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View Full Version : Rise of A Hero

12-03-2005, 07:38 PM
Alright, screw everything I have said about making quests, and listen to this...I am going to make a quest...Not a demo...Not a piece of crap...A quest. Here is the story...

"Many centurys ago, all was peaceful and calm. They had a hero, his name...was Ared. Every time they had a foe, he would defeat them. He was the best, of the best. Until...he found a note, this note said, "You are no longer required to stay here. You have overstayed your welcome. If you do not leave this place forever, you will be killed." He didnt know who wrote it. He looked all over town for someone who knew about this. He couldnt find anyone...He thought it would be safe to hideout in King Hared's Castle... but he was wrong. In his sleep, he dreamed of someone coming up behind him, and stabbing him in the back. He woke up frightened, and worried. It was still night. He didnt know what to do...The door opened. And he stood next to him...He drew his sword, and battled with the dark man. The dark man grabbed Link by the head, and stabbed him in the stomach. Link was dead. The dark man was then ruler of all the land. But...15 years later...while everyone was doing the dark man's work, a boy of 13 planned to overtake him. He stole one of the guards swords, and killed the guards. He was safe..for the moment...He knew the dark man would send his warriors to kill the boy and his family. He went to his cave..and made clothes..green clothes...he took his fathers boots, and his shield from the legendary hero 15 years ago... and fled. He traveled, night and day, until he found a safe place to stay...and train...He was going to kill the dark man. He didnt have an all powerful sword, he didnt have any weapons to fight him with...But...HE HAD THE COURAGE! He knew it would be hard, but he had to do it. No more labor, no more innocent people dying, NO MORE DARK MAN!!!!"

12-03-2005, 08:06 PM
Wait. The hero's name was Ared? So...where did Link come from?

12-03-2005, 11:15 PM
The boy IS Link. You will see more later. Do you like it so far?

12-04-2005, 03:40 PM
I am in the process of making the first cutscene. It looks sub-par, but its solid. You are going to start off with 2or3 hearts. I dont know which to put in. But you have a sword. You have to travel ALOT in this game, but not much back-tracking.