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View Full Version : Suggestions for the next Beta (please read)

01-04-2006, 01:14 AM
Suggestions for beta 7:

1) Finish implementing Bomb Bags I really wanna make it possible that you can set the initial bomb max. to 0 and then require the player to find the bomb bag before being able to carry bombs.

2) If the Bomb Max or Arrow Max. equal 0, i think that when Link goes to pick bomb or arrow pickup items, then the item will stay there and Link will walk right through it. In a quest where a Bomb Bag and then Bombs both need to be collected, the bomb bag should be picked up first, but if somehow the player gets to the bombs first, they will disappear but not add to the counter. (I know this from testing my own quest) I think instead, the bombs won't be collected until after the bomb bag is found. Likewise for arrows & the quiver.

Perhaps a quest rule that sorta combines the quiver and arrow ammunition items so when you pick up the 'quiver' it also adds 10 arrows to your counter. Likewise, a similar quest rule with the Bomb Bag.

3) If you set the bomb bag or quiver to be had in the beginning of the game in the Initial Data menu, this does NOT work. Nor if you put on a cheat, like for testing your own quest, and you check off either one of these when you hadn't already had it, neither will appear in your inventory.

4) I think pickup arrows, as well as bomb ammunition items should be dropped by common enemies. Perhaps a quest rule that makes this happen, making both items more common. Perhaps also a 'slash->item2" combo that generates more items when slashed, including rupees, hearts, a set of 5 arrows, a set of 4 bombs, and blue rupees.

5) A combo that makes arrows disappear--arrows can't go through them. Would be great for walls or boundaries, and for custom bosses/events/minigames. Think what you could do if you have these surrounding an arrow flag and perhaps throw combo cycling into the mix!

6) Allow the original, revised, and revision 2 subscreen types to show arrow & bomb counters like the Zelda 3 subscreen. The way this would work is a quest rule called "Show New Arrow & Bomb Counters"--If checked, it shows the counter of bombs & arrows in the B item box when they are selected, for any subscreen. I don't like the Zelda 3 subscreen, although i'm sure a lotta people do, but i do like the little arrow & bomb counters that appear upon selecting the item.

7) Allow damage combos to hurt Link when on any layer. Perhaps a screen flag would be in order for this. This would be nice for objects that cycle on like layer 2 or 3, for example, a a beam that is shot out from a custom boss. I can you can work your way around this, but then you must use up layer 0 & another layer 2 or 3, with the regular room sandwhiched in the middle. This makes things kinda complicated, especially if you have borders for your room that go on layer 2. Then you must place everything on layer 0 on layer 3. What if you also want water in this room? For water to work, it has to be on layer 0, but that also puts it on layer 3, so it'll be above Link. This gets rather confusing. I'd like to see, of all combo types, damage combos work properly on layers.

8) Along the menu at the top of zquest, add a 'View' menu, which allows you to click 'Preview', which is basically the same as Pressing 'O'--when unchecked, it returns to normal. This would be great because many people don't otherwise know it exists. It also allows you to choose the window size of zquest: Small (which is how windowed is now), Medium (takes up about half the screen in a large window) and Full (maximizes it) But most importantly, it allows you to choose which quest that you have open to view, for quick switching between multiple quests (like having multiple word documents open)

More information on the 'View' Menu (http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?t=89363)

Please consider these suggestions carefully. Thank you.