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View Full Version : Stairs and Stair Warps

12-09-2005, 07:25 PM
If you use the 3-Stair warp room, will you be able to put 2 stairs leading to 2 different places in the same room?

12-10-2005, 03:27 AM
Up to 3 stairs, as the name says. Quest->misc data->warp rings, then pick a number and set the 3 warps. In your room set the type, then the number with A.

Any warp on the centre 2 columns goes to the 2nd location, anything to the left to the first and to th right the 3rd.

The other trick with 2 stairs is to use side, pit and tile warps. Put a normal stair warp and a pit warp on your screen. Warp to a black screen somewhere (that you can make "invisible link") and put the green warp field on the top row. On the tile that the pit warp goes to place a black combo of stair type (you'll have to make it yourself). Set tile warp for the screen. On the tile the warp field is set to put a black "conveyor up" combo. This will push you of the top of the screen so set a top side warp. You now have 2 warps on one screen. Unlike the 3-warps of which there are a limited number thise can be done as many times as you want.