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View Full Version : So I'm in Wichita Right now

11-20-2005, 07:49 PM
Wichita Kansas. I have a campus tour of WSU tomorrow afternoon and then I am going to see the WSU percussion Fall Concert. I am going to play for J.C. Combs, the percussion instructor, tomorrow. My best friend and I are up here with his mom, though she's in her own hotel room.

Two questions. Does anyone here live in Wichita? I might be able to drop in.
Also, Any suggestions on the College Interview process?

11-20-2005, 08:05 PM
I interviewed for USC when I was in high school. I ended up not going there, but I had a great interview and got a favorable recommendation from the guy.

Know why you're there. Have some reasons why you'd want to go to their school besides "it's really cool" and "I like stuff". What do you like about it? Why WSU and not some other school?

Second, know where you're going. You can always change your mind later, but have a plan. They will want to know where you see yourself in 5 years or something like that. They want to know if you have a plan, what kind of person you are, and how they fit into that. If you're plan is "I dunno, I sorta thought college is cool and there's lots of girls" then don't say that. Make something up. :)

Lastly, just follow the tried and true formula for successful interviews and professional interaction: Sit up straight, be attentive, make eye contact, speak clearly and decsively. Shake hands firmly. Stuff like that.