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07-16-2007, 10:06 PM
I decided if EoT is moving to build 254, why not take advantage of some of the new features. This is what I had in mind:

Make dungeon boss enemies harder (e.g. level 1 boss aquamentus h
as more HP than nomal aqaumentuses.

Include spin attack and peril beam.

Small tweaks to the subscreen. This is what I have so far:

(Screenshot link was outdated and has been removed.)

And just I few ideas:

A seperate dungeon for the master sword.

After beating the abanded tower, you can find a switch that inverts the tower. The reward is the hurricane spin and a heart container. (I actually got the idea from the midi of the level, the stone tower temple music, since the level it's from can be inverted.)

07-22-2007, 02:16 PM
Sounds good to me. Feel free to do literally anything you want. Nothing, I'm sure, will disappoint me.

11-01-2007, 05:59 PM
Great quest Pineconn, with all the tips and help I found in this thread I was able to complete the quest in about 8 hours 55 minutes :D

http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/9409/zelda003dd6.png (http://imageshack.us)

11-01-2007, 07:22 PM
That's only a few hours slower than my personal best, which is good since I knew exactly how to beat it. I could never manage to do it without dying, though...

Thanks for playing my quest. My next quest, Link to the Heavens, is almost finished. It'll be done very soon, so expect it to be added to www.zeldaclassic.com soon as well if you are interested. I've also recently begun remaking EoT with a much better tileset, and the handful of screens I've made are just plain awesome. But it won't be done for quite some time.

11-01-2007, 09:46 PM
I've also recently begun remaking EoT with a much better tileset, and the handful of screens I've made are just plain awesome. But it won't be done for quite some time.
I am also making a remake. It should be done sometime soon.

11-01-2007, 10:06 PM
Speaking of which, that newest version is looking great. One peeve I've had is on the very first screen, how one of the upper-right mountain tiles isn't used right. That's bothered me for a while. Also, the tile warp for that bridge in the mountain area is a little weird.

Regardless, it's much better than the original version. ;)

11-01-2007, 10:23 PM
Speaking of which, that newest version is looking great. One peeve I've had is on the very first screen, how one of the upper-right mountain tiles isn't used right. That's bothered me for a while. Also, the tile warp for that bridge in the mountain area is a little weird.

Regardless, it's much better than the original version. ;)
I fixed the mountain tile this morning. And the reason the bridge warp seems wierd is because originally I had it as a trigger that took the bridge off layer three and put it on layer one, but that didn't work. And I finally figured out how to use DoR mountains. If you'ld like, I can replace the bad looking LttP mountains with DoR mountains.

Edit: Forgot to say. We got a title screen! I'll post a
screenshot as soon as I upload it.

11-02-2007, 01:53 AM
Hi, Pinneconn! I just downloaded End of Time and I am enjoying it so far. I just entered Lv. 2(nope, not stuck yet ^_^) and the levels and overworld seem well-designed so far. Anyhow, I wanted to ask you... is there any way I could get a hold of your Classic Lava Tiles for my own quest? Are they available as loose tiles somewhere? I really like them, and would enjoy being able to have them in my quest.

If you would prefer not to give them away, though, I'd understand. I think a lot of work went into them, no?

11-02-2007, 11:09 AM
Actually, they are just rips of Link to the Past lava. Oh, and if you want to wait to play the quest, I'm almost done with my DoR version of the End of Time. Pineconn's also making a PTUX version.

11-02-2007, 01:41 PM
Actually, I wasn't aware of any different tilesets at the time. I went into LttP and ripped the lava tiles myself. So naturally I don't mind if you use them. :p

11-02-2007, 02:15 PM
Pineconn, do you want me to change the bad LttP mountains to DoR ones?

11-02-2007, 02:55 PM
Oh, they're LttP Lava? Hmm... well, any way you could recommend to me how to rip them? I don't have any Roms or anything, I think I'd need to rip them from a screenshot. Would the screenshot you have for your End of Time submission work?

And I'd like to play both of those remakes at one time or another. Do either of them have anything special besides better graphics? Like, an additional mini-game, item, or overworld area?

11-02-2007, 03:36 PM
Mine is featuring at least two sidequests, one to take advantage of the new features in 2.5, and one that use an oracle of seasons type system. Pineconn's will feature (I think) at least one bonus level and possibly a hidden side quest. And of course, they both feature boss music/different music and palletes for different overworld areas. And I could send you the tiles for the lava, as I have the password to the quest.

11-02-2007, 03:44 PM
I'd be very grateful if you could send them... in a way that I could rip them straight into my quest, if possible? Thanks!

11-02-2007, 03:53 PM
End of Time uses the classic pallete, so they should rip perfectly. And I forgot to mention, my remake also contains new things like an arrow counter (instead of using money for arrows), bosses with more hp (thank you enemy editor) a slightly different subscreen (if I ever get around to it) and a stupid (and I mean stupid) opening cutscene (with a title screen). I'll send you the lava when I am done with school, hopefully around 4 PM Pacific Time.

11-02-2007, 04:12 PM
Okay, thanks.

11-02-2007, 06:12 PM
Sorry, you have to download the picture (dang internet security blocks photobucket). But, here it is:

It includes the lava tiles and the cliff tiles that jut into the lava. Set the animation frames to four and the speed to 15.

11-02-2007, 07:18 PM
Thank you so much!

BTW, just 'cause I'm curious, how old are you? It sounds like you're almost as young as I am.

11-02-2007, 07:53 PM
13. You?

11-02-2007, 08:49 PM
Me too! I don't know why, I just always thought you were older. Hmm.

The Lava tiles are AWESOME! I love them. And my neighbor drew some grate-type tiles. I can't explain... I'll just post screenshots in a few minutes. Level 5 is going to be FUN to make!

11-02-2007, 08:55 PM
Me too! I don't know why, I just always thought you were older. Hmm.

I always thought you were older. So wierd. Is it just me, or did this thread get somewhat off topic?

Edit: Don't know if you noticed, but that was your 200th post!

11-02-2007, 09:45 PM
Yeah, this thread has got somewhat off topic. And hooray, post 200! :) What other quests have you worked on, BTW? Besides your End of Time remake.

Here are those screenshots I promised, all from Level 5:







The last one is Giant Armos, the custom boss. I think I've posted screenshots for him before, but he looks a lot better with the Lava and Grate.

11-02-2007, 10:43 PM
The screenchots look nice. Just as a suggestion for now, let's try to stay on the EoT topic for now and post things like screenshots elsewhere.

What other quests have you worked on, BTW? Besides your End of Time remake.

I'm was working on another one , but it is on delay untill 2.5 is released. It is going to be my greatest quest, which I hope to get at least 4 stars off of it, and I will need many features from 2.5 for it. But when it's completed, it's going to have about 19 full length dungeons, lots of mini dungeons, about 20 overworld maps, and a LttP light world/dark world type feature. Plus a very detailed storyline. And each dungeon will have a theme (like level 2 has little air, so you have only a certain amount of time you can stay in).
Edit: Have you noticed I have a habit of posting 3 minutes after you log off?

11-03-2007, 12:19 AM
Yes, I did seem to notice that. And I posted the screenshots here to show I was getting good use out of the Lava Tiles.

That sounds like a cool game. What is its title, and how much of it have you got done so far? Also, how old were you when you first started working with ZC? I think you might be the youngest ever... I previously thought I was. :)

11-03-2007, 12:29 AM
That sounds like a cool game. What is its title, and how much of it have you got done so far? Also, how old were you when you first started working with ZC? I think you might be the youngest ever... I previously thought I was. :)

I'm through with level 2, and a little way through the overworld. I think I am going to completly redo it since DoR 1.2 tileset is coming out soon. I am still trying to figure out a title, but I think it will sound somewhat like Link to the Past (it's storyline centers around events that transpired in OoT). And I started ZC when I was 12.

Edit: 8 minutes after you logged off this time. Sheesh.

11-03-2007, 01:46 AM
Well, for that post, I sat down, posted, and got up and logged off right away. :) So if you had posted 30 seconds after I would've missed it.

Anyway, although so many dungeons sounds very cool... don't you think it's a bit of overkill? I mean, wouldn't your time be better spent on something different? Perhaps two games in the time it would take you to make that one?

And 12 years old? Well, I guess that made you the youngest... but my 11-year-old friend just started ZQuest, and he's picking it up faster than I did. He's the one that drew those Grate-type tiles in the screenshots above. (Well, they were his concept... I actually drew them.) Anyway, I guess that makes the three of us 1, 2, and 3 for youngest ZQuesters, eh?

11-03-2007, 12:12 PM
Well, I was thinking about splitting the game into two parts, but then the player would start from ground zero item wise. And the reason I have so many dungeons is because they game is in two parts, based off the storyline. And although there are a lot of dungeons, many of them are quite small.

And I guess we are the youngest people to ever do Zquest. *Waves to 10 year old fried and asks him to go to zelda classic.com*. Kidding, of course.

11-03-2007, 01:14 PM
Two parts as-in two separate quests, or when you enter Lv. 19 you'll already have all the hearts you need?

11-03-2007, 01:24 PM
As in when you enter level 19 you already have all the hearts you need. Which still won't be enough to beat the awesome final boss I've been planning out for a few months now. I can't wait untill 2.5 is released so I can resume work on it.

Edit: 8 minutes after your post.

Edit 2: Never mind, you didn't log off this time.

11-03-2007, 01:29 PM
Sounds like an awesome game. I can't wait to play it! So, will it be some sort of epic? Like LI was?

11-03-2007, 01:31 PM
Ya, very epic. And it will take a very long to make. And I was thinking of making it a joint quest with one of my friends. Say, would you be interested in doing it as a three way joint quest with me and one of my friends?

11-03-2007, 01:49 PM
Definitely! That could be so cool. And with three of us, it could get done quicker. That's awesome. I could probably help you mainly with ideas and dungeon designs. I'm not that good at overworld stuff yet. You're using DoR, right?

Perhaps we could all make a few dungeons for the quest, and you could make the overworld? I think I saw one quest on the database that had a different author for every single dungeon in it.

As for Custom Bosses, I see that the biggest dilemma for Custom Bosses in better tilesets is getting tiles. In Classic you can draw them, but that doesn't work very well in DoR or PTUX. If we could get somebody to draw tiles for us, then I'm sure we could cook up some great custom bosses... I don't know about you, but it's not ideas that limit my Custom Bosses, it's the tiles I have at my disposal.

But, we might as well start before 2.5 comes out. I have Beta584 on my Laptop, if you really want to collaborate, why don't you send me what you have so far? I'll come up with some dungeon designs, you just tell me what to do and I'll do it!

Hmm... this thread has gone majorly off-topic. How about you make a new thread for this quest that you, me, and your friend can post on?

11-03-2007, 01:53 PM
Ya, I'll make a new thread. Or we could just use private messages, but you have private messages dissabled. My friend is good at drawing tiles, so he could probably draw most of the custom bosses. I've got level 1 and part of 2 done, and level three is planned out on paper. I've got a huge overworld already invisioned, with north and south hyrule field, and a bunch of other places branching off from it. Let's use beta 635. I'll send you what I have so far by email.

11-03-2007, 02:02 PM
I have private messages disabled? How would I enable those?

Beta 635? Hmm... I don't have that one. But I'll go and get it.

11-03-2007, 02:11 PM
Enable private messages by going to your user cp, going to the options, and scrolling down and checking the option enable private messaging sytem. BTW, I sent you the e-mail. If you look, at the file, you will notice it is messier than the eternal winter file you sent me a while back with the custom boss. Plus it has all the strings that were in the DoR demo quest. Never got around to clearing those.

11-03-2007, 02:20 PM
I just opened up the file, and that looks AWESOME! I see a custom boss in there, I think... the golem monster thingies? And I love how you planned out Hyrule Field before actually adding the details. That's going to make for a better overworld than I probably would've done, I usually do it one screen at a time. :)

This looks awesome. Truly.

EDIT: Back on the thread's subject, where is Level 3 in End of Time? I'm sure I must've overlooked it. I have the raft and have visited the graveyard. BTW, where is the Blue Ring in the graveyard? I don't feel like pushing stones and dying to Ghini 2's anymore. ~_~

Also, in the south of the overworld there is a cave with a patch of dirt on the outside that I bombed open. Ama is inside but there is no string or room type in there. What's up with that?

11-03-2007, 08:15 PM
To get to level three, you have to superbomb the large tombstone. The blue ring is found by bombing the wall at the dead end one screen north of the little rocky platform. And if you go one screen north and one screen east of the large tombstone, and push the middle grave, you can get the level 2 boomerang. And for the room with Ama, show her an empty bottle and she will sell you potions.

11-04-2007, 04:59 AM
Okay, thanks! I'll try all of that tomorrow.(In case you didn't notice the post-time, it's 2:00A.M. at a friend's sleepover. ^_^)

Anyway, are you going to start a topic for your new quest? I've been looking at it some more, and although it looks really awesome, it's going to take me a while to understand how to use DoR... but I definitely need the practice.

11-04-2007, 11:24 AM
I think I am going to hold off on making it until DoR 1.2 is released. It should be released within the month. Then I'll just copy the quest screen by screen to the new version. And there were some tutorials on using the DoR tileset at the ZC university. And I was thinking private messaging or e-mail would be better than starting a new topic. I want the details of the quest to remain secret.

11-04-2007, 02:28 PM
Oh, okay, gotcha. Secrecy, keep everyone guessing. :)

01-11-2008, 06:46 PM
Sorry if this has been asked before, and I will probably solve it before someone answers me. In lvl. 3, how exactly do I get to the staircase on the screen that if you bomb north gets you to the hookshot? It's up on a large stand...

Oh, and, off subject, but, where exactly can I get a custom tileset/ how do I import it into ZC? And are there any good ZC tutorials (on anything) that people suggest? I'm interested in starting my custom quest career.

01-11-2008, 07:02 PM
Let's see. That staircase on the large stand holds the hookshot. To get to it, from that screen, go right. Push the block onto the switch, and go up. Kill the enemies, and then push the block next to the sand to reveal a staircase. Go down the staircase, and through the passage. You will come out in another room. Bomb the southern wall. This will get you to the staircase.

01-11-2008, 07:19 PM
Oh, misread those previous things. Thought you came from that staircase then bombed the northern wall to get to a room with the hookshot. Should've studied my map closer...

01-11-2008, 07:25 PM
Oh, misread those previous things. Thought you came from that staircase then bombed the northern wall to get to a room with the hookshot. Should've studied my map closer...
Hm, that could get confusing. *Goes to change staircase to treasure chest in remake*.

01-11-2008, 07:27 PM
Hm, that could get confusing. *Goes to change staircase to treasure chest in remake*.

That would probably help.

Still in need of tileset information(it's prioritized in front of tutorials at the moment, as I know some aspects of ZC already from other tutorials).

01-11-2008, 07:54 PM
Oh, and, off subject, but, where exactly can I get a custom tileset/ how do I import it into ZC? And are there any good ZC tutorials (on anything) that people suggest? I'm interested in starting my custom quest career.
purezc.com. They have tons of tilesets there. To use them, just open them like you would open a quest.

01-11-2008, 09:15 PM
Hm, that could get confusing. *Goes to change staircase to treasure chest in remake*.

Haha, I'm not changing it in my remake. :evil:

Speaking of which, I've completed Level 1. It looks pretty nice, so now I'm on to the [southern part of the] desert, town, forest, and Level 2!

01-11-2008, 11:13 PM
An update with the pure tileset? Because I loved that one in Link to the Heavens.

01-12-2008, 12:49 AM
An update with the pure tileset? Because I loved that one in Link to the Heavens.
Pineconn is doing a remake with PTUX (Pure Tileset Update Extreme) and I am doing a remake with the DoR tileset. Pineconn's will most likely feature much better looking screens, while mine has more advance features, such as the ability to roll, ride horses, and things like that. And, if I can get a dang script to work right, the two remakes will be password linked, allowing you to acess secrets if and only if you have obtained the hidden passwords from the other game.

Speaking of which, I've completed Level 1. It looks pretty nice, so now I'm on to the [southern part of the] desert, town, forest, and Level 2!

Why don't you post some screenshots? Then, I can post my versions, and we can all agree how much better yours look.

01-12-2008, 10:30 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/PokeMaster/eot_old3.png Old | New http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/PokeMaster/eot_new3.png

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/PokeMaster/eot_old4.png Old | New http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/PokeMaster/eot_new4.png

Note that I am still expressing my artistic license. That is, I'm not making every screen look the exact same as they are in the original EoT, but still very similar.

01-13-2008, 02:10 AM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/PokeMaster/eot_old3.png Old | New http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/PokeMaster/eot_new3.png

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/PokeMaster/eot_old4.png Old | New http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/PokeMaster/eot_new4.png

Note that I am still expressing my artistic license. That is, I'm not making every screen look the exact same as they are in the original EoT, but still very similar.
You changes the screens that much!? After seeing this, I am going to completly redo every last screen of the dungeons. And since I need to redo the overworld to import the new SD3 grass, I am basically redoing the whole thing! I'll make some improvements to the screens and post some pictures.

02-01-2008, 12:28 AM
Hey Pineconn, if you ever check out this thread anymore, I have a question.

Anyway, great quest so far. I've made it through the first 7 levels having to only look up a couple small things and I'm ready to take on this amazing Level 8 I've read so much about. But, I'd like to have the Master Sword, which I found but can't grab. I have 13 heart containers plus 2 HCP. I think I have looked everywhere in the overworld (and underworld) but I can't find anymore HCP.

Do I need 14? 15? Is there a heart cave or something where I'm missing a bunch? If I only need two more HCP, are there some commonly missed ones? Any help is appreciated.

02-01-2008, 01:07 PM
For the Master Sword, you need 14 Hearts. You should be able to fin them in the overworld. They aren't too hard to find.

02-01-2008, 02:22 PM
I guarantee I made a Heart Piece map for this quest. I'll try to dig it up.


Each Heart Piece is designated with a red circle along with an explanation on how to get it.

02-01-2008, 03:53 PM
Wow. The overworld looks a lot better in the classic set that in the DoR set. Especially the lake area. I'll try to get a map of it in my remake.

02-01-2008, 04:22 PM
Thanks! Just looking at the map I swear I've gotten them all, but obviously I've missed two somehow. Again, great quest. I for one love the classic set when well-implemented. I will be playing LttH soon.

I'll let you know how I fare with Level 8.

02-01-2008, 05:04 PM
Please take a few months to beat it. That way can prove my point to Pineconn. :D But just remember, level 8 is the largest and most fun level of the game.

02-02-2008, 02:24 AM
Sorry to disappoint, but I managed to make it through in a couple of hours.

Although I'm stuck in 9 now. Not asking for help yet, but I'm missing something. I'm caught in a loop of rooms that I don't know how to escape. There's a block in the way of a door and I don't know how to remove it.

Edit: Well geez. All I needed to do was walk into it. I feel dumb. I was trying to shoot that stupid block with everything in my arsenal. Anyway, 10:20 and 19 deaths. That's an outstanding quest right there.

02-04-2008, 03:33 PM
OK, I guess I just am not good at ZC. Well, congrats on beating it. And, if you liked it, Pineconn and I are both making remakes (although his is a lot better, graphically at least).

02-05-2008, 01:54 PM
I've no doubt it takes a lot more talent to make a quest than to just play a quest. I've yet to even attempt the former.

It was a confusing dungeon. The off-the-map room nearly got me and I almost had to look up how to get that item to get the key and finish. And thank god I got the master sword, or I think the Batrobes would have made me insane.

newbe swan
02-24-2008, 10:29 PM
Excellent quest!!!

I've made it through all the levels except 9.

I got the arrow and the master key, but I can't figure out the clue about the floor tiles and haven't gotten the boss key. What am I supposed to do?

BTW, Link to the Heavens is also an amazing quest!

02-24-2008, 11:15 PM
First I'll answer about the floor tiles. You know the room where you get the first key in the level? Bomb the northern wall there. Kill all the enemies and you will get a whole heart container. Second, there is no boss key. In room 33, bomb the left wall. Ganon will be waiting to great you there...

newbe swan
02-26-2008, 09:16 PM
First I'll answer about the floor tiles. You know the room where you get the first key in the level? Bomb the northern wall there. Kill all the enemies and you will get a whole heart container. Second, there is no boss key. In room 33, bomb the left wall. Ganon will be waiting to great you there...

Thanks Russadwan! Finally got to it and finished it!

Excellent quest!:D

03-23-2008, 11:42 AM
I feel like an idiot and it's probably something simple but I can't get anywhere past the first 4 screens. I run into water or bushes I can't pass. Bought the bombs and bombed 4 likely places but nothing.

03-23-2008, 12:03 PM
Never mind I found the candle

03-24-2008, 08:13 PM
Never mind I found the candle
If you're like I was, you will figure everything out as soon as you post. Feel free to ask any questions. Pineconn and I will be ready to answer them.

05-15-2008, 02:02 AM
Just finished this quest as well, great job as always Pineconn, definitely enjoyed it (esp. level 8! Russ, why did it take you a month to beat that level again? ;) ). It took me 9 hours, 25 minutes, 39 sec. to beat the game, with 0 deaths and only 1 potion used the entire time :D A little better than my 146 death beating of LttH, don't ya think? Saving using the menu definitely helps.

By the way, Mike, you were curious in another post how a player knew your name. Well, I am pretty sure it was because your name is in the credits once you beat the game. :)

05-15-2008, 09:18 PM
First, it took me so long to beat that level because I was a complete n00b then, and very bad at Zelda games.

Second, I think I already pointed out how people knew Mike's name.

Third, congrats on beating it!

06-06-2008, 08:35 AM
Can someone help me find my way to Level 8 please?

06-06-2008, 02:58 PM
Go Death Mountain (the mountainous northern area of the overworld). Go to the top, and you will find a lake. Swim through, until you find some rocks. Push one and you'll find an Underworld portal. In the Underworld, go north, and use the boots to cross the Trail of Spikes. Then enter the volcano to find Level 8: Catycalism Crater (the largest level, and one of my favorite ZC levels there is).

06-18-2008, 01:21 PM
Hi all... :) this is my first time joining the forum, all this time i just read it. It surely helped me a lot on finishing some quests. But this time, i really need to post my own question since i don't see any of you having trouble that i'm having at this moment :( On level 8, i can't seem to find the book. Pineconn said to go from the room with the water and the fairy, the problem is, i can't even find that room!! I keep going back to the room where we got stuck with the blocks that don't let us out. And that's the only B3 room i have found this far. Where am i supposed to go from the start? Please help ... i really feel desperate, bored at trying to find the answer myself but also really want to finish this quest. Thanks before hand ...

06-18-2008, 02:55 PM
Okay, to get the magic book, from the entrance, go north, east, downstairs, north, north, north, north, downstairs, west, warptile, south, west, south, south 4 times (maze path), east, downstairs, south, downstairs, north, west, north, north, east, east, east, north, north, north. This is just the straight path to it, if you need help finding keys or get stuck on a puzzle along the way, just ask :D

Pineconn lolz
06-18-2008, 03:01 PM
Well, i'm making a zelda 3d, which will be 10000 times better than this.

ANd nice job on the game, P. I like the overworld.

06-18-2008, 08:09 PM
I can't find Level 9. I stumbled upon it a while back and now can't remember where it was at or how to get there. Can someone please direct me to it?

06-18-2008, 09:09 PM
From the start of the overworld, go left, up, up, up, left, and go in the hole. Now that you are in the Underworld, go right and up. Follow the linear path to Level 9.

06-18-2008, 09:21 PM
Okay, to get the magic book, from the entrance, go north, east, downstairs, north, north, :confused:
can we go north? How should i unblock the tile with the magic wand symbol on it? still can't use the wand without the book, can we? Sorry for being soooooo slow to understand. Thanks :D and thanks also for the quick reply ;)

06-18-2008, 09:33 PM
I think you are having a problem because of my poor tile editing skills from 3 years ago, sorry about that. ;) The barrier to which you are referring is supposed to depict a wand being swiped, so just touch that barrier with your wand to get rid of it.

06-18-2008, 09:37 PM
Yups. got it!!! Pineconn ... what a quest!!! :highfive: Going on to finish the quest :cool:

08-07-2008, 07:03 PM
Pineconn: Great quest, having a blast so far. :) You have what they call the skills. Anyway, I don't, and I'm stuck in the 2nd dungeon, of all places. It's the room to the right of the entranceway, where you push the block and a stairwell appears and the trap door to the right opens. The first time I visited this room, I pushed the block so that it blocked off the path to the newly-opened door. No problem, I thought, so I just took the staircase. I went through the following rooms, past the one where you have to push the blocks to form a right arrow, and eventually reached a point where I had to backtrack to a previously unexplored room (lower left part of the map, where you get the key from a conveyor I think?) to get a key.

Anyway, I've got the key, but now when I visit the room where you push the block and the stairwell and the door and blah blah blah(the first one I mentioned), none of the blocks want to move, so I seem to be stuck. It's very possible I'm being a complete idiot, and I'm missing something very obvious, or I've simply managed to miss pushing the same block 3 times in a row attempting to push every block on the screen. Whatever the case, if you could point me in the right direction, well, thanks. And thanks for a great quest. :)

08-07-2008, 10:36 PM
You have to kill all the enemies first, then push the block that is in front of the shutter door to the right. So I think you might be forgetting to kill all the enemies. (Sorry, I'm sort of beat right now.)

08-08-2008, 08:44 AM
*slaps forehead* Ah...no enemies appear at the moment...but it seems I was pushing the block the wrong direction (didn't know there were 1-way blocks). Thanks for the hint :D

08-08-2008, 12:13 PM
Haha, don't worry about it. I make even bigger headdesk moments than that when creating quests. :p

02-02-2009, 07:03 PM
Hey, Pineconn...I know you don't want people bugging you about this, but could I have the password to End of Time? I am making a remake too (Yeah BS tileset!) and it's not fun copying screen by screen...Thanks!

Also, the link to your demo is bad...or at least on my computer. I'll send the demo (of mine) to you (if I can figure it out...I'm new)

I can't make mine password-linked. I have no idea when it comes to scripting.
And please, everybody who wants the demo, don't bother asking. It was only available to my buddies at school. Sorry. Also, huge rock and grave tiles finished. Now for the Nayru's Love, Din's Fire, and Farore's Wind tiles. Yikes!

02-02-2009, 09:35 PM
Trust me when I say: Don't bother.

If you honestly want to make a good remake, it will take way too much time.

I ended up giving up on my remake, and now I'm just making Pineconn's custom bosses and storyline.

Although he seems to have quit making it. :shrug:

02-03-2009, 07:36 AM
Trust me when I say: Don't bother. When you say that, do you mean asking Pineconn or making the game?

Oh, and is it required you buy at least one key with the 999 rupees you find under the...thing? I had to on my first try.

02-21-2009, 03:49 AM
Ok I have read a lot in this thread. I am playing on zelda classic windows 928 because regular 2.10 will not work with hammers chopping down blocks. I think by playing in this version it will not allow me to go north in the fairy room in level 8? What can I do to proceed? Pineconn please come to my rescue and this is a great quest so far.

02-21-2009, 08:50 AM
*Checks in Zelda Classic* Uh-oh. I'll e-mail you a link to a version with the Level 4 cheat. I might as well say it here, since nobody else has it. The cheat is "Level 4". Please don't cheat your way to the end of the game.

02-21-2009, 06:38 PM
I was able to just buy a key in the overworld to finish level 8. I never did get the magical book but it was an optional item since I just bought a key in the overworld. I was able to finish the game with all 16 hearts. 0 deaths in about 9 and a half hours. This was a great quest. It was more puzzle oriented than enemy oriented. I never had to use the medicine at all once I purchased it.

03-04-2009, 08:40 AM
Don't worry people. My remake is harder in terms of fighting. *Checks out Level 1, with three Armos in the first room*.

03-13-2009, 06:30 PM
OK -I'm in the original and I'd like to know in level 2- How do I get past the room 1 up and 1 right from the entrance? I've pushed all of the blocks a bunch and tried bombing up and down, but I get nothing.

03-13-2009, 06:58 PM
You don't get through there. The room to the the right of there has the boss key. So you wind up on the other side of that room, where you can push the blocks out of the way.

However, there is one block in there that you can push to find a stairway leading to another room. But you'll need to two keys from the left side of the level to proceed through there.

03-14-2009, 09:54 PM
Edited out.

03-16-2009, 06:21 PM
From now on, see if I have it on YouTube before posting. You can find it by typing Moo2wo and Pineconn.

I will continue to ask questions/post as I see fit. I appreciate that you made videos for it, I do, but don't expect everyone to just use that instead. Sometimes the urge to cheat is too much when all you have to do is watch for another few seconds to beat something. It takes all of the fun out. Asking for help on one part that we are stuck on is what fills these forums everyday.

Back on topic- I didn't expect to have to push the block towards the door. That was kind of backwards thinking for me. I pushed them all in all directions except that one, that way.

03-16-2009, 07:25 PM
Samething happened to me.

04-23-2009, 03:13 PM
Okay, I'm liking this quest so far, but I'm stuck in the Beneath the Lake level, not because I don't know where to go, but because it's physically impossible to do so. I can't go out either door because they're partially obscured by the cliff tiles, trapping me in the first room. I started on page one, but no one else was complaining about this, so I don't know. Is this a glitch or a puzzle I'm just not getting?

Dan Furst
04-23-2009, 06:14 PM
Sounds like a compatibility issue. What version of ZClassic are you using? This quest was developed in 2.10.

04-23-2009, 08:21 PM
I'm using 2.5, but I'm saying that the top edges of the doors are being physically blocked by cliff tiles, which can't be walked through. I don't know why it's like that. I checked a video on youtube and saw that the doors weren't blocked in that version.

Here's a screenshot from the version I'm playing.


And here's the video I'm referencing where it works fine. Check 1:30.


Dan Furst
04-24-2009, 10:02 AM
There are 2 possibilities - you can submit a bug report in the Beta Forum (for a Compatibility bug) and hope the devs fix it quickly, or you can restart the game using version 2.10. (The save game files aren't backwards compatible.)

When you download a quest from zeldaclassic.com, the Version number is shown on the side - generally, the only version of the player that will play that quest 100% correct is the one it was built with. The developers make the new Betas as backwards compatible as possible but there are still bugs.


11-29-2009, 11:42 PM
Hi - its been almost 4 years when I played this wonderful quest.. I want to play it again. Could you please help me. Am just at the starting point. I am looking for a candle mayble to get to that level 1. how could i go there? hehe. another thing.. that small box with stairs.. when i go up there.. i forgot what to do? could you please help? ......... I finished already this quest. just want to play it again. some of my posts could be seen here in page 11 (four years ago!)

11-29-2009, 11:54 PM
Go west two screens from the starting screen, then south. You need to slash a small bush at the top of the screen.

Those "boxes" are whistle warp locations -- don't worry about them now.

12-02-2009, 10:37 AM
Hello Pinceonn,
I am really enjoying your quest but I could use some help. I am on level 8, needing the book. And I just don't understand how you go north in the room with the fairy. The fairy is blocking me, won't disappear (even after healing me), and also block me on the water side. I don't find any other way to go north, and hence grabbing the book. What did I miss? (or perhaps it is a problem coming from my version of ZC which is on linux but working perfectly so far.


12-02-2009, 11:59 AM
.....What version of ZC are you using? Anything else than 2.10 would make me unhappy. Even so, that should be a bug and it can be reported.

12-02-2009, 12:06 PM
.....What version of ZC are you using? Anything else than 2.10 would make me unhappy. Even so, that should be a bug and it can be reported.
Argh so it is really a bug?.... I am using the latest build for linux (2.11 build 18).
The fairy should disappear? Is it possible to finish the game without the book?

12-02-2009, 04:49 PM
Yeah, it must be a bug with your build of ZC. Could you go ahead and report that bug in the ZC Dev new bug forum?

08-14-2011, 05:49 AM
So I think I already saw the solution (although I haven't tried it yet) but how are you supposed to find out how to get through the lost woods inspired portion of level 8? I haven't found any screens that tell me the answer.

That figures, as soon as I ask I figure it out. Why did I not use the lens in that one room when I ALWAYS use it?

04-23-2013, 04:26 PM

I'm stuck in the 6th level, where I'm supposed to hit that moles in the flooded room. I can't reach the second row of the moles with my hammer. Could you please give me a tip ?
