View Full Version : What's going on here!?

12-12-2005, 03:16 AM
This is crazy. I downloaded AdventureOfLink and TheLongestJourney a while back and they were just fine.

But I downloaded those quests to play them again and I wind up facing millions of patras that weren't originally there in the original quest, and add the fact it didn't say that in the Updated Quest list.

Help me here. What is going on!?

12-12-2005, 06:47 AM
Are you playing them in the right ZC version
If you play them in the 2.10 version , enemies can change to some others and you can get them before you even have the equipment to deal with them ;)

12-12-2005, 11:23 AM
Yeah, what Elise said.
I strongly recommend keeping several versions of ZC installed on your 'puter, as it's best to play a quest in the version it was built in. You may otherwise run into The Infamous Game-Wrecking Bugs (tm), such as the 1.92 betas' continue location bug that sticks you in walls where you can't move; or, as you did, 2.10's "enemy swapping renders old quest impossible to finish" bug...:sweat:

12-12-2005, 04:06 PM
For example, download any of my quests, only play them in beta 183 ver. 1.92. Otherwise, you'll encounter frustration.