakness.

01-16-2006, 04:08 PM
Well ya, they aren't horrible games X5 and X6. But they aren't quite on the level I view the other MMX games on. But just as a game by itself it's still pretty good. But you tend to expect more from Mega Man these days.

01-16-2006, 05:54 PM
after i read what was dropped, i got a little mad, because they are re-releasing the X series (well, probably X1-X3) on psp as cute little remakes, why?

but, having most of the X games on 1 disc is rather nice, for someone who only ever played X1 and X3...

well worth 30 bucks.

01-16-2006, 07:03 PM
I've been waiting for this release for awhile now. I've always loved the Mega Man X series and now I finally have a chance to play X4-X6 which I've never played. I'm definately picking up the collection when I go shopping this weekend.

01-16-2006, 08:13 PM
well I've played enough of MMX6 to make a statement. It is probably the worst of the bunch. The level designs are either too short or too aggravating to continue on. Ground Scaravich's level comes to mind. I hate those totem poles and the damn worlds you warp to. Blaze Heatnix's level has got those awful rolly-polly machines that take up the entire screen and must fight multiple times. That's supposed to be challenging? That's overkill. And the nightmare system doesn't help either. The levels kill you more times than the bosses, and speaking of which, not a single boss has killed me yet and I'm still using my X-Buster. Go figure. Furthermore, they couldn't find secret hiding places to put armor capsules or heart pieces? Its like they just plopped them in the middle of your path for lack of space.

01-17-2006, 04:03 AM
DFW, I agree with the "new" X games. Mega Man X4 in my opinion kicks ass. But X5, um what? Then X6 is like, didn't you learn from the last time that this is going horribly wrong? X7 was aright in my opinion but it was certainly not classic mega man game. I don't recall X8 specifically. It kinda blended with X7 in the so-so category with me. I prefer the first four most.
Mega man X7 is...alright? I've never been so frustrated with a Mega Man game in my life. Of the many, many Mega Man games I own and have played, X7 is most certainly one of the very worst, way down there with other piles of crap like the MMPC games and Rockman & Forte for Wonderswan. The X series is one which I don't think survived the transition to 3D well at all (play control was a big problem with X7, in my opinion, and most of it just didn't seem...fun. The only sections I enjoyed were the final battle and the 3D sections where the camera is behind the player and you move around freely, but even this wasn't as well done as it should have been), and while I've not yet played Mega Man X8 (I've had too many other games to play lately), I'm not expecting much after playing through the incredibly disappointing X7. Being the huge MM fan I am, I find it really sad to see what's happened to the X series recently.

Regarding the collection, I don't think I'll get it, since I own all of the X games in that collection. The thing that's most appealing to me is Battle & Chase, since I only own the Japanese MMB&C. Had the changes been made to the games that had been promised, I might have gone out and gotten the game, but since they pulled those changes before release (apparently this was Inafune's doing), I think I'll pass on it. :(

01-17-2006, 09:33 PM
I like MMX5's remake of Quickman's stage, but otherwise, yeah, sucks. It's funny because one of the bad endings of that game is a direct tie-in to Mega Man Legends. In fact, it's one of the endings where Zero dies yet again (does he die in every game?). Translation is crap though. I think Capcom still has the same team as the Bionic Commando days or something ("What, we have little boy here?").

I didn't bother with another MMX game after that one. I would like to try X4 sometime but I don't know if I care enough to buy this collection.

One bad thing about the X series though is that it sort of engulfed the original, superior series. Once the X games started churning out they stopped making the originals (slowly at first and then all together). I'd like to see a damn Mega Man 9 one of these days. You'd have thought Capcom would have made one for Mega Man's Anniversary or something but we got these collections instead (quite a bit after the anniversary).

What ever happened to the GBA collection though? The one with all the GB Mega Mans that were re-colored? Did that ever come out?

01-17-2006, 11:49 PM
to my knowledge, no. I'm still waiting for the GBA collection myself, since I never played any of them.

01-22-2006, 12:41 AM
What ever happened to the GBA collection though? The one with all the GB Mega Mans that were re-colored? Did that ever come out?

I think I've heard that they lost the source code, so they're making the game from scratch.

What's ashame is that for the X collection there were suppose to be retranslations, remixed music, and redubbings for some of the games that got pulled at the last minute because Inafune plans to remake X1-X6 for the PSP.

Mega Man X4 was awesome, I recommend it. It was one of the first PSone games I played when I got a PS2.

I'll get the collection sometime, but I plan to get every Mega Man and Mega Man X game on cartridge and disc eventually because its not the same. I've played Mega Man 2 the most, and the Anniversary collection isn't quite the same as on the NES because of the cropping on the sides, lack of slowdown, sound effects are slightly weird, and the music has way too much bass coming out of the PS2.

01-22-2006, 01:02 AM
I know what you mean Mak. Nothing quite matches the original. You can get pretty close with different ports and emulation but it seems to me it's never quite there to get the original experience. Sometimes the original experience costs quite alot too.

Dart Zaidyer
01-22-2006, 01:20 AM
I've rented this, and so far I'd say it's pretty good. Worth it just for X1 and X2 alone. I own X1 and have played it to death, so I was a little surprised to see that he gets to say "Damn!" in the intro stage. (And I've also noticed how D-Rex practically waits for you to kill him after firing the electric ball, which never happened before. Ever.)
Sharp-eyed players will also discover that there is no more SNES slowdown, which makes the minecarts in Armored Armadillo's stage and the Maverick deaths in X2 go at full speed, which feels weird, yet right somehow. The sound is also sampled, so it doesn't echo or get interrupted quite like it did on the SNES. Try firing a tornado at Vile's mech in X1 for an obnoxious example.
As for X3, I think the use of the Playstation version is more of an improvement. Doesn't anyone remember how awful most of the music was in the SNES original?

01-22-2006, 01:46 AM
I think I've heard that they lost the source code, so they're making the game from scratch.
They're making it from scratch? Well, I no longer expect it to be very accurate. -_- I don't get why they wouldn't use the game ROMs, anyway; they should be talented enough to make that work without too much trouble, and it'd likely be much more accurate than anything they'd be making from scratch.

01-22-2006, 02:17 AM
The reason ROMs and emulation aren't used is because of the weakest link, PS2. It is not really powerful enough to accurately and fastly emulate the SNES. The GameCube and Xbox certainly are. Now Mega Man X and Mega Man X2 were likely not from scratch. Both had PC ports, which means they likely existed in C coding. Anyways, nothing beats the original.

01-22-2006, 07:53 AM
The quoted section which I replied to was about the GB Mega Man collection, previously called Mega Man Mania. ;) As far as SNES emulation on PS2 is concerned, though, are you sure it's not powerful enough? Seems like it would have been a huge hassle to port it over when they could just emulate, and I would think they'd be emulating it, anyway. *shrugs*

01-22-2006, 01:16 PM
oh well, it would have been nice to have a GBA collection of mega man games. Oh, does anyone know of a mega man game creator? I've got several ideas and custom boss sprites running around on my home computer. And I've played enough MM games to know what it is fun and what isn't. For example, I got Acid Ant (the design looks a lot cooler than he sounds), Gamma Giraffe, Lunar Lemur, etc. So I got a few animal bosses still left.

01-22-2006, 02:41 PM
The quoted section which I replied to was about the GB Mega Man collection, previously called Mega Man Mania. ;) As far as SNES emulation on PS2 is concerned, though, are you sure it's not powerful enough? Seems like it would have been a huge hassle to port it over when they could just emulate, and I would think they'd be emulating it, anyway. *shrugs*

Well to emulate SNES fully and properly, no it's not powerful enough. With some tricks/hacky game specific emulation it is. Mega Man 7 on MM Anniversary used hacky SNES emulation. infact I think he sound chip was emulated via pre converted samples and such. For a single game that approach works well if you don't settle for a shitty job.

I think either emulation (the improper kind) or a all together port of MMX 1 and 2 were likely done. The GC and Xbox could have handled your traditional emulators though. If you are curious to find out what they did, browse the PS2 DVD-ROM on your PC. See if you find loose data files for MMX1 and MMX2 like there are probably for mmx3 and beyond. If they have few and small files esspecially something like 2mb rounded files, they are probably ROMs. MM Anniversary had ROM files for MM7 and both arcade games.

Chrono Trigger for PSX also interestingly enough had a ROM file on the disc. Perhaps it was used for some data, but we know it wasn't used for complete emulation like traditional emulators (SNES9X, ZSNES).

01-23-2006, 10:38 AM
As for X3, I think the use of the Playstation version is more of an improvement. Doesn't anyone remember how awful most of the music was in the SNES original?
No, not at all. I like the original soundtrack a lot. Some of the new tracks are good and a couple are an improvement, but most suck. It's not that I don't like the style of music, it's that no effort was put into decently remixing almost any of the songs. Several of them don't fit at all.

Anyway, I've played X6 now, and I see why people don't like it. With one exception (Metal Shark Player), the first 8 stages of the game aren't terrible. Some cruel level designs, but I've seen much worse. And they're longer than the short X5 stages, which is good. Spikes don't really matter too much, since there's no penalty at all for dying too often. The real problem comes with the fortress stages and bosses. I'm 99% certain that X has no way of beating High Max in the second Gate stage. I know how to damage him, but you do patheticly low damage no matter what weapon you use, and he spends most of his time protected by those stupid energy blocks.
And Gate's battle? Where's the freakin' floor? And why does he shout 'Muppet!' before flying at you?

01-23-2006, 11:12 AM
I'm 99% sure Zero can't beat High Max! I've destroyed High Max several times with X. Its easier with Blade Armor though, which helps you dash over High Max as he zooms in at you. As for Gate, I believe they tried to make him absurdly hard, thus no floor and the inability to damage him by anything other than his own attacks.

01-23-2006, 07:32 PM
of the games on X Collection, X4 and the racing game are the only ones I've never played before. used to own X5. X6 was kinda hard, but still fun to play in my opinion.

01-24-2006, 03:23 AM
I got the collection on PS2. So far I played through MMX1. I noticed it entirely lacks the Hadoken sound sample. Other than that, there were minor differences in some sound effects mainly their sampling. That and no slowdowns. It's a very nice port. Haven't tried MMX2 but I expect the same sort of deal as X1. I already own X3 (psx) as well as X4,X5,X6. I imagine none of those are really different at all just like Mega Man 8 was the exact same as the PSX release.

01-24-2006, 11:56 AM
I'm 99% sure Zero can't beat High Max! I've destroyed High Max several times with X. Its easier with Blade Armor though, which helps you dash over High Max as he zooms in at you. As for Gate, I believe they tried to make him absurdly hard, thus no floor and the inability to damage him by anything other than his own attacks.

Get under Max when he flys down, and wait for him to stop flashing. When he does, use the Flame Saber attack from Blaze Phoenix right away to paralyze him, then make a short hop and press down and the special attack button for the spinning blade attack you get from Rain Turtle. He'll fall down, then fly up. Repeat ad nauseum.
How do you hit High Max as X? Should you try to break his white energy blocks, or is there a weapon that can hit him through the blocks and deal damage?

Yeah, why did they take out the Hadoken sound effect? That was really funny.

01-24-2006, 04:54 PM
They probably didn't take it out, they probably forgot to add the sound sample. All of the sound effects were resampled and the music was likely directly recorded and converted to a PS standard XA stream or somethign similar. Since the Hadoken is something perhaps many people never get, they probably forgot about its sound or something. There are time contraints and such. I do suspect that the game code IS emulated though. And after examining the disc, indeed, the Mega Man X rom is on there. So it is clearly emulating the game logic. The graphics and sound emulation though are done through non-traditional means likely for the massive speed up by doing it that way. Mega Man X2 is likely teh exact same case.

So ya, they're emulated. But X3-X6 are all PSX native and probably ported with no problems. X1 though didn't have any issues other than the one suond effect missing.

01-25-2006, 12:37 AM
well, you can destroy High Max's shields. But I prefer not to, its more of a time-waster than being useful. Simply use the Blade Armor to dash over him as he swoops back and forth. Once he sends his shield out, get in close and power-charge an X-buster shot on him to stun him. Then use the Yammar Option to actually damage him. Repeat.

01-25-2006, 06:37 PM
I got the game Monday and so far I've only played a little bit of MMX4, but I plan to play it a lot over the next week. I hope I can beat it and then go and get all the secrets found. I'm liking the updated graphics, sorta. I'm so used to the bigger MegaMan X that takes up more of the screen, so I'm a bit confused. I'll probably get used to the updated look of X4-X6 eventually though. I've been waiting for this for awhile now too.

01-25-2006, 09:33 PM
I've still not been able to pick up my copy yet, but will either this weekend or next. I'm pretty excited for this, considering I've not played an X game past 4.

01-25-2006, 10:56 PM
i got it a few weeks ago and i just finished x1 and im now workin on x2, i already owned x4-6

01-26-2006, 12:36 AM
For those who were asking about X8: X8 is a lot more like the earlier MMX games than 6 or 7. There are 3 hunters this time, and each time you go to a level you get to take 2 of them. So depending on which 2 you pick, how you'll be able to get past the obstacles varies. In the end, what really pissed me off about this game was the level design. There are some perfectly good, perfectly fun levels. But there are others that are just cheap and annoying. One has you continuously warped to rooms where you have to avoid obstacles or kill enemies or whatever else they decide to make you do in that room. But the 2 that really annoyed me were the vehicle levels. One has you in a bike traveling through an icy area, the other in a jet flying through a city. Both are annoying and have poor play control and are totally unrelated to the rest of the game in any way. Why they are in the game at all I do not know. I never had enough interest to get past those stages, so I never got too far in the game.

01-26-2006, 01:35 AM
Ah yes I remember that picking 2 of 3 hunters. But I can't remember if I ever finished it either. If I played it again I'd know but I'm not inclined to do so.

01-26-2006, 08:37 AM
I own megaman X 1 and have beaten it.

Coder GT
01-26-2006, 12:22 PM
I beat X, X3, & X4 on computer. I beat X4 on PS1. About to beat X4 on PS2. So now what, I'm going in order of the game. 2 save files for X2 & X3. Hmm, wonder if it's possible to do the cheat codes from the PS1 version of X4, the ultimate armor for X & black zero. The code for X didn't work.

And now I'm stuck on Sigma 2 on X3.

01-26-2006, 12:39 PM
All the codes for X4-X6 are in, they just have different inputs.

Kaiser Sigma is actually one of Sigma's easier forms once you figure him out. He follows a very set, specific pattern and he NEVER deviates from it. He flies up and left, then pauses and fires about 4 homing missiles you can destroy by shooting, then flies up and right, pauses, and fires a laser beam of rapid death at your current location. The whole time, he shoots bouncing mines around.

Keep an eye on the mines. If I remember right, they fly directly to a wall first, then bounce off slowly in your current direction.
Whenever he flies up, dash under him.
When he lands on the right side of the room, sit on the floor and dodge the mines until he is about to fire, then climb up the wall and shoot fully charged shots at his head (and the mines if needed).
When he lands on the left, don't fire your charged shot at him. Wait for the missiles to get past his head, then fire either a double shot or crossover shot (whichever you need) and destroy the missiles and hit Sigma's head if you can. You don't need to do any damage when he's on the left since you can still hit him while he's on the right, so just focus on not getting hit yourself.
Just don't panic and learn to dodge those attacks. He can't do anything else.

If you're losing a lot of life in the first part of the battle with Sigma, try spending the entire battle on the walls. Air-dash (the gold chip or double air dash chip really help) to the wall above his head, and wait for him to fire his shots. Then hit him with a fully charged shot when he jumps over. Wait for him to land (sometimes he'll hover in air and shoot around), then dash over him again. You can also try firing a crossover shot while you're still above him and hope the lower blasts hit the back of his head, but that does less damage.
He'll start throwing his shield eventually, but it won't be able to hit you until he's down to about 1/4 life, and at that point you can just take the damage and finish him off anyway.

Dart Zaidyer
01-29-2006, 05:45 AM
Has anyone noticed the ending text of X1 was inexplicably Engrishized? The SNES version said "Those who sacrificed themselves for the victory will never return", but the collection version drops the word "who" for no apparent reason, making it "Those sacrificed themselves for the victory will never return".

I wonder if that's a result of changing the intro stage text so X can say "Damn!" when beaten by Vile?

01-29-2006, 06:53 PM
Sigma also says, "Why you done this to us, X?" when he dies.

01-30-2006, 02:35 PM
Haha. I didn't even notice that stuff to be different. I thought the original SNES text wasn't right either but if you compared that's interesting that they had it screwwed up. Did you check both the version 1.0 and 1.1 of the SNES to see if their text differ? Maybe the engrish was in the older version and they emulated that one.

01-31-2006, 12:30 AM
I've always felt X6 was an exercise in frustration. Always fun was one move that was bound to I believe it was up+jump. Said move resulted in a sharp downward nosedive. What was Capcom smoking with that one? The Nightmare system isn't too bad (and the stages aren't random, there are set modifications), but some of the modifications that occur are really annoying.

It is possible to destroy High Max with Zero, I think I've done it once or twice.

Of the first 6 X games, X5 is the only one I've not played yet. Not sure if I'm willing to drop the cash needed to buy this right now, due to money issues.

Dark Knight
01-31-2006, 02:28 AM
I beat X, X3, & X4 on computer. I beat X4 on PS1. About to beat X4 on PS2. So now what, I'm going in order of the game. 2 save files for X2 & X3. Hmm, wonder if it's possible to do the cheat codes from the PS1 version of X4, the ultimate armor for X & black zero. The code for X didn't work.

And now I'm stuck on Sigma 2 on X3.

The codes for X4, 5 and 6 work perfectly fine.

Anyways, anyone else notice that the AI for some of the bosses seems to be messed up? For instance, Slash Beast in X4. He'll sometimes just stand there and growl at you. He'll growl like 5 or 6 times in a row while you're plinking away at his health, then proceed with his normal pattern.

01-31-2006, 03:53 AM
The Nightmare system isn't too bad (and the stages aren't random, there are set modifications), but some of the modifications that occur are really annoying.

metal dragonflies, anyone?

Said move resulted in a sharp downward nosedive. What was Capcom smoking with that one?
i've died a shitload because of the up+atk move...on the areas where you gotta cling to the poles or whatever they are, and there's an enemy above you? yeah... fuck that...

01-31-2006, 04:23 AM
The codes for X4, 5 and 6 work perfectly fine.

Anyways, anyone else notice that the AI for some of the bosses seems to be messed up? For instance, Slash Beast in X4. He'll sometimes just stand there and growl at you. He'll growl like 5 or 6 times in a row while you're plinking away at his health, then proceed with his normal pattern.

That happened to me too! I certainly thought something was wrong with that. Who knows why. Some kind of glitch I'd bet. In neither the PC, PSX, or Sega Saturn versions of MMX4 did Slash Beast ever do that to me. Only the PS2 Collection. I haven't tried the GC or Xbox collections.

Dark Knight
01-31-2006, 04:24 AM
i've died a shitload because of the up+atk move...on the areas where you gotta cling to the poles or whatever they are, and there's an enemy above you? yeah... fuck that...

Heh, I died countless times that way as well but I learned to make sure I wasn't pressing Up when attacking. Hasn't happened since.

Coder GT
01-31-2006, 08:51 AM
The codes for X4, 5 and 6 work perfectly fine.

Anyways, anyone else notice that the AI for some of the bosses seems to be messed up? For instance, Slash Beast in X4. He'll sometimes just stand there and growl at you. He'll growl like 5 or 6 times in a row while you're plinking away at his health, then proceed with his normal pattern.

Well, they didn't for me, when I tried the Ultimate Armor for X. If this was an emulation version of the game or something like the Gamecube version, then I don't see how it would work. But if it was a straight copy from the PS1 version then it should work. I have to try to Black Zero code.

Anyway I took that one guy's advice earlier and some of the guys' advice from GameFAQs to beat X3, and it worked. I guess I made the battle too hard because I was aiming too low at Kaiser Sigma.

01-31-2006, 12:30 PM
Well, I'd also thought I'd start something for each X game and see if anyone else would respond in kind:

Mega Man X1:
Favorite Level - Storm Eagle - Its just an awesome level, the music rocks too.
Worst Level - Boomer Kuwanger - Very bad in design and just cheap in areas.
Favorite Maverick - Storm Eagle - Very cool boss on top of a rising ship.
Worst Maverick - Flame Mammoth - He's big, clunky, and not that hard.
Favorite Weapon - Chameleon Sting - Invisibility rocks!

Mega Man X2:
Favorite Level - Wheel Gator - Interesting concept and nicely executed.
Worst Level - Bubble Crab - Submarine, short stage, need I say more?
Favorite Maverick - Overdrive Osterich - He was just plain cool, background jump!
Worst Maverick - Crystal Snail - Kinda cheap in that if you didn't have weakness, he was bleedin' tough!
Favorite Weapon - Twin Burner - Because you get an extra dash out of it!

Mega Man X3:
Favorite Level - Toxic Seahorse - Don't know, this was just fun.
Worst Level - Volt Catfish - Seems like a chore every time I attempt this level.
Favorite Maverick - Neon Tiger - Just because tigers are cool and he wasn't that bad of a boss.
Worst Maverick - Crush Crawfish - Was kinda dull and mainly rushed you.
Favorite Weapon - Triad Thunder - Because it has so many uses!

Mega Man X4:
Favorite Level - Magma Dragoon - It was just a fun level.
Worst Level - Jet Stingray - Hate...speedster...levels...
Favorite Maverick - Magma Dragoon - Awesome maverick, awesome battle. (don't use his weakness for a real fight!)
Worst Maverick - Jet Stingray - Cheap and annoying.
Favorite Weapon - Lightning Web - It was kinda cool, could reach new heights with this sucker!

Mega Man X5:
Favorite Level - Crescent Grizzly - Destroying trucks was fun.
Worst Level - Volt Kraken - Speester portion and locking mechanisms, bleh.
Favorite Maverick - Burn Dinorex - He was just a fun one to fight.
Worst Maverick - Tidal Makkoeen - This is supposed to be a boss?
Favorite Weapon - Dark Hold - Has so many uses and works on anything.

Mega Man X6:
Favorite Level - Infinity Mijinion - Fun fighting that huge robot!
Worst Level - Ground Scaravich - Randomness and totem poles, ick.
Favorite Maverick - Rainy Turtloid - He was just so fun to battle.
Worst Maverick - Infinity Mijinion - So cheap, so dirty, so wrong.
Favorite Weapon - Meteor Rain - Does any enemy have a defense against this?!

Dark Knight
02-01-2006, 07:19 AM
Meh, I have nothing else to do.

Mega Man X1:
Favorite Level - Storm Eagle - The music rocks and the level is quite fun.
Worst Level - Boomer Kuwanger - Bleh. Half the time I found myself having no choice but to get hit to progress or defeat an enemy.
Favorite Maverick - Boomer Kuwanger - Random Teleportation makes for an interesting fight.
Worst Maverick - Flame Mammoth - A large target...easy even without his weakness.
Favorite Weapon - Chameleon Sting - 3- way shot and invisibility? Yes please.

Mega Man X2:
Favorite Level - Wire Sponge - The weather effects were fun to mess with.
Worst Level - Magna Centipede - Ugh, those "spotlights" got annoying
Favorite Maverick - Overdrive Osterich - an easy fight, but his moves were cool
Worst Maverick - Magna Centipede - I hate his special move. If you don't use morph moth's weapon against him, he's very cheap
Favorite Weapon - Twin Burner - Because you get an extra dash out of it! <---no need to change this. Everyone loves an extra dash.

Mega Man X3:
Favorite Level - Toxic Seahorse - Nothing like getting the W chip before having Blizzard Buffalo's weapon by way of water walking.
Worst Level - Sigma Levels, all of them - Cheap, cheap cheap.
Favorite Maverick - Kaiser Sigma - No real reason, he was just fun to fight
Worst Maverick - Crush Crawfish - Was kinda dull and mainly rushed you. <--- again, no need to change this.
Favorite Weapon - None - I hate them all.

Mega Man X4:
Favorite Level - Slash Beast - Destroying a train is just too much fun.
Worst Level - Jet Stingray - Part of my soul dies when I play this level.
Favorite Maverick - Magma Dragoon - At least one of the mavericks is fighting for selfish pride instead of some greater goal. A fun fight too if you're using Zero.
Worst Maverick - Slash Beast - He's fun to fight in the PSX version but...pathetic in the Collection version. His AI seems to be busted.
Favorite Weapon - Rising Fire - A pseudo-Shoryuken when charged. Does insane amounts of damage if used against "Death" Sigma(his first form. He looks like Death. ;p)

Mega Man X5:
Favorite Level - Crescent Grizzly - Destroying trucks was fun. <---agreed
Worst Level - Final Sigma Level I believe- I hate those damn lasers.
Favorite Maverick - Burn Dinorex - He was just a fun one to fight. <---agreed
Worst Maverick - Tidal Makkoeen - This is supposed to be a boss? <---agreed
Favorite Weapon - Dark Hold - A sub-weapon that both X and Zero has that stops EVERYTHING. Even those god damn insta-kill lasers in one of the sigma stages.

Mega Man X6:
Favorite Level - Infinity Mijinion(X) - Bringing down a huge robot is fun and the track for this level is nice.
Worst Level - Infinity Mijinion(Zero) - Oh god...this level can suck horribly, especialy if you took the blue teleporter after destroying the robot, if you obtained Ground Scaravich's weapon
Favorite Maverick - Blaze Heatnix - A fun fight and he says something that I can understand(sounds like he says, "I command flame!" when causing lava to rise)
Worst Maverick - Infinity Mijinion - A push-over as Zero. Just stand there using the Z-buster, occasionaly using the saber to deal with the bubbles.
Favorite Weapon - Zero's weapon obtained from Blaze(can't remember the name at the moment) - It's fun to use and can be incorporated into your combo as the third attack.
WORST WEAPON - Ground Scaravich's weapon(Zero) - Whoever thought Up+Attack in mid-air was a good idea was under the influance of multiple narcotics. Ugh, I suffered many cheap deaths at the hands of this weapon.

02-16-2006, 04:33 AM
Well, they didn't for me, when I tried the Ultimate Armor for X. If this was an emulation version of the game or something like the Gamecube version, then I don't see how it would work. But if it was a straight copy from the PS1 version then it should work. I have to try to Black Zero code.

The Black Zero code worked fine for me in X4 (haven't tried the Ultimate Armor code yet). Take note the Ultimate Armor doesn't come immediately on X (unlike in X5 and X6). If you did the code right, he'll be blue and purple. You'll need to get any enhancement to get the armor (I suggest the boots).

I got the collection itself during the weekend and managed to unlock Battle and Chase yesterday (damn Violen and that mace on the 2nd time around). I'm somewhat amused that the voice acting in X6 is gone (but then again, it was purely Japanese, even in the English version, so no loss there).

02-16-2006, 09:22 AM
This sounds amazing. I played X1-3 on SNES/emulation, and I've played all the MMZ games, which are also freaking awesome. X games were great, though.
What systems has this game been released on, the collection?

02-16-2006, 12:09 PM
It's been released for the PS2 and GameCube (I'm pretty sure that it's coming out for the XBox if it hasn't already); and there's a remake of MMX for the PSP

02-26-2006, 11:49 AM
Here's something interesting to see what people believe to be the hardest bosses to face FIRST with no upgrades and only your x-buster for offense.

MMX1: Launch Octopus (runner-up: Armored Armadillo)
MMX2: Crystal Snail (runner-up: Morph Moth)
MMX3: Blast Hornet (runner-up: Volt Catfish)
MMX4: TIE! Storm Owl and Jet Stingray (runner-up: Magma Dragoon)
MMX5: Burn Mattrex (runner-up: Axle the Red)
MMX6: Infinity Mijinion (runner-up: Shield Sheldon)

MMX1: Launch Octopus simply has too much crap being thrown at you making you focus more on destroying his shots than hitting him, that and he has a recharge attack that steals from your energy. Armored Armadillo is tough because his armor pretty much only allows pellet shots to sneak through because he blocks most of charged ones.
MMX2: Crystal snail is similar to Armored Armadillo and towards the end of the fight can really be annoying when you're slow and he still retains his normal speed to kill you. Fighting the first form of Morph Moth is tough without the leg chip enhancement and his second form can kill you in two hits without Heart Tank upgrades.
MMX3: Blast Hornet is just annoying, mainly because you have to be quick as hell to avoid his stinger attack (which he does often) that can kill you in two hits. Volt Catfish is brutal as a first boss, especially once he goes into hyper mode near the end and starts throwing out those sparks, not even the top of the left or right walls is a 'perfect' safe place.
MMX4: Storm Owl and Jet Stringray win as a tie because of their annoying qualities and the fact that Storm Owl is simply tough for any character to take on first. Jet Stingray is tough because he doesn't give you a lot of opportunities to attack him while trying to deal with his squiddy flock. Magma Dragoon is a runner-up because of his hard-hitting and far reaching attacks and his speed. He is definitely hard without the ride armor.
MMX5: Mattrex is never easy to predict and his later attacks are extremely hard to dodge and do massive damage. He is quite difficult to defeat when he is invulnerable during his later attacks. Axle the Red would be easier if you didn't have to deal with two of them throughout most of the battle and the many projectiles they throw at you.
MMX6: Multiple clones, water bubbles appearing everywhere, attacks hitting everything on screen. Need I say more? This guy is cheap. Shield Sheldon is the only boss who provides a legitimate honest challenge, since he is only vulnerable when both his shells are off his body.

What are your tough first bosses? (remember, no upgrades including subtanks, heart tanks, power-up parts or armor pieces. And this means no using ride armor on dragoon for X4)

02-26-2006, 12:03 PM
I have to get this game. Prolly tonight. I just finished MMZ4. (see angry rant I'm about to make)
I actually used to fight volt catfish first, he was the easiest to buster down for me. *shrug* I think it comes down alot to play style and defensive abilities.

Nicholas Steel
02-27-2006, 12:48 AM
compairing x8 to x7, x8 wins hands down... x8 sticks to what was used in x1,2,3 mostly however its easier then them thus making it slightly less interesting.

x8 is 3d with 2d side scrolling all the way. (voice acting could be better)

Dark Knight
02-27-2006, 09:47 AM
MMX: Armored Armadillo (Runner-up: Sting Chameleon)
MMX2: Crystal Snail (Runner-up: Magna Centipede)
MMX3: Blast Hornet (Runner-up: Volt Catfish
MMX4: Storm Owl (Runner-up: None)
MMX5: Mattrex (Runner-Up: Skyver)
MMX6: Metal Shark Player (Runner-up: Infinity Mijinion)


MMX: Armored Armadillo because his attacks are brutal(4 or 5 kill you) and only non-charged shots can make it through. Firing a charged blast causes him to block, absorb it's power then unleash it against you, which hurts more then his normal attacks. Sting Chameleon got 2nd because he attacks fast and one of his attacks is almost unavoidable(when he causes spikes to fall from the ceiling.) but is defeatable without enhancements of any kind.

MMX2: Taking down Crystal Snail's life by half isn't hard in it of itself, but at this point he starts using his special. Slowing time down while maintaining his full speed and like any boss, being rammed hurts, alot. Magna Centipede because he's fast, teleports and can walk on the ceiling, or stand rather and he does his special quite early, it does alot of damage and is hard to avoid, even with dash and if it hits, you lose certain abilities, whether it be dashing(long distances, anyways), jumping high or charging your buster. But if you can hold out, dodge most of his specials, he is defeatable.

MMX3: Blast Hornet is fast and powerful. ALL his attacks can kill you very quickly and later in the battle, many of his attacks are hard to avoid. Volt is 2nd because at about half his lifebar, he becomes invincible for a period of time while shooting sparks all around the room and these are very hard to dodge. He is beatable though.

MMX4: Storm Owl's attacks hurt. Alot. He flies around the room, attacking once then flying off screen only to appear in a random location. He's hard to hit. No one is the runner-up because he's the ONLY one I ever had problems with fighting first.

MMX5: Mattrex is big, standing about half the screen tall. This makes his attacks hard to dodge and his attacks are also hard hitting. He is beatable but it's very hard. Skyver got runner up because he dives similar to Eagle in X1 but much more random and coming from more directions. Being hit by this dive attack also sends you quite a distance. If you can predict his moves though, he's fairly easy to kill.

MMX6: Metal Shark Player's attacks hurt and are fairly hard to dodge. He also likes to dive on the ground and "swim" flinging around junk and generaly being a nuiscance. Hard to beat even with all upgrades to life and armor(minus the Ultimate Armor, but that's cheap anyways). Infinity is second because his attacks aren't all that damaging but his attacks come from alot of directions since he produces clones of himself after sustaining a certain amount of damage, all of them capable of the same attacks. He's beatable since his lifebar seems to be small at first but generaly you'll be overwhelmed by the mass amount of bubbles. I'd have included Zero, since you can fight him before any other boss, but eh, he's an optional boss. He is hard though.

I think that about covers it.