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View Full Version : worlds uglyest dog

12-12-2005, 12:27 AM
Sam, the world uglyest dog died a few weeks ago. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/11/22/ugly.dog.ap/

Its kinda disturbing to look at him, but he was an important figure and roll model to some.

12-12-2005, 12:48 AM
Aw, that's really sad. He was kinda cute in that strange, hairless, crooked toothed dog kinda way. Yeah.

12-12-2005, 01:14 AM
I'm not gonna click because I'm about to go to bed, but is that the muthafucka with the white eyes?

12-12-2005, 01:59 AM
ya he does have a white eye, he pretty much has everything wrong with him. Sam doesn't just look weird, he has like every disease know to...dog.I actucally met Sam in pers...dog once and met the person that owns Sam. Shes loved that hairless thing to death, almost literally.

12-12-2005, 09:45 AM
He looks like the dog off resident evil.

12-12-2005, 12:13 PM
Oh God, they had a link to video footage... Why, oh why did I click that? It's bad enough in photos, but dear Christ, to see that think walking about? It's like the demon-spawn of Satan. Something out of a horror movie. *whimpers*