View Full Version : Cutscenes?

01-10-2006, 06:24 PM
i've seen in some quests,that they have cutscenes. for Example the Legend of Zelda:The Prophecy has them,and it has Multiple mid's for the same dmap,how do you do that? cause i can only get words to appear in caves. and yes i have alphadawgs tut and help would be nice! :D

01-10-2006, 07:03 PM
You can't have multiple MIDIs on the same DMap. You can, however, make it seem like you do. For instance, if you want a boss room to have a separate MIDI, set the doorway into the boss room as a Side Warp, that leads to the same screen you were going to enter but on a different DMap. If you set the side warp to be a scrolling warp, the player won't even realize they warped at all-it looks just the same as changing screens-but you can set the new DMap to have a separate MIDI. Does that make sense?

01-10-2006, 07:31 PM
It's a bit too hard to do cutscenes, this should be done only if you know all the basics of ZQuest, you must use a Dmap to make this and a lot of screens to make it look like a cutscene, if you really feel like you can do this, then follow these steps:

Timed Warps
First make the screens that you will use on the cutscene.
Press F9 to bring the screen data, press the "Invisible Link" and "No Subscreen" options and in timed warp tics set the tics that you want to use to change to a different screen: 60 tics=1 second.
Set the SIDE warp (not the tile warp) and set the room and the DMap you want Link be warped to, which it should be the second screen, Link will warp to that different screen in the time that you set earlier in F9 menu.
Make the same to all the screens you want to use in the cutscene.

And if you want the warps to not be timed (Which should make it a lot easier)

Make the same in the step 1, and in step 2 don't set any time in the screen data menu.
In the side warps menu, in the part which says triggers, set the lower one.
Put a tile that shows to you that you should walk down.
Do this in all other screens.
When you walk to the lower edge of the screen, you should warp to the screen that you set in the side warp menu, and that screen to the other when you walk down, and that to the other...

I recommend for you to make the 2nd one, It's a lot easier to make cutscenes without using any timed warps.

:confuse2: If you're like this right now, you shouldn't make any cutscenes at all, they're very hard to do as I mencioned before, if you really want to make a cutscene, you should ask to any experienced ZQuest user to explain it to you, I can't explain how to make cutscenes very well. :sweat:

01-11-2006, 12:44 AM
firefly you are correct in that, but that dosent make for a very good cutscene.

you can spice it up with layers, some good music, nice graphical effects, throw in a bunch of combos, and make some of your own animations of 'npcs' if you are making a cutscene involving people.

also sometimes timed warps are very useful, far more useful than even regular warps at times, they are good for showing the player certain things also.

cutscenes are hard to explain as they involve many concepts, but if you add all of them up they make for a very nice cutscene.

01-11-2006, 01:03 AM
I've made cutscenes many times, but I really get tired when making timed warps, cutscenes are really hard to do, as they need their own DMap and some other things. I simply can't remember where or when I learned about making cutscenes so that may be the reason for me to not knowing to explain how to do them :sweat: .

01-11-2006, 01:06 AM
tiemd warps are very hard to time them good, well in 1.83 anwyays, they went easy on you 2.10 freaks and added what they equal in seconds.