View Full Version : Self Defense

12-07-2005, 09:04 PM
Alright, there is this kid, his name is John Banks..He is a fucking faggot. He is 15 turning 16 in fucking 8th grade!! My language teacher likes me cause I have a 92 in her class, so she says my name, and says, "And this, Dan, (There is another Dan in my class.) is quiet, and just wants to do some work!" Then he says, "I dont like you." to my face. Then my friend Schuyler (Pronounced Sky-ler) who sits right next to me, says, "Hey, leave him alone! What did he ever do to you?" Then Jon says, "You wanna die kid? Ill fucking shank you with a pen." Then Schuyler says, "Dude, im not afraid of you. Keep those comments to your self. I dont care what you say to me." Then my teacher stops it. I should have thanked Schuyler more than saying, "Thank you.."

I dont know what to do if he wants to fight me, cause he is short, and I am tall. I am 5'10, he is 5'2. I already know some Karate, but its not strong enough to even fight him. I am very skinny, I weigh 119. Can some one give me some tips to helping me NOT get beat up? Cause I want to fucking punch him in the face... Thanks.

12-07-2005, 09:35 PM
Just tell him that you don't like him act. See how he reacts. Either he is serious, but most of the time I have found that they will just be messing with you, so mess back.

(messing around, one of the worst verbs I have ever heard)

12-07-2005, 09:39 PM
Uhh, my friend Pat told him that, and he stabbed him in the back when he wasnt looking. We got him suspended for 2 days. But that was 3 weeks ago. He is constantly making fun of kids, and nothing happens to him! I dont get it! He should be in fucking Sped classes! (Im not making fun of them, Im just saying he should be there) He has gotten suspended 9 times this year, and its not even christmas! Jesus Christ hes an idiot! He is also in my homeroom...

12-07-2005, 11:14 PM
Ok..wait.. He stabbed him in the back...and got suspended for 2 days..

What kind of school do you go to? Is this kind of thing normal, and if so, i feel sorry for you!

But on the subject of fighting him, just dont do it. If you think you will get your ass beat, then stay away, it seems as though he will shoot you in the face either way. But if you really do want to fight him, then just think of all the mean things he has done to you and vent all your anger in that direction. But if I was you, I would steer away from this kid, he seems mental.

12-07-2005, 11:49 PM
All you need to do is give him five across the eye and finish him off with a dragon kick. That should shut him up. If it doesn't give him another five across the eye.

12-08-2005, 12:09 AM
Hm. Strength in numbers. I'd say try to get people to see what this kid is doing to people. Form a secretive group devoted specifically to keeping people out of harm's way. The more people you have supporting you and the cause, the more difficult it'll be for him to damage you in any way. It's great mental backup as well as physical backup.

And .. how the hell are you 5'10" in 8th grade? XD

12-08-2005, 02:04 AM
Do you not live in the United States? Telling someone "You wanna die?" will get you expelled from school. Actually stabbing someone is assault in either the 2nd or 1st degree. If the scholo refuses to do anything, contact the police.

Unfortunately at your age that's all I can really advise. If you were older, I'd suggest carrying a weapon. In many states you can get a concealed weapon permit to carry your handgun with you most places.

Anyway, just never be alone with the kid, always have a witness. People are less likely to do anything wrong when they are being watched. And like I said, notify the police for anything criminal.

12-08-2005, 03:22 AM
Feed his parents to him in a tasty bowl of chilli.

12-08-2005, 10:03 AM
Feed his parents to him in a tasty bowl of chilli.I have that much greater respect for Cartman since I saw that episode of South Park. Yikes.

Do you not live in the United States? Telling someone "You wanna die?" will get you expelled from school. Actually stabbing someone is assault in either the 2nd or 1st degree. If the school refuses to do anything, contact the police.This is the "lucky" situation. In most cases, the school just says "We'll look into it" and you never hear from them again. If anything, the bully just pounds on your more because you "told on him."

If anything though, you may take solace in the situation that this person will never amount to anything in life. :) [/supercruel]

12-08-2005, 06:02 PM
Hahaha, he probably never will get a job. I dont even know how he got to 8th grade, I mean he has a 13 in Math! Thats just sad. And BH4, he did find out that me and Pat told on him. I stayed away from him for a while. But yay we got new seats in LA, so now I dont sit anywhere near him.

Mottzilla, my LA teacher didnt really do anything when he was about to kick a really small kid's ass. She just stopped him and said, "Jon....Goto the office...You didnt do anything wrong....Just go...Now.." Hahaha, I dont think I am going to the police, do you? He has been in jail. 2 times in fact. He swares at kids, AND teachers. Maybe I should teach this kid a lesson...Hehehe....But I would be suspended also...So can anyone else tell me what I could do? Any way, he doesnt have a dad, and his mom says in front of kids, "You fucking asshole! You are going to be a fucking hobo if you dont light a fire under your goddamn ass! Your such a fucking dick...I dont even want to fucking see you any more. Get the fuck away from me!" And she did say those words. I feel sorry for him, but he shouldnt take it out on kids who are 1 or 2 years younger than him. Thats just pathetic...

Dart Zaidyer
12-08-2005, 06:33 PM
In my experience, the school usually tends to do nothing until you begin to fight back.

Then they'll throw the book at you.

12-08-2005, 07:09 PM
I keep telling you, five across the eye will work perfectly or at least blind him long enough for you to give him a quick dragon kick.

12-08-2005, 08:50 PM
Get a (heavy) combination lock and a bandana. Tie the bandana to the hook part of the lock and put the lock in your back pocket ( so it looks like you jast have a bandana hanging out of your back pocket). When he messes with you, pull it out and swing.

I've been living in Brooklyn for way too long...

12-09-2005, 08:45 AM
Go to someone of some authority. Tell them you don't feel comfortable around this guy because he's always hurting people, and tell them that other people feel the same way. See the school counselor or the principal. If anything talk to your teacher that likes you in that class and get your seat moved so you don't have to worry about the kid. Just try and avoid him like the plague.

If he DOES beat you up, put your wallet in his back pocket while he's doing so. Then you can say he mugged you.

12-09-2005, 09:17 AM
Ask to see the principal and tell him the situation. It might not do any good but at least you tried. Tell your teachers that even if they don't want to take action they should keep you out of it - if a teacher wants to tell him to shut up they should not say "be quiet because xxx wants to work"; you might point that out especially to your language teacher. Avoid John whenever you can, and stick around with people you like or others that he has bullied - I'm guessing you're by far not the only one to suffer from him. Like BH4 hinted, he'll probably leave you alone if you're with a group of people. And like Mottzilla said, if he does pick one someone you'll have witnesses. I also suggest if he picks on someone, don't talk back but wait till he's gone then talk to whoever he picked on. Whatever John says ignore it the best you can.

Whatever people might joke here, I'd suggest you try your hardest to keep out of any fight. Don't think it's your job to teach him a lesson, however stupid he is the less you have to do with him and the less trouble you get into over him, the better. Remember that you won't be in the same place as him for ever, you'll probably go on to get a good job etc. and he'll land in, well, ... I'll leave that to your imagination. Anyway the day will come when you'll never see him again.

One thing you could try, write anything down that he does to you or someone else, with date and time. Obviously don't keep that lying around. It could be very valuable in convincing the school authorities to take action, especially if your friends do the same.

In short, if you don't think you have a realistic way to stop him by talking to the school or the police, keep out of the way knowing this situation is not for ever.

12-09-2005, 03:06 PM
You're not alone, Viet. There's a ton of kids like the one you're describing. Basically, just steer clear of him. Don't try to kick his ass, because even you do give him a good beating, you'll get hell from your teacher, principal, parents, etc. Report him to the principal or a counselor (anonymously, if you can). Hopefully, he'll stop bugging you. If not, he'll surely get expelled.

12-10-2005, 01:26 AM
Just go to the principle and mention the zero tolerance policies he or she should be enforcing. If this guy has done the things you've said, he should be expelled.

Getting yourself involved in a fight is not the solution.

12-10-2005, 01:35 AM
Go to someone of some authority. Tell them you don't feel comfortable around this guy because he's always hurting people, and tell them that other people feel the same way. See the school counselor or the principal. If anything talk to your teacher that likes you in that class and get your seat moved so you don't have to worry about the kid. Just try and avoid him like the plague.

If he DOES beat you up, put your wallet in his back pocket while he's doing so. Then you can say he mugged you.

Just tell them he said "Merry Christmas" to you and you're set.


12-10-2005, 01:44 AM
Hahaha, maybe...Maybe...then he will punch me. Haha

Aegix Drakan
12-11-2005, 09:08 AM
Dude, Bh4, Koopa, and Motzilla are all 100% right. go to the authorities. First go to your teacher (I'm assuming you already did). If nothing happens, go to the principal, and if nothig happens still, just keep going higher up the ladder. eventually, someone is bound to get annoyed at your constant rambling and they'll do something. Also, NEVER go anywhere alone! A witness will help you greatly, cause most of these jerks are cowards who want an easy ego boost. Going and beating the crap out of him WILL NOT, I repeat WILL NOT HELP! It will only get you even more screwed!
True story: At my friend's school, some kid started hitting another kid's nose (this was in high school BTW) in such a way, that he could have bashed the nose-bose into the other guy's brain. and the guy was doing it purposefully. Well the victim got pissed off, punched the guy in the face, and the agressor was suspended fro a week, the victim for 2, and he was told he was lucky not to be expelled.

This is a sad, sad world we live in, people. I've gone through many such situations (Why I'm a freaking bully magnet, I don't know) so I know how you feel.

If the guy DOES try to hurt you, just kick him in the crotch, that usually gets them down long enough for you to get help. (worked for me anyway)

Good luck out there!

12-11-2005, 06:01 PM
Thanks again for everyone's advice. It really helps to know someone is looking out for you. Ill try to do something on Monday, but until then, I guess I could call my friends, and tell them some of this stuff. Its really helpful!

12-13-2005, 06:34 PM
Well, I was sick yesterday, and all weekend with the flu, so I didnt see him for sometime. Sweet. God he thinks he is so cool....pfff...he is a spooge guzzler...He keeps asking me, "Are you afraid of me?" And of course, I keep saying no. What should I do now to shut him up? I mean I hate him so much, and he like leans over me and asks me that everyday in Library/Media :mad: . (No thats not for stupid kids, everyone has to take it.) He also sat right next to me in homeroom, because our school is messed up and we have homeroom at the end of the day. :odd:

So far, I got some brutal ideas from you guys on this problem. So if he is gonna get me, ohhh its not gonna be easy. Im not saying im gonna walk up to him and punch him in the face, just if he like jumps me, he will think twice next time about it.


12-14-2005, 06:30 AM
Well, I was sick yesterday, and all weekend with the flu, so I didnt see him for sometime. Sweet. God he thinks he is so cool....pfff...he is a spooge guzzler...He keeps asking me, "Are you afraid of me?" And of course, I keep saying no. What should I do now to shut him up?

Tell him you were sick and cough on him. :P

12-14-2005, 09:45 AM
Just quit whining about him and when he is walking home one day kick the fuck out of him off of school property. Just beat him into the ground and don't stop till he can't move. He'll leave you alone after that.

12-14-2005, 09:59 AM
[QUOTE=Mottzilla]Do you not live in the United States? Telling someone "You wanna die?" will get you expelled from school.QUOTE]

While this is true, if his parents put up a big enough fight, he could just get suspended. My junior year, I wrote in an email to my friend that I was so mad I could kill someone (the email got sent directly to my instructor since it had curse words in it), and the business department director (Mrs. Andrews the whore) took the whole thing out of context and said that I threatened to kill her... Which turned into this big shitcapade about how she was terrified of me and blah blah blah, she wanted me expelled blah blah blah.... Well, the dean talked her out of expulsion, and they agreed on either 10 days out of school suspension, or 5 days out and 2 days of councelling. My mom was mad, went in and talked to the dean (and flirted a little) and got them down to one day in-school. And I didn't even directly threaten anyone, unless there was someone at school named "Someone".

Also, uh, kid who made the thread who's name I forget... Don't fight, it's lame. This guy is just trying to push your buttons and you're letting him do it. Just blow it off, and he'll eventually stop. There's no use picking on someone if you don't get a reaction, right? And there's no use in fighting him because he wants to be a jerk, you'll just get yourself into trouble, and why do that? Anyway...

12-14-2005, 12:22 PM
I'm calling bullshit on this whole thing.

Uhh, my friend Pat told him that, and he stabbed him in the back when he wasnt looking.

I don't care what state you live in, if a kid stabs another kid there is going to be a lot more than a 2 day suspension.

12-15-2005, 01:03 PM
Hm. Strength in numbers. I'd say try to get people to see what this kid is doing to people. Form a secretive group devoted specifically to keeping people out of harm's way. The more people you have supporting you and the cause, the more difficult it'll be for him to damage you in any way. It's great mental backup as well as physical backup.

Yeah, 'cause that's really worked against me in the past.

12-15-2005, 01:43 PM
Yeah, 'cause that's really worked against me in the past.

*cracks up*

Sorry, but I just imagined a big herd of dorks storming after Breaker with pitch forks and torches. It was funny. :p

12-16-2005, 03:26 AM
Well anyways, if the problem persists, you should contact the police department and let them know of the problem. It will establish a history incase he assaults you, which can help them do something about it. Ofcourse, you could get a dirty needle thats rusty and nasty, and poke him with it and hope the health problems kill him. ;p Better yet, get some avian flu virus and give him that! W00t and stuff.