View Full Version : Why is everything going too fast?

01-09-2006, 08:06 PM
Hi, I've been trying to follow alphadog's tutorial, which has been going okay despite it being written for an older version of the program (there wouldn't happen to be a beginner's tutorial for the newer version, would there?)

Anyway, things are going fine except for some reason everything on my tutorial quest runs way too fast. Link moves and attacks far too fast and enemies move too fast as well; it seems as if the game is set to a faster rate or something. Also, the spawn point for Link doesn't seem to work the same way it's indicated in the tutorial; I have it set on screen 77 but I spawn on screen 00 in the top left.

Thanks in advance for the help.

01-09-2006, 09:18 PM
Well, hello andonuts, I'm so glad to help you! Well first, when the game runs really fast, try toggling the vsync by pressing esc during gameplay, go to settings menu and click the vsync to see if that would normalize the speed.

Second, It appears to be a continue bug in this newest beta. It would not let you play with the submitted user's quest because of that bug! I sure hope that continue bug gets fixed in the next beta in the future!

I hope that helps! *Gives Firm Handshake* :D

01-09-2006, 10:15 PM
So what can I do to get my spawn point to work in the meantime? Or am I out of luck?

Oddly, changing the vsync worked, even though for the other quests, there was no speed problem.

Thanks again for the help!

01-10-2006, 11:01 PM
You are very welcome, my friend! I'm glad that vsync helped!

The green and the blue square spawn points should work, I thought you were talking the continue dmap, but you were propably talking about the green and the blue square spawn point.

I'm always here to try to answer your questions and solve your problems the best I can!

*Shakes Hands* :D

01-11-2006, 12:39 AM
i just noticed it but theres a bug in 2.10, vsync is on when it says its off and when its off it says its on.. o.o