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12-09-2005, 08:33 AM
Can anyone tell me where the fourth dungeon is I can't seem to find it? Thanks.

12-09-2005, 12:59 PM
it is totally on the left down part in the dessert :)

12-09-2005, 03:44 PM
Okay that helps a little. So how do I get rid of that rock blocking the path to the left part of the desert.

12-09-2005, 03:50 PM
Never mind. For some reason when I tried to move it this time it move even though nothing was different.

12-09-2005, 04:58 PM
Okay new question, I'm having a really hard time with the fourth dungeon. Right now I have 9 hearts the blue tunic and the second sword. Is there anything else I can get at this point or am I stuck until I get lucky or something?

12-09-2005, 05:50 PM
Think you can go looking for the boots just keep on exploring

12-09-2005, 05:57 PM
Ya I found another Heart but thats it. It's just that one room with the three things with the smaller things that fly areound it( I can't remember the name:laughing: ). Any advice for fighting them.

12-09-2005, 06:10 PM
are you playing this in the 190 version?
don't think Freedom put three boss enemies in one screen in level 4
but guess it's a patra like you explain you kill that one by killing the little ones first and
then you can kill the big one you use your sword or hammer

12-09-2005, 08:20 PM
I've been trying but damn takeing on three at once is really hard. :laughing:

12-09-2005, 08:57 PM
You must be playing in the wrong version huh?
I remember next to nothing about that quest, but do know you have to play it in the 190 otherwise strange things can happen.

12-09-2005, 09:00 PM
Just replayed that level in the right 190 version and the boss is just 2 lanmolas
2 big green worms thats all

12-09-2005, 09:42 PM
Not the boss, in one of the rooms, I think more toward the center, contains three patras, two like likes, two skeletons, and two of those hyper eyeball things.

12-09-2005, 11:30 PM
So you keep not answering what version you are playing it in.....

There's a known bug in the 2.10 that when you play 190 quests in it, then all kinds of enemies are added in places they were never meant to be, making it in some cases impossible to complete the game since you don't have the weapons to defeat them.
I can tell you this, I've never put all those enemies you describe on any single screen in any quest I've ever built.

12-09-2005, 11:53 PM
Oh okay so that was something I was unaware of... if you could give me a link for the versionI should be using that'd be fantastic.

12-09-2005, 11:56 PM
Ignore that last post I found it on the site. Also does this mean that I'm going to have to start over again or will I beable to use old save files.

12-10-2005, 01:12 AM
Nother question, can I use v. 1.92 for 1.9 games or will it not work properly. Cause the 1.9 version doesn't register my controller.

12-10-2005, 02:51 AM
freedom1 was the first quest I ever released and was the only quest I did for the 190, I've never made any attempt to upgrade it to 192b183 or 2.10, so I really don't know how it will act in the 192b183, it may or may not work.
You can't change out .sav files from 2.10 to 192's or 190's.

The 190 came with a file called agsetup.exe that allowed you to set up buttons, sounds, etc, but remember that's a DOS version, so if you are running XP it probably won't work, I run windows 98 and it works perfectly for me, but I did have to tweak it with the agsetup.

I suggest you get versions 2.10, 192b183 and the 192b184 player that was released, and also the 190 if you can make it work, then you should be able to play most of the quests out there, just make it a point to play them in the versions they are released for to avoid causing bugs.
Most people just set up a folder for each version, then keep quests for each version in it's correct folder.

12-10-2005, 04:18 AM
Thanks. You've all been a great help. It's good to know there's somewhere I can go when I'm confused. :D