View Full Version : Chronicles of Narnia

12-06-2005, 01:52 AM
Is anyone else completely stoked for this movie? I have loved these books since I was a kid, and can't wait to see The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. From the trailer, it looked exactly like I always hoped it would. Although, the old BBC versions still have a special place in my heart :).

12-06-2005, 02:25 AM
I am the books were awesome, perfect thing to make into a movie. I saw a video game on its , doesnt seem that good, but the movie should be good

12-06-2005, 02:00 PM
I just finished the Chronicles last night, I aimed to read them all before the movie. I first read them when I was about seven, and I have been looking forward to this movie ever since I heard they were filming. I do so hope they get it right...

12-06-2005, 02:50 PM
I have an uber old version of the movie and it's a total disappointment. Hopefully this remake with be much better.

King Aquamentus
12-06-2005, 04:01 PM
the old BBC versions still have a special place in my heart :).

Same here. That's why I'm actually worried about the new one. I'm afraid of it turning out too much like Lord of the Rings. The two series have the same general theme, and as I understand, CS Lewis and JRR Tolkein knew each other well, but simply put: LotR is LotR, and CoN is CoN. I mean, I'm not asking for it to be just like the BBC one, heavens no. I just hope it brings something new to the table.

12-06-2005, 05:01 PM
I've never read any of the books. The movie looks kind of cool, but so far the advertising for it has left me feeling kind of put off. It seems they are drawing off the success of the LOTR's. That's perfectly alright, but I hope it doesn't turn out just to be a soulless cash machine. The Lord of the Rings turned out well because it was financed by a big company, but creatively it was driven by a group of dedicated fans. I don't know much about what went into making this movie, but it deserves it's own shot. I'm hoping they're not doing it in hopes of LOTR part 2.

12-06-2005, 08:59 PM
I am not expecting an "epic, grand" movie ala Lord of the Rings. Narnia really is not that much like LotR. They are both fantasy tales, and the similarities pretty much end there. The Narnia books are childrens books, but also written in such a way that adults will really enjoy the subtle parts of them. It is said that people should read the series three times. Once as a child, once as an adult, and once elderly. They really are great books, and very lighthearted.

As for the BBC versions, they are suprisingly accurate, but very dated. They have a very 80's "muppet" sort of charm to them.

12-08-2005, 03:55 AM
I was never able to read these as a kid, the concepts seemed interesting but the writing style put me to sleep everytime, for some reason. The movie looks ok though and it has Tilda Swindon in it so that's cool. How exactly are these aimed at Christian audiences though, I know the author was one but I don't know what went on in the books and how exactly it is different from something like Harry Potter.

12-08-2005, 03:59 AM
I was never able to read these as a kid, the concepts seemed interesting but the writing style put me to sleep everytime, for some reason. The movie looks ok though and it has Tilda Swindon in it so that's cool. How exactly are these aimed at Christian audiences though, I know the author was one but I don't know what went on in the books and how exactly it is different from something like Harry Potter.

I saw a new segment on it. Apparently it is marketed as a christian allegory. The Lion for example is likened to Jesus. C. S. Lewis denied any allegory, but that won't stop Disney from marketing it as such. The Passion showed that christianity sells.

12-08-2005, 04:57 AM
It is similar to an allegory. If you read all seven books you find that Aslan is actually Christ as He would exist in another world. That is not the main focus of the story though, which is a simple fairy tale. Disney is just look to make money, and if letting Christian groups (foolishly, in my opinion) market Narnia as a Christian movie, a tool for churches, etc, will make more money, then Disney is all for it.

J.J. Maxx
12-10-2005, 04:28 PM
I saw the midnight showing and was a little dissapointed. It felt rushed. ;)

12-11-2005, 12:29 PM
I read them all a few years ago and honestly I didn't like them all that much =/ the movie looks cool, I'll probably see it when it comes to our local theatre.

12-11-2005, 01:32 PM
i saw it last night and enjoyed it. I never read the books so it was all new to me.

Dark Templar
12-12-2005, 01:34 AM
Hey guys!! damn it's been forever since I've been on here.. I saw the movie tonight, it was so badass!! That lion looked so frikken real!! lol

12-12-2005, 01:45 AM
Oh my God.... there's someone I haven't seen in FOREVER! Nice to see you again!

Anywho, I saw this opening night, and I left the theatre pretty satisfied. There were a couple parts at the beginning where I felt some elements were dumbed down, but all in all, I thought it meshed together pretty well. Sure, some of the seams showed, but the story is still classic, and it was fun to see the satyrs and griffins and the phoenix among other things in all of their glory. It was almost exactly as I hoped it would be.

Don't listen to the reviews, most of them that I have read put it down because it's not "as good as LOTR." Well, news flash, it's not supposed to be. One reviewer complained about how many times they went in and out of the wardrobe at the beginning, but that's how the bloody book goes, so I don't see what he is complaining about. Ah well... I defeintly can't wait to see if they make any others... especially the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, that book was my favorite :D.

Dark Templar
12-12-2005, 01:54 AM
At the begining I thought the little girl was going to get raped by that guy when she first found Narnia.. He tricked her into his house with promises of toast and drinks and then he locked the door behind him.. lol

Oh and nice to see you again Orion.. damn it's been so long. Who is the staff here these days?

12-12-2005, 08:50 AM
This movie had an awesome begining. This movie also had an awesome end. However, it had absolutely NO middle. The four children go from being utterly confused and dumbfounded about where they were to acting as if this was all perfectly natural and that they had been there for years. I pinpoint it about when the whole "Santa Claus/River Crossing/Meeting Asland" trifecta happened.

Also, it bothered me that the movie expected us to make emotional connections where there were none. Sure, we had heard about Asland for a long time, but we saw him on screen for all of 10 minutes before he's executed. I just couldn't bring myself to care that he died. Same thing with the general who sacrifices himself near the end. Also the subscuent "HEY GUYS ASLAND IS JESUS WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" was kind of stupid, the two girls didn't even have a whiole day to grieve for the guy before he was rushed back into aliveness.

Oh yeah, if you hadn't seen the movie or read the book, don't read the two paragraphs before this sentance.

Now, if I had seen the ending at the end of a two-movie epic, then I think I would have had some emotional attachment to the charactors and really would have wanted to root for them. But as it stood, this movie had a great begining and would have had a great ending had there had been a middle. But there wasn't, and the last half of the movie ended up feeling contrived as hell.

However, the subsquent in-car discussion between my friends and I about the film gave rise to some of the funniest conversation I have recent memory of having. PROPHACY!!!

Hey guys!! damn it's been forever since I've been on here.. I saw the movie tonight, it was so badass!! That lion looked so frikken real!! lol


Dark Templar
12-12-2005, 05:32 PM
I come from AGN... my home. :D How have you been man!?

12-15-2005, 02:26 PM
At the begining I thought the little girl was going to get raped by that guy when she first found Narnia.. He tricked her into his house with promises of toast and drinks and then he locked the door behind him.. lol
I know! haha. "Come into my house, little child, I have sardines and candy..."

I liked the movie, the special effects (particularly Aslan) kept me in the movie and it was pretty true to the story.

It made me want to go back and read the series again.

12-16-2005, 10:22 AM
26/12 down here. I might go see it some time in the new year, i believe.

I come from AGN... my home. :D How have you been man!?

Apparantely, your last post was 2 years ago. You get trapped in the attic of your 'home' or something? :P

12-16-2005, 03:32 PM
I get to go see the Chronicles of Narnia for free. Some one's dad like, worked on the special effects or something. It looks good, I read one the Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe, and I enjoyed it.

12-16-2005, 07:25 PM
My brother went to see it the other day and said it was amazing.

I watched the original movies when I was little, but I don't remember much about them. I may wind up seeing this new version, but in the meantime I'd like to check out Aeon Flux and King Kong.

12-17-2005, 04:37 PM
NO! Do *not* see Aeon Flux! I made that error earlier this month and nearly left in the middle of the movie. Some of the shots are pleasing to the eyes, but bad plot and *bad* acting make the movie thoroughly ass.

As for Narnia, I saw it opening night, and was impressed. Granted, the movie owes at least 90% of its quality to wonderful, yet never ostentatious, CG, and I do agree somewhat with AlexMax about the movie feeling rushed. In its favor, however, I never felt beaten over the head with the Christian stick (unlike, say, Matrix: Revolutions), which would have been very easy to do had Disney so desired it.

Dark Templar
12-21-2005, 02:44 PM
26/12 down here. I might go see it some time in the new year, i believe.

Apparantely, your last post was 2 years ago. You get trapped in the attic of your 'home' or something? :P

It's the holidays.. thought I'd drop by and see what the family was up to these days. Looks like alot of the same people are still on here. I can't believe it's been almost 6 years since I've joined here.. :scared: