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11-19-2005, 10:24 PM
this is for all evilness that was FF. not just final bosses. also those that tried to stop the heroes along the way.

well, most FF villians were twisted in some sort, but I think Kefka beats them all. I mean, when you wanna destroy everything, possibly even yourself, you see problems ensue. but that's just my thought.

Seymour was a close second. killing off his father like that... and he had such poky hair... j/k.

11-20-2005, 05:48 PM
I think every FF7 fan will agree with me that Sephiroth is REALLY twisted...

2. He summoned a meteor to try and destroy the planet (probably including himself)
3. In the flashback to Nibelheim with Cloud/ Zack, he almost killed Tifa when she tried to stop him from 'rescuing' Jenova.
4. He doesn't have any remorse...Most of the time, if someone tried to ask him why he did something, he'd just laugh at them.

Hmm...I haven't played this game in a while, so I'm not entirely sure about these...and there're probably more.

11-20-2005, 06:00 PM
Although Sephiroth isn't the true villian, Jenova is. Sephiroth is a puppet just as much as Cloud is of Jenova.

11-20-2005, 07:04 PM

I'm not even sure why I didn't say Sephy/Jenova. stupid FFVI-ness.

agreeing with the Sephiroth thing. he killed Aeris and tried to kill the world. >:

11-21-2005, 12:51 AM
I agree with musicgirl, Kefka is the most twisted. Sephiroth was a wuss in my opinion. He spends half of the game on ice and puts up a pathetic fight at the end.

Fortis Nova
11-21-2005, 11:18 AM
Another vote for Kefka. His sheer amount of insanity decides this. I mean, building a monument to nothingness?

11-21-2005, 11:24 AM
Sephiroth is the poster child for angsty teen-age dipshits with their horrid revenge scenarios about getting back at a world that doesn't appreciate them, probably because they're whiney douchebags to begin with.

Kefka was also a faggot.

Only FF villain I really liked was Golbez from FFIV, although he winds up not being the final boss.

11-22-2005, 11:10 PM
Kefka IS kind of crazy...He almost destroyed the world (World of Balance->World of Ruin thing), and yet, all you have to do is cast Doom on him, and it'll kill him instantly. Weak. Of course, I haven't quite gotten to him yet, because I've been working on all the other sidequests...I guess I'll fight him honestly.
Kinda reminds me of a less queer Kuja from FFIX, though he destroyed Terra, killed the Queen (who nobody really liked), brought Mist (that stuff that makes those annoying monsters like Mistodons...) back at the end of Disc 3 (I think), but didn't he end up killing himself when he used Ultima in the next-to-last battle? My Disc 4's crap and I can't fight him...

P.S. You know, I'd completely forgotten about the puppet thing...

11-23-2005, 12:07 AM
Kefka IS kind of crazy...He almost destroyed the world (World of Balance->World of Ruin thing), and yet, all you have to do is cast Doom on him, and it'll kill him instantly. Weak. Of course, I haven't quite gotten to him yet, because I've been working on all the other sidequests...I guess I'll fight him honestly.

So...you haven't gotten to him yet, but you think you can just cast Doom on Kefka? Do you really think they would make it that easy?

11-23-2005, 12:15 AM
most twisted FF villian?

Kefka was also a faggot.
There's your answer Daarkseid. :)

11-23-2005, 01:53 AM
So...you haven't gotten to him yet, but you think you can just cast Doom on Kefka? Do you really think they would make it that easy?

Perhaps if Vanish was used first.. ;)

Anyway, I would have to say that Kefka is probably the most twisted. For obvious reasons. (Just listen to nearly any of his dialogue!)

11-23-2005, 01:18 PM
it does work, but only if you cast Vanish on Kefka first. Doom will then work on any creature in the game once the first spell is cast before it. Its a exploitable bug/bonus that probably wasn't stamped out at time of production.

11-23-2005, 05:15 PM
it does work, but only if you cast Vanish on Kefka first. Doom will then work on any creature in the game once the first spell is cast before it. Its a exploitable bug/bonus that probably wasn't stamped out at time of production.

Really? Damn. I didn't think Vanish/Doom worked on bosses. I have to go back and try that.

11-24-2005, 03:24 AM
I dunno, Kuja was pretty fucked up....

But my vote is with Corneo.

11-24-2005, 04:48 AM
I will have to say the final boss of ff9, that guy just creeps me out. This is mainly because he is some sort of devil counterpart in the game.
but didn't he end up killing himself when he used Ultima in the next-to-last battle? My Disc 4's crap and I can't fight him...

Ya he did.

11-24-2005, 02:07 PM
I dunno, Kuja was pretty fucked up....

But my vote is with Corneo.

Corneo was just a pervert.

heh, I just beat FFVII and Sephy wasn't even that hard to beat. wuss.

11-24-2005, 11:01 PM
Mmm. I guess he was harder for me because it was, like, six in the morning and I'd stayed up all night playing the game. I was so tired...I barely made it through the ending. (Anyone know if I can find a video of the ending? I didn't get it.)

And nobody likes Corneo, because he's, as musicgirl said, a pervert. Plus, he's a jerk for siccing that thing that kept killing me with Aero3 on me.

Oh. Wasn't the last boss on FF9 Necrid or something? Big statue-looking thing, I think. I hated him because he kept inflicting me with random status effects. Kuja kills himself right before that last fight. But you do get full recovery, which is nice.

11-24-2005, 11:24 PM
Kefka is a clown with a God complex. you can't possibly get more twisted than that

Darth Marsden
11-25-2005, 10:48 AM
Mmm. I guess he was harder for me because it was, like, six in the morning and I'd stayed up all night playing the game. I was so tired...I barely made it through the ending. (Anyone know if I can find a video of the ending? I didn't get it.)If you've got the PC version, just browse the disc in Windows Explorer (or whatever you use). Alternatively, try here (http://www.rpgamer.com/games/ff/ff7/ff7mov.html) - you want the one at the bottom. It's probably best if you download it before watching it - it's over 50 megs.

On a somewhat (but not completely) unrelated topic : more Final Fantasy ports are on the way (http://www.rpgamer.com/news/Q4-2005/100505a.html). Yay!

11-25-2005, 01:55 PM
I'd say Kefka. Poisoned Doma. Killed Leo (my fav FF6 character), kicked the Emperor off the Floating Continent, torched half the world, and unleashed uncountable horrors once sealed long ago. Yeah, I'd say he's got my vote. Sephy? 4 world. Knights. Of. The. Round.

Aegix Drakan
11-28-2005, 02:49 PM
you mean Knights of the round-linked with-w-summon. and lest we forget...Highwind, omnislash, and Tifa's combos.

Kefka wins. no contest. I prefer Sephiroth as a villain because he has a reason (a very screwed up and stupid reason, but a reason nevertheless) for doing what he does. not to mention that although he's evil, he does it in a cool way. kefka however...he's insane and everyone knows it.

12-06-2005, 05:28 PM
Yes, Kefka is a just plain creepy guy. Did The S. Man kill billions of people? I dont think so...Oh yea and guess what, The S. Man died! Ha! They put someone else in place of him. Kefka ruled until he was killed! But its really not fair how the final form of Kefka is so easy. By the time you get to him, you have Offering, Genji Gloves etc. and you can take off 4-9999's in one turn with one character. Now do this! 4(4x9999) Kefka is dead after 1-3 rounds of that. One word for Kefka...PWNED

12-07-2005, 04:21 PM
Why do people make a big deal about Sephiroth killing Aeris? The Emporer(FF2) rises from Hell in the castle Pandemonium, Kefka wipes out cities for fun, Yu Yevon CREATED A FREAKING RELIGION so people would die to support his power. Sephiroth was a freaking pansy with a fanboy-inducing sword.