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View Full Version : Sabotage Dragoon Demo

12-03-2005, 04:26 PM
Have heard alot about this game, and wondered where it might be found? Any clues?

12-03-2005, 07:19 PM
I don't think it's a demo. I think it has been finished, but I can't find it either. I've been looking for a while. (100th post)

12-03-2005, 10:29 PM
I don't think it's a demo. I think it has been finished, but I can't find it either. I've been looking for a while. (100th post)

Sabotage Dragoon is ONLY a demo. A fantastic one definitely, but nowhere near completion. And I'm afraid it will never be finished. :(
I also wonder if anyone has a link to the demo.

12-05-2005, 06:28 PM
There is a post for it on PureZC, but its ftp and I can't get to use it. Please let me know
if you find it there its over 4mb in size


PS I'm on a dual 533 Powermac G4 w/1gb mem on OS Tiger X

Am using Virtual Pc also, and sorta dumb when it comes to using these things

But then at 72 what do you want?

12-08-2005, 09:19 AM
Sabotage Dragoon was initially hosted off of a Yahoo breifcase, and then I beleive Jman made a download link. I'll look into putting it up again, if you want.

While it wasn't finished, there's easily 20 hours of gameplay that is completed, so far. And I havn't given up on the quest, I just havn't had time to work on it since law school / new job.

It'll get done eventually. Like, when I retire eventually.


12-08-2005, 04:56 PM
Well, since C said he wouldn't mind it being posted, here it is:

Sabotage Dragoon Demo 52.qst (http://home.att.net/~bmowrey/sd/SD052.qst)

I'm pretty sure this is the latest one C-Dawg posted, dated 2/20/2004. I used 187 to run it; I have no clue about compatibility with other versions. If you're stuck on something, I compiled some notes to help out. These discuss locations after the intro, since the first part is all linear you can't get lost. However, part of the joy of any game is finding all the interesting areas to explore, so perhaps you won't want to look. . .

Sabotage Dragoon Notes (http://home.att.net/~bmowrey/sd/sdnotes.htm)

12-08-2005, 05:08 PM
Bmowry, you can update that list; in the last Alpha, you can get the Lamphrey's Masamune. It's the "Under the Iron Lake" area.

There's also some other things not listed; the Inverted Tower is, I think, completed now, and you can get the first level Magic Shot there. Tuton, Bell, Dusted, and Saltsand are linked by the Worm the Worm Transportation Service which has entrances accessible in each place once you have the Magic Shot.


EDIT: Whoops, you got the Masamune bit.

12-08-2005, 06:53 PM
Howdy, C-Dawg and forum, I tried downloading this and nothing. Can it be downloaded
as a *.qst .

Thanks it would delight an old man and his wife very much. Ah, yes she plays also
and at 67


C-Dawg, I'm having fits trying to locate your quest. Please, please return it to the forum
as there are many others who would like the oppertunity to play it, next generation you know hehehe.

Thanks again

Well I guess we will have to forget it, thanks anyway

12-13-2005, 04:08 PM
cpoet, you can't download the quest using the link above? It works for me -- does it work for everyone else?

12-14-2005, 08:41 AM
cpoet, you can't download the quest using the link above? It works for me -- does it work for everyone else?


Is there a place it can be on the boards as the DEMO it is?

12-14-2005, 09:59 AM
It downloads as code, going nowhere

This hyper-technical description of the problem will let our skilled technicians quickly get to the bottom of this mystery.


12-14-2005, 10:34 AM
Just Paste the URL into a forum post, Click "Go Advanced" or "Preview" (Same thing, different forum technologies.) so you don't actually make the post, ... ... and Right-Click Save As, as long as the URL has the .qst extension. :shrug:

If it's like, 4+ MB, but not 5-, you know you've got the right file.

12-14-2005, 03:42 PM
This hyper-technical description of the problem will let our skilled technicians quickly get to the bottom of this mystery.


Sorry C-Dawg, but I'm not a computer genius, nor even aware of much
thats going on, but I believe the problem is the Apple safari thats not
allowing me to download the qst. Once i used the Virual-PC, allowing
me to run windowsxp on the Mac with Tiger X then it downloaded fine
but now i need to move the SD052.qst file, which is another problem.

But anyway I was not expecting anyone to fix the problem, but asking
if there were another route this old timer could take to play your much
talked about quest. I have several friends in the neighborhood who
have played it and they highly reccommended it.
