View Full Version : Most Useful FF characters.

11-17-2005, 08:00 PM
Well, the criteria for the most useful, is which characters in each FF game that you have played have been the most useful throughout the entire game? The one you used the most often and relied upon the most for almost every battle? And this doesn't necessarily have to be the lead character (which the game forces you to use for the majority of most Final Fantasies). To start off, here are my picks:

Final Fantasy 6 Most Useful Character - Gogo
You cannot beat this guy. He can combine up to three different (or is four?) skills from three of your favorite characters and be like an all-powerful God. I usually set him to Magic, Blitz, and alternate between Lore and Tools. Gogo can practically do anything and is important to have in any end-game team you create. Given, he isn't readily available for the first half of the game, but given that many of the other characters were either forced on you for certain periods of time or the majority of them were not that useful. So the first chance I get to snatch Gogo (right after acquiring the second airship), I do it. And he is in my party thereafter.

Final Fantasy 7 Most Useful Character - Cid
Again, you get him fairly late in disc 1, but you can have him the rest of the game thereafter. His first few limit breaks are not that good, but once you acquire his level 3 and level 4 limit breaks, he finally starts to break out on his own. His multiple damaging Dragon Jump, Big Brawl and Highwind limit breaks really pile on the cumulative damage. Furthermore, he is the only other person besides Cloud to have a triple growing weapon. Unfortunately, it only has two slots, but hey, two is better than none when it comes to triple growth! Finally, his attack power and speed are quite above most other characters and put him at the forefront of most battles.

Final Fantasy 8 Most Useful Character - Quistis
Hell, before you even get to the Fire Cavern to face off with Ifrit, you can be at level 100 with both Squall and Quistis at the start of the game. Simply play the card game until you get a Gesper card. Learn Card and then the Card Mod ability with Quarzecotl and mod it into a black hole which teaches Quistis the Degenerator ability. This skill along makes his the most powerful character in the game. It works on EVERY enemy killing the most powerful in one blow. It even works on most bosses! (save for the weapons and some game-ending ones) Start training on some T-rexes and before you know it, they'll be giving out loads of EXP and you'll be at level 100 before you know it! Degenerator alone makes her worthwhile to take along with any fight. When the going gets tough, simply opt out of the fight by killing the enemy with one blow! Her other Blue Magic skills are nice, but its this one-skill trick alone which will quickly level up your team with little to no effort on your part.

Final Fantasy 9 Most Useful Character - Freya
Although her Jump ability is probably one of the more useful skills she has, her techs will make her all the more valuable. Her Reis Wind ability can still be useful even until the end of the game and be just as good as Regen and it only takes a few MP points and only one turn to affect the entire team. White Draw is also worth the price of admission and is helpful if you tend to rely on mages and magic a lot. Dragon Crest rounds out her arsenal if you do the time to build it up, it can do 9999 unblockable damage to any enemy. Finally, she has quite a few good support abilities including: MP Attack, Long Reach, High Jump, Counter, and Eye 4 Eye. Tacked on with her special Jump ability when in Trance where she stays in the air the entire time avoiding all attacks and damage while dealing judgement from above. The only other character that could come close to Freya's usefulness is Quina. And that's if you get Auto-life, Limit Glove, Angel's Snack, Night, Frog Drop, White Wind, Mustard Bomb and Lv5 Death.

Final Fantasy 10 Most Useful Character - Yuna
Sadly, I played this once a long time ago when it first came out. The only thing I remember was that I used Yuna almost constantly. By the end of the game, she was like a God. She could cast white magic AND black magic and had all the skills of both Auron and Tidus PLUS her spells did roughly 80,000 damage each hit. She was awesome. Sadly I don't remember more of this game to comment more on how useful she is. But given the grid system, anyone can be just as useful so....

So what are your most useful characters?

King Aquamentus
11-17-2005, 08:16 PM
FF4: Rosa, once she learns the wall spell. it's a great way to level up when you are in the cave of seals, especially against Trapdoors!

11-17-2005, 08:55 PM
Final Fantasy 10 Most Useful Character - Yuna
Sadly, I played this once a long time ago when it first came out. The only thing I remember was that I used Yuna almost constantly. By the end of the game, she was like a God. She could cast white magic AND black magic and had all the skills of both Auron and Tidus PLUS her spells did roughly 80,000 damage each hit. She was awesome. Sadly I don't remember more of this game to comment more on how useful she is.

But given the grid system, anyone can be just as useful so....

No, she remains the most useful because of her summons(I forget their names in FFX).
Her ability to summon those things is almost entirely necessary to beat Nemesis, the massive side boss in the monster arena.

Everyone else can still retain a small amount of usefulness by virtue of their legendary weapons.

11-17-2005, 09:06 PM
Aeons is the word you want. And yes, the Overdirves were the only unique character aspects in FFX. Wakka had I nice one if you got the attack reels, but Yuna was still the most useful character. Her default path was the best one in the end (much better magic than Lulu, the black mage).

11-17-2005, 09:32 PM
you're right, her ability to summon Aeons pushes her past any other character in that game. She was simply unstoppable. I truly loved Aeon battling.

Aegix Drakan
11-18-2005, 09:00 AM

Aeris has the best freaking limit breaks in the game. Fury brand gives your other party members instant limit breaks. picture this: omnislah, highwind, fury brand, omnislash, highwind. Opponents are toast. NOt to mention her final limit break fully heals all your party memebers, and makes them invulnerable. Too bad they KILLED THE BEST CHARACTER OFF MID-GAME! But Aeris aside, best char (aside from cloud) is Cid. And Vincent can go live in a swamp untill Dirge of Cerebus comes out.

11-18-2005, 10:08 AM
Her name is Aerith. Aeris was an alternate translation that was apparently abandoned when Aerith appeared in US versions of Kingdom Hearts.

Also, like the very first shipment of FFVII for the Playstation back in September 1997 includes the auto-naming of her as Aerith.

Oh yeah, just some.. elitist crap I felt like spewing out. Because she was awesome. And her name is Aerith. And I hate it when people use the discredited Aeris. It's Aerith god damn you! ALL OF YOU!

Darth Marsden
11-18-2005, 10:13 AM
Aegix: PC Version only. (http://www.sylphds.net/f2k3/programs/jenova/jenova031.zip) Just make her an active party member after the... incident.

I never really bother focusing on any one character. I tend to try and level up all my characters equally. I get that it's not always possible, but I prefer to have them all at level 50 then to have half at level 75 and the others at 25. It helps when you have to swap party members around or when the team divides into two or three and you keep swapping between them. As such I don't have any particular 'favourite' characters, but I do tend to prefer the leads, if that's anything. Cecil, Butz (snigger), Locke, Cloud, Squall, etc. They're used the most, after all. ;)

EDIT: IMHO, Aeris sounds like a make of car. But then again, Aerith sounds like a laundry detergent. But really, I think that Aeris is/was the American spelling and Aerith is/was the Japanese (correct me if I'm wrong here), and since we're either American or English, then I believe we should call her Aeris. And screw SquareEnix, they haven't made a decent FF game in years. What do they know?

Aegix Drakan
11-18-2005, 10:56 AM
You are almost right there DM. Squre Enix hasn't just not made a good FF game in years, they haven't made ANY good games in years!

I remember back in the day when they were called Square... ah the game were great then. Mario RPG was awesome. Of course, with the way things are going now, I doubt we'll ever see the awesome Geno ever again. (sniff) Geno was so cool...

BTW, I do not like to use hacking or cheats in any game. The only exception is Starcraft, because I suck at it. and yes I own the pc version, that's why I call her Aeris. I prefer the name Aeris to Aerith anyway.

Long live Final Fantasy! :thumbsup: Down with square Enix! :thumbsdn:

OH! and you should check this out if you are a FF lover. just follow the link and click (Watch this movie)!

[edit] Dm? I clicked on the PC version only link, and I think Something just got downloaded. What is it? is it a file of some kind that wil let me use Aeris in my future files? if so, I am gonna download it to my pc this weekend!

Darth Marsden
11-18-2005, 12:25 PM
That is, without a doubt, one of the coolest songs ever. I'd already heard it, but not for a while. Totally kicks ass.

And that file... It's a save game editor. Save your game after Aeris... you know... then just make her an active party member. Haven't tried it out myself, but it should work. Let me know if it doesn't - I'll see what else I can do.

11-18-2005, 12:44 PM
Well, the criteria for the most useful, is which characters in each FF game that you have played have been the most useful throughout the entire game? The one you used the most often and relied upon the most for almost every battle? And this doesn't necessarily have to be the lead character (which the game forces you to use for the majority of most Final Fantasies). To start off, here are my picks:

Final Fantasy 6 Most Useful Character - Gogo
You cannot beat this guy. He can combine up to three different (or is four?) skills from three of your favorite characters and be like an all-powerful God. I usually set him to Magic, Blitz, and alternate between Lore and Tools. Gogo can practically do anything and is important to have in any end-game team you create. Given, he isn't readily available for the first half of the game, but given that many of the other characters were either forced on you for certain periods of time or the majority of them were not that useful. So the first chance I get to snatch Gogo (right after acquiring the second airship), I do it. And he is in my party thereafter.

True enough, but let's only count characters that DON'T have the ability to become clones of 2-3 characters at once, eh?

Anyway, in FF 6, Gau is the most useful character, by far. Why? A couple cheap rages and the Merit Award.

First of all, equip Gau with a Tempest Knife (performs Wind Slash, an all-enemy wind attack, on 50% of all hits), and the Offering relic. Now, when in battle, use Stray Cat (for Catscratch, x4 base power), and you're hitting enemies with a 192 base power attack (the game's second strongest!) with a 50% chance to set off Wind Slash, which is about the same as hitting somebody with Crusader 4 times. OUCH. Only 10-20 enemies in the game are immune to/absorb wind, so it's a safe attack to use.

But that's not all.

NightShade is the single cheapest rage in the game, and makes every boss fight trivial. NightShade has a Charm ability that no enemy has defense against. NOBODY. Even the last boss has no defense. The NightShade rage will use Charm about half the time, and it hits about 80% of the time, allowing you to lock down bosses pretty much for eternity.

Gau is your lord and master.

11-18-2005, 04:26 PM
Just for the sake of being different...
FF1: Knight. Strong offense and defense, and some healing magic to boot.
FF2: Ming-Wu/Minwu/Minh/Min'u. Strong white magic, fairly early on. Quite helpful.
FF3: Dragoon. Jumping's great.

But really, I think that Aeris is/was the American spelling and Aerith is/was the Japanese (correct me if I'm wrong here)Other way 'round, I'd say. In Japanese, it's Earisu. Japanese doesn't have a "th" sound, so they really don't even distinguish between the two.

11-18-2005, 07:37 PM
Oh yeah, just some.. elitist crap I felt like spewing out. Because she was awesome. And her name is Aerith. And I hate it when people use the discredited Aeris. It's Aerith god damn you! ALL OF YOU!

My FFVII manual says Aeris, and that's what I call her.

Thanks for the Gau battle tips DDX! I was never a big fan of Gau because I could never remember what his rages did (and probably didn't get enough of them), but now I think I'm going to try your suggestions.

11-19-2005, 01:42 PM
In FF7, Yuffie's really useful for one thing: Without her, you can't get Leviathan, and without that, you can't get the Master Summon Materia. (Plus you get a free Steal Materia, which isn't really that expensive at 1200 bucks.)

Otherwise, the most useful character on FF7 is Aeris. (I don't care what her name is, Aeris has a better ring to it.) If only she didn't get killed in the first disc... Her Limit Breaks are the best support in the entire game. The last Limit not only completely refills your characters, they're also invulnerable for a short time.

11-19-2005, 01:46 PM
Which is also probably why they killed her. She would have unbalanced the rest of the game! ;)

11-19-2005, 10:21 PM
FFVI: Gau. I use him during almost every battle I can. plus... get the Retainer rage. Leo nostalgia... not to mention the rage (forget which) that has Shrapnel. ACE.

FFVII: well, seeing as I didn't have the patience to get Aeris' final limit break before she was... done in... (that scene makes me all sad and stuffs) my most useful was Vincent for a while. when I first got him his attack stat was immensly larger than Cid's (I got him while Cloud is out of commission in Mideel), and Cloud's isn't much higher than Cid's. plus Vincent's attacks are long range, and he's good with magic.

FFX: Tidus. on my very first file I'd gotten Quick Hit and Auto-Haste, so I worked with him a lot. now he's maxed out in every stat except luck, has got every last ability, and moves really fast. he fought against Ultima Buster better than any other character or aeon. working towards Nemesis...

11-19-2005, 10:25 PM
The most usefull characters: Yuffie and Caith Sith

11-25-2005, 02:04 PM
FF1 - White Mage/Wizard. Life saver. nuff said.
FF4 - Rydia. Summoners rock. and she can also use all Black Magic spells including Meteo (without dying from a heart attack ala Tellah)
FF5 - Farris. Pirates rock. Farris was my secondary fighter thorughout the game. Saved me plenty of times.
FF6 - Shadow. He's a ninja. Plus there's a trick with the Ragnarocl that can kill Kefka in one blow.
FF7 - Vincent. Almost all his weapons are long range and he's a decent magic user. Limits are useless unti l You get Chaos. Then let the fun begin. :kawaii:
FF8 - Quistis. Blue magic was hard to get, but worth it.
FF 9 - Freya. Good attack and some of the best support skills in the game.
FF10 - Auron. Badass, great against armored foes or any foes for that matter. little slow, but that's nothing a haste can't fix.