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View Full Version : Yeah... just my luck...

12-10-2005, 01:56 AM
Today I go into work and figure it's going to be a normal day at Media Play (for those who don't know it's an entertainment store, big version of Sam Goody, owned by the same people). So I check in and help a few people then the GM of my store comes up to me and a few others and pulls us into a room. All I could be thinking was, he's getting rid of us seasonal workers. Then he pulled in a head cashier, so I knew something had to be up. All of our Media Play stores are being closed. So i'm losing my job by the end of January. Kinda blows, I don't even get a discount anymore.

12-10-2005, 02:12 AM
Where is it? I remember back when I use to cross the border to go to Buffalo with my family, we always stopped at the mediaplay right next to the Ponderosa. It was a pretty cool place. They had spots you could sit and listen to music, and a spot to sit and have coffee. Is this all the stores in your area, or all of them together?

12-10-2005, 10:43 AM
Wow, that sucks. All those people losing thier jobs. What happened? Did the store go bankrupt or something?

12-10-2005, 12:57 PM
Jeese, that stinks :(. I'm interested in knowing what happened aswell.

12-10-2005, 09:47 PM
Stupid money issues... (surprised?) Basically all of the Media Play stores were bought by by some company a few years ago. I want to say it was the company that owns Sam Goody and Musicland. Well when they did this they expected to make the money back from the profits of the frequent shopper member card (replay cards). So originally it was part of my job to sell those. Well the money never came back from it because some of the stores just didn't do well enough. It's actually the first job I've enjoyed cause I worked in the game department. Too tempting to play some of the games though. Except the one spy toy game, that thing sucked...

Oh yeah, Jiggly it's around the Buffalo area. I think most of them have the sitting areas and places to listen to the music. Ours does anyway.