View Full Version : Who would you cast?

Darth Marsden
11-20-2005, 04:43 PM
So I got around to seeing that Doom movie today. Not bad at all. Not super fantastic, but it doesn't suck either, so well done to all! Anyway, it got me to thinking about other video games that have sucked as movies and then I started wondering about forthcoming game-to-film projects like Hitman and Halo. Then my wandering mind led me to think about other games that could be turned into films and who on earth would play the leading (wo)man. And then I got distracted by something shiny, like always. Ooo, penny!

So anyway. Which game would you like to see made into a movie and (if we're going with the assumption that it wouldn't suck) who would you cast as the main characters? I think I'd make a good Gordon Freeman :



11-20-2005, 04:57 PM
I remember the Wing Commander Movie, that, .. well, although I heard it sucked, I remember Freddie Prinz Jr. ... something like that ... starred as Col. Blair. If only they had stuck to the tried and true Mark Hamill from Wing commander 3 and 4 on the PC. Damn, did he do a freaking great job...

King Aquamentus
11-20-2005, 05:06 PM
Pokemon has had a few movies, but if they made a live action one, I'd like to see the guy that played J petermann in Seinfeld play professor oak.

now, on to games that aren't movies (warning: old games ahead)

River City Ransom, with Jason David Frank as Ryan
and Keanu Reeves as Alex.

Contra, Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone (yes, it's a YTMND, but come on...)

The Legend of Zelda (not whatever reggie said. I want a movie based on the original NES Zelda. Unfortunately, It'd have to anime. not to worry, I think we can hire most of the voice staff of inuyasha. Shippo's voice actor can play the child Link. Louise Vallence Might be able to pull off Impa. I don't know who would do Zelda's voice, though.)

11-20-2005, 05:32 PM
I would like to see a Quest For Glory movie that spans all 4 games and stars Jean Claude Van Damn as "The Hero". hehe

11-20-2005, 05:51 PM
A Metal Gear Solid movie with Hugh Jackman as Snake and Liquid, and Mila Jovovich as Meryl.

11-20-2005, 06:17 PM
I saw this the other day. :P

11-20-2005, 06:58 PM
I would like to see a Quest For Glory movie that spans all 4 games and stars Jean Claude Van Damn as "The Hero". heheWhoah Whoah WHOAH, ... ... All -FOUR- Games? :odd: There was a fifth, y'know. :p IMHO the last one was definitely, by far the best. Too bad I don't have an actor for him.

Okay. Two games I'd love to see an actor for the main hero:

The Avatar from the Ultima Series:
The dialogue would include:

But nothing more than that.

The Legend Of Zelda:

Dialogue would include:

Guh-huh-huh-huh! *rebounds off of a spike combo*
G'haa! *flashes a different color*
Aaaaahh!!*falls down hole*
... ... ... Okay, so he's not the best talker. He gets the job done though. >_>'

11-20-2005, 07:36 PM
Yeah you're right there's 5 games, but I didn't enjoy Quest For Glory 5 very much and I guess I just sort of mentally exclude it from the story.

11-21-2005, 03:35 AM
A 4 hour video redention of "Pong" staring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, because it would prove once and for all that goth kids love ANYTHING with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp.


11-21-2005, 04:01 AM
the ONE game I'd like to see made into a movie is James Bond: From Russia With Love. I mean, come on! Sean Connery as James Bond, how perfect would that be?

alright, seriously now. if they ever made a Zelda movie (God forbid), and it was live action (don't even go there), Richard Cox (voice of InuYasha) as Link, Patrick Stewart as Ganondorf, and Andrea Bowen as Zelda

as for a game I'd LIKE to be made into a movie... Fire Emblem. like Final Fantasy The Spirits Within, it wouldn't be based off a specific game, so who they got to match the characters wouldn't be an issue

Darth Marsden
11-22-2005, 12:40 PM
I saw this the other day. :P

Big Freakin' PictureHe's got nothing on me. ;)

More suggestions...

- An Earthworm Jim film with Jim Carry in the lead role
- The Streets of Rage trilogy made in the style of Starship Troopers (IE: Actually being a comedy featuring a bunch of soap stars trying, and failing, to act), with Schwarzenegger (sp?) as Max in the second film and Leslie Nielsen as that dude with the electric arm in the third one
- A Worms CGI film with the voices of a bunch of British 'actors' providing really squeaky voices

I think I've plumbed the depths of human existense here. Let's have some more of YOUR ideas.

11-22-2005, 01:02 PM
A 4 hour video redention of "Pong" staring Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp, because it would prove once and for all that goth kids love ANYTHING with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp.

Thanks Lilith, you ruined it by including Angelina Jolie... Otherwise, I'd be there opening night.

Seriously though, how about a Metroid movie? Starring I dunno... Sigourney Weaver... I really don't have a clue, but Sigourney does have proven alien ass-kickingness. Then again, she really doesn't have the look for Samus... Hmm...

Or a Castlevania movie, with Johnny Depp as Alucard (sorry, couldn't help myself)...

King Aquamentus
11-23-2005, 01:01 AM
Seriously though, how about a Metroid movie? Starring I dunno... Sigourney Weaver... I really don't have a clue, but Sigourney does have proven alien ass-kickingness. Then again, she really doesn't have the look for Samus... Hmm...

Hmm... Sigourney would be good... about 20 years ago... I'm thinking Sandra Bullock personally. I think she kinda looks like samus, and we all know how vicious and violent she can be.

woo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo... woo-hoo, woo-hoo-hoo...

Or a Castlevania movie, with Johnny Depp as Alucard (sorry, couldn't help myself)...


11-23-2005, 03:29 AM
If a game were made into a movie, it would have to be a game that everyone knows and would be able to relate to, unless the company just wants to throw money away. It would be a game that has stood the test of time and everyone can relate to.

Like Frogger.

But that is not what this post is about.

If someone were to play Samus, she would have to be very unknown. If you have Sandra Bullock as Samus, I don't care what you say, that movie will not be taken seriously. And unlike the Mario Series, the Metroid Series is in no way Humor Central.

Bananas. And all that shit.

Belmont = Viggo

King Aquamentus
11-23-2005, 05:11 AM
Your right. In fact, when I said sandra bullock, I meant uma thurman. I get them confused.

Marsden, if they don't star Jim Carrey in an Earthworm Jim movie, I will be pissed.