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View Full Version : Which do you believe is the worst disability to have?

11-14-2005, 04:44 PM
This thread is designed to test your awareness of the many social challenges that exist in the world today, be they common, rare, understood or otherwise. Please reply with your thoughts on which would be the worst disability to have through out life.

85% Deafness - You can barely hear. You CAN hear, but not really well enough to get by. You're just within the range of non-legally deaf. If you strain, you can hear. But not always completely.

85% Blindness - ... See above, replacing "deaf" with "blind." May have peripheral vision problems as well.

Wheelchair-bound - Your legs have no apparent uses. You require a wheelchair to get around. Restrooms will always be a problem for you. You'll never walk, run, play most sports, (Though there are still quite a few available to you if you're willing.) An added sympathy factor would be involved, and it would be a great benefit to you, if you can handle it.

Mental retardation - Can range from "slightly less than smart," ... to ... "my shurt is read huh hahaha lolz im sew 1336" ... to ... " ... ... *drools* ... ... ... *falls off of chair* ... " An added sympathy factor would be evident, but half of it would be pity.

Loss of upper digits or limbs - More of an ugliness thing, as well as a curiosity. You have difficulty manipulating your environment, but may potentially find new and creative ways of doing so.

Speech Impediment - You either have great difficulty speaking, voicing your mind/thoughts, or can barely speak at all. People do not see a physical imperfection, and assume the problem lies within a retardation. You can not speak to explain the nature of the problem.

Immense ugliness - You can be as charming as you want, but people will nearly always be put off by your grotesque appearance. It does help to be helpful and charming though. You can do everything else any other person can, except enter beauty contests. (But once more, you could easily win a personality contest. If you fall into this category, you would know why.)

Heavy Tourettes Syndrome - Rather bewildering and unexplained / unexplainable bodily or vocal movements. You're an extremely random person, and although it may not be awkward being near you for the most part, (Though this isn't always true. Less often than not, actually.) You will be looked at on the streets quite often.

Heavy Attention Deficit Disorder - What the hell is that dog doing to that wall? Get back here, shoe. Stop looking at me. :( Get the phone away from the toaster, and step out of the microwave. You're not supposed to be doing that in there! Stupid kids and their hamsters.

Narcolepsy - You're constantly falling asleep, mostly without warning. At any moment at all, you could fall asleep. It could be during the most inopportune, inconvenient, and most dangerous moments too. You could drown while swimming, or even while eating a bowl of soup.

Note, obviously, ... these descriptions don't paint the full picture. That's up to you. Behaviors omitted are up to you to fill in for yourself, not to "remind me" of in the thread.

11-14-2005, 05:00 PM
Lol, immense ugliness.

I voted Narcolepsy, but that was before I saw metal retardation.

My uncle was in a terrible motorcycle accident around the time I was born and he lost his toes on one foot. Later, he had his whole leg up to his knee removed. He has made the best of it. He does participate in tournaments and wins (or comes very close to winning) alot. I know it isn't the same as losing a hand or fingers, but it is a pain in his ass.

11-15-2005, 02:38 AM
Any disability is horrible. The worst disability would be having no way to put yourself out of your own misery. Not being able to shove the fork in that electrical socket, chew on the wire, load the gun and pull the trigger, etc.

11-15-2005, 02:50 AM
Just like mottzilla said. It is all bad and I would hate to have any of them. I don't like having people feeling sorry for me. When I had surgery on my chest I couldn't move anything but my head without causing severe pain.

Trying to move to get more comfortable or to scratch an itch hurt so much. They had me get out of bed a few days after the surgery to walk so the blood kept flowing through my legs and that was both difficult and painful. I could barely move my legs let alone anything else in my body.

11-15-2005, 03:23 AM
It's definately being severely disfigured appearance-wise, by burns.

I've known a lot of deaf people who adapt and get by and are hot.

I've known a few people with almost-blind eyesight who got by and were good.

Wheelchair-bound isn't so bad, you can still converse, look nice, have a relatively "normal" existence.

If you're mentally retarded you can be immensely happy for no reason at all and be a kid all your life. As long as you are't aware of how dumb you are, you're good.

Losing digits or limbs can be adapted to.

Speech impediment means you can shut up and find a job that doesn't involve a lot of talking.

Tourettes Syndrome is a close second for shittyness, but you can still get by.

ADHD, also shitty, but liveable.

Narcolepsy sucks too and would impair you a lot but you could still get by...I had sleeping issues (not narcolepsy but w/e) where I was exhausted all the time and would fall asleep in random places and it sucked.

But obviously the worst is disfigurement that you can't get rid off very well like a facial deformity or severe burns. I mean, imagine walking into ABSOLUTELY ANYWHERE and having every person stare at you in horror, avoiding you like the plague, knowing they'll go home and tell their families "god I saw the most frightening person today". Even if people reach out to you, they'll usually only do it BECAUSE you're disfigured and they feel bad for you, or they want to feel good about themselves by being the "better person" by giving you a chance. It would suck so hard, I wouldn't want to exist.

11-15-2005, 04:57 AM
Any disability is horrible. The worst disability would be having no way to put yourself out of your own misery. Not being able to shove the fork in that electrical socket, chew on the wire, load the gun and pull the trigger, etc.

i strongly agree with that statement. it reminds me of the Metallica song 'One'
that was about a soldier who stepped on a landmine and lost his sight, speech, hearing, arms and legs. so he was basically just on a hospital bed attached to
machines and all he could do is feel pain and not be able to do anything about it.

Darth Marsden
11-15-2005, 09:34 AM
The video to that song was horrible. Made me really feel sorry for the guy. That is, to me, the worst possible thing that could happen to you.

11-16-2005, 02:17 AM
I choose:

85% Deafness
Speech Impediment
Immense ugliness

Deafness only applies if I am listening to people, obviously but I am not good at useing that information anyways

The second only when I am talking so I just don't except to family

All three aren't too bad personally.
I for example can have all of those right now and you would never know.
Well except for the Mental retardation.
That would most likely make me not me.