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View Full Version : Raft and Ladder-No tiles

12-07-2005, 05:48 PM
Why are there no tiles for the Raft and Ladder? All other items have tiles, so why don't these 2 have their own tiles?

12-07-2005, 06:13 PM
Well... they do.
What do you mean?

12-07-2005, 06:15 PM
I mean, when you try to put the Raft and Ladder items on a screen, nothing appears. If you go to Quest-Sprites-Items and click on Raft or Ladder, there's no tile. All there is is a black square. That's what I mean.

12-07-2005, 06:50 PM
What tileset?
Why not just add them if they are missing?

12-07-2005, 06:52 PM
I don't really know how to make their tiles, and I don't know what you mean by tileset...

12-07-2005, 07:37 PM
Making tiles isn't that complicated. Go into the Tile menu and double-click a tile, and you can edit it any way you like.

A tileset is a collection of tiles and sprites. It sounds like you're still working with the Classic tileset, which is the default one used in the original NES Zelda.

If you want to try a new tileset try downloading one from online somewhere. PureZC.com has a lot of tilesets free to download. Also, you can try opening your 2.10 quest (unless it's passworded) and use that quest's tiles.

Of you want to know more about tile editing or tilesets go ahead and post again about either of them to let me know, but it's a lot of description so I won't go into it unless you feel like it.

12-07-2005, 07:43 PM
The one thing I'd like right now is at least a pic of the Raft and Ladder tiles from the original NES Zelda so I can draw those on the edit screen the RIGHT way...

12-07-2005, 09:18 PM
Okay. Quick lesson about taking snapshots and loading single tiles from pictures, because it'll help you enormously in this task.

The tiles for the raft and ladder should both be in the very first page of the tileset. If they are, you can use C and V to copy and paste the tiles in different places, or go into Quest..Sprites..Items and set the Raft and Ladder tiles properly. It might sound complicated but it's a simple matter of point-and-click.

If for some reason your raft and ladder tiles are missing...

Open a brand new, empty quest.

Go into Tiles and you should be able to see the raft and ladder tiles in the first page. Push F12 to take a snapshot. It won't say or show anything, but don't worry, it worked.

Reopen the quest you are working on and go into the Tiles menu. Click the spot where you want to put the ladder tile. Click 'Grab' at the bottom and then click 'File'. Open the picture you just created, which will be named 'zelda001' or something very close to that.

This should open the picture of your tiles. Click the ladder tile in the picture and then click OK to move the ladder tile into your Tiles menu. Repeat this process for the raft tile.

Now you can set this to be the tile for the item in the Quest..Sprites..Items menu.

Okay, that was a really long description, sorry. If any of it didn't make sense, feel free to repost.

12-07-2005, 09:34 PM
Hey, it's okay. I found another way to get them. I just drew them after finding them on another quest I'm making.