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View Full Version : Zelda- TWEAKED!

12-16-2005, 09:48 PM
I am uncertain if this is the appropriate place for revealing my quest, but here it goes.

Zelda- TWEAKED! is a 98% accurate projection of how I thought the BS 1st Quest ought to be. It reflects, within my design capabilities, a vision that represents in totality the ordering of all elements in the quest according to my will and desires.

This being so, however, does not in any way signify the demise of the core "spirit" of the BS 1st quest that its' designers imbued it with. Therefore, although you will, in this Quest Authors' humble opinion, find changes abound, this release of BS 1st Quest will in all likelyhood still feel like home territorry to most (if not all) Zelda Classic veterans. To all who come to this quest for the first time, it is hoped that you will find enjoyment in this latest "1st Quest Remake" (to use the official term).

Regardless as to wether you happen to be a Zelda Master or N00b ;) , enjoy the presentation.


1.Title Screen (http://fast.filespace.org/Stranger/Titlescreen..gif)

2. Registry (http://fast.filespace.org/Stranger/Registry.gif)

3. The Begining (http://fast.filespace.org/Stranger/Starting.gif)

4. Subscreen (http://fast.filespace.org/Stranger/Sub_Menu.gif)

5. An Old Mans' Cave (http://fast.filespace.org/Stranger/Cave.gif)

6. A Desert (http://fast.filespace.org/Stranger/New_Area.gif)

7. Merchant (http://fast.filespace.org/Stranger/New_Equipment.gif)

8. Dark Skies (http://fast.filespace.org/Stranger/New_Item.gif)

9. At The Hall Of Trials (http://fast.filespace.org/Stranger/New_Dungeon_Areas.gif)


Zelda- TWEAKED! 3.0 (http://fast.filespace.org/Stranger/Zelda_TWEAKEDG.zip)

2.0 Update: While this is not an "essential" update perse, it none the less addresses the following annoyances:

*One of the merchants went and lost his text string. I am pleased to say he has found it again.

*The number of redundant overworld caves has been reduced.

3.0 Update: A number of little cosmetic changes, plus a bugfix:

* The Bow and the Arrow graphics have been given a face-lift.

* The hearts in the life meter have undergone a slight modification.

* The final room (which contains Zelda) had a slight glitch. It is Now fixed.

Also, starting sometime in the near future, I will be writing a walk-through/strategy guide for Zelda- TWEAKED!

Feel free to leve any comments, praise, critisisms, or bug reports.


Shigeru Miyamoto- Original concept

Koji Kondo- Primary composer of the Zelda series' musical scores

Nintendo Inc.- Zelda I publisher

Phantom Menace- Creation of the original BS First Quest and Zelda Classic Player

Radien- Updates to the BS tileset, creation of an enhanced unpassworded version of BS 1st quest, and valuable advice

Vel (now known as Valerie)- Graphics artist for BS tileset updates

Creators of the Pure Tileset- Misc. tile modification

ZeldaLord- Graphics artist for certain Zelda- TWEAKED! custom tiles

Do note that Zelda- TWEAKED! is best played in Zelda Clasic Player 2.10

12-16-2005, 10:00 PM
Will this be submitted into the database?

12-16-2005, 10:20 PM
If I get good feedback from this forum. Why?

12-16-2005, 10:29 PM
Its pretty much BS Zelda! Nice Job. It should be a fine quest. I hope to see it in the QDB soon!

12-17-2005, 03:21 PM
Is the blue ring available in this quest and if so where would I find it?

EDIT: Well nevermind, I finally did find it in the sixth level, but of course I never found the wand yet. I will keep on going. You did a pretty good job of making the first quest a bit more challenging by keeping the ring out of my hands. I am interested to see what else you have changed going into the last few levels.

EDIT 2: Has anyone figured out how to get into level 8? I have a feeling I need to use a super bomb or the level 2 bracelet to move a rock. I am going to try the super bomb idea but I thought I would see if anyone knows for sure first. Thanks.

12-17-2005, 07:55 PM
The blue ring no longer has the same effect it did in the original. The effects of blue and red were swapped. An old man gives a hint about the area were you may purchase super bombs (hint: the old man will not be found in a dungeon).

Also, when you say "blue ring", you mean you found my "new" red ring, right?

12-17-2005, 08:09 PM
I do not mean to sound rude or anything, but I would like to simply ask about what is the specail thing about this qst. It sounds like you made it have a specail feature, but I cannot be sure.

12-17-2005, 08:26 PM
Have you played the original BS 1st Quest, freelancer?

12-17-2005, 08:38 PM
Isnt that just the legend of zelda in bs graphics? I would think so because it was the only bs style quest I ever had on my computer.

12-17-2005, 08:48 PM
Yes. If you remember any of it at all, the difference in dialogue is immediatly noticable. This is not the only change, but certainly one of the most noticable.

12-17-2005, 08:55 PM
Ah, I see... OK, well goodluck

12-18-2005, 02:34 AM
Otherion: Yes I got the new "red" ring. I'm not sure why you switched them, it just causes a little confusion. Also, one room below where I got the ring there is a barrier that blocks you from going to the room on the right. I never did go there so I hope I didn't miss something important.

I know where to get the super bombs, I found them a while ago. I just want to know if that's what I need to get into level 8. I don't want to waste my time trying to gather the money to buy one if that's not what I need to use it for. Thanks.

12-18-2005, 09:51 PM
You didn't miss anything that would prevent you from finishing the quest, no. The room on the right is accessable (I believe you bomb to it, but I'm not certain). Yes, Super Bombs are what you need.

12-20-2005, 12:04 AM
Why is the music volume so low, I can barely hear it and yet the sfx volume is at the proper level so you can't turn up your peaker volume else you get blasted by the sfx.

12-20-2005, 10:09 PM
I have no say over music quality, which varies dramatically from system to system. All I can say is that the SFX and/or music volume are fine on my system. I would try tweaking the settings a bit, and then coming back here for help if this fails to remedy the problem.

01-28-2006, 03:04 PM
I tired to get the file from the 3.0 link above. it tells me it doesnt exist...is the game file no longer avaiable to download???

01-28-2006, 09:20 PM
Just download it through this site instead. If you go back to the main page I believe it's still the first quest picture on the right side. Just click on it and you will be directed to a page where you can download it.

01-28-2006, 10:08 PM
oh ok..thanks

02-27-2006, 11:48 PM
Where are the super bombs, I can't find them?

02-28-2006, 12:01 AM
Grrr, the screenshots are gone.
I need to know how is this quest different than BS-Zelda.

03-01-2006, 06:05 PM
Where is L8?

03-02-2006, 02:38 AM
This quest has been at the top of the zeldaclassic.com database for a while, but I've had no interest in playing it, because the screenshots advertising it are, well, not unique at all. The only real screenshot is the third one, a shot of the starting point. But I have no idea if this is any different than the BS 1st quest that comes preloaded with version 2.10. If I've already played the BS 1st quest, do I have anything to gain by playing TWEAKED? Sorry to be critical of the screenshots, but I'm surprised no one else has voiced an opinion about that.