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11-13-2005, 07:37 PM
At my friend's house this weekend we were bored and were just talking. (We shouldn't have rented the games we did.) Eventually we came to the discussion of how to make yourself (or another person) pass-out. We were trying to remember all the methods we had been taught but couldn't remember them all, and thus, we always failed, miserably. After trying the passing-out BS, we started to do playground magic. You know, the stupid tricks you did as a kid. We couldn't remember any, except for one. The one we did perfectly (it was performed on me since I had never heard of it and didn't know what to expect.) was the one about being cut and filled with sand. It's supposed to hold you down, and it did.

I guess the point of this topic is to ask you people if you could remember any, or new of some sites with such information. Have you ever done something like this? If you have, please tell your story, this stuff interests me alot.

11-13-2005, 11:01 PM
You cut yourself and put sand in the wound? That's not a good idea ya know.

11-13-2005, 11:24 PM
You cut yourself and put sand in the wound? That's not a good idea ya know.

That's what I was trying to figure out. I didn't think I was reading it right but if I was then you are stupid.

11-13-2005, 11:30 PM
Sorry for not clarifying. I was in a rush. No, it's like someone takes their forefinger and runs it lengthwise down a arm or leg and then rubs it and in the story, it's "filled with sand." It's REALLY weird but works. The person it's being done on has to meditate on the story for it to work.

11-14-2005, 03:46 PM
So your trying to say its like when you push the erasers of two pencils together really hard then try and pull back it feels like they are attached? Or the one where you push against a door frame, hold it like that for so long then I think you put your arms down or you full extend them. Those were two things that I always thought was kinda cool when I was younger.

11-14-2005, 03:56 PM
The only thing I remember is when you have some one lay down on their back and all the other people try to lift that person with like 2 fingers each or some thing and you're just supposed to hover there.

11-14-2005, 04:13 PM
The one I remember was lying on my face on the ground while someone held my arms up high above me, told me a story, and then slowly let my arms back down, all the while with my eyes closed. it feels like your arms are going through the ground.

11-14-2005, 04:26 PM
I remember a few rubber band tricks, like, where you would close your fist, extend your index finger, strap one end of the rubber band onto the end of your index finger, then loop it around in back of the fingers, , ... it was a great rubber band gun.

Then, you've got your other trick, where you have a closed fist, with a rubber band "seemingly" wrapped around to fingers, .. then you open your fist, and the rubber band jumped onto your other two fingers. I remember getting that one from Lamb Chop more than a decade ago. :-3 ... ... before she died, that is. O_o'

11-14-2005, 04:43 PM
I remember the one where I could pull a rabbit out of my pants, at least thats what I tell her to get her to reach in, and teh point is, that im vulgar and disgusting. No seriosuly, there was something like holding you arms straight out and holding a a pencil between your index finger and then after liek a minute you touch your finger together and it fucking hurts alot!