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11-12-2005, 07:27 AM
I work for a retail department store, and today was supposed to be the first day that our store Santa arrived in store for photo sessions and such.

...Our store Santa never showed up.

Because he's in hospital... after a drug overdose.

I've not not idea what kind of drug he overdosed on, only that it wasn't alcohol poisoning, but isn't it fucking great to know that there's some people out there who would risk doing shit like that the day before a first day on a new job, knowing you'll be surrounded by kids?

Darth Marsden
11-12-2005, 07:37 AM
The only person who can truly understand a junkie is another junkie. Ca't remember where I heard that, but it seems to ring true. I doubt if anyone could really understand what was going through his mind, but I'm fairly certain that he didn't actually INTEND to overdose.

But yeah, nice going mate. Being around kids when you know you're an addict. That makes a whole load of (non)sense.

Drunken Tiger
11-12-2005, 08:14 AM
Reminds me of hte movie Bad Santa.. But its just different in real life.. -_-'' He mustve been one fked up santa..

11-12-2005, 09:52 AM
I work for a retail department store, and today was supposed to be the first day that our store Santa arrived in store for photo sessions and such.

...Our store Santa never showed up.

Because he's in hospital... after a drug overdose.

What a fucking dickface. He needs to be shot. :(

11-12-2005, 01:27 PM
...Our store Santa never showed up.

Because he's in hospital... after a drug overdose.

Lol, that's sad. You'd expect that type of person to have a little sense. Maybe it is just a temp job with low pay he applied for a got just so he could buy more drugs. Why is Santa coming in the middle of November anyway? I thought that normally waited to halfway through December.

11-12-2005, 01:52 PM
Oh no honey, Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year. Our department stores around here had Christmas decorations up before Halloween was even over.

Santa usually comes around Thanksgiving for us, though.

11-12-2005, 02:26 PM
Oh no honey, Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year. Our department stores around here had Christmas decorations up before Halloween was even over.

Santa usually comes around Thanksgiving for us, though.

Same here. We had christmas stuff out right beside the halloween things. They didn't even bother to put out anything for thanksgiving. The day after halloween the store was covered in christmas decorations.

11-12-2005, 05:19 PM
Down here, we don't do Halloween at all really, and don't do Thanksgiving at all. I work at the most Christmas nutty chain in the whole country. November 11 was the night they unveiled the lights at their Melbourne store, which look really damn nice every year. They bring Santa in the day after that nationwide, i believe. I agree it's extremely early.

11-12-2005, 05:28 PM
Down here, we don't do Halloween at all really, and don't do Thanksgiving at all. I work at the most Christmas nutty chain in the whole country. November 11 was the night they unveiled the lights at their Melbourne store, which look really damn nice every year. They bring Santa in the day after that nationwide, i believe. I agree it's extremely early.

Don't you crazy aussies know that Santa doesn't like your kind?

Drunken Tiger
11-12-2005, 11:51 PM
Yeah, its too hot for him down here..

btw goki, is the nutty chain Myer by any chance?? Because Myer goes all out for their Christmas decorations n shiat..

11-13-2005, 12:16 AM
Heh, well when you think about it, it kinda makes some sense... I mean whos gonna get a job as a santa other then a bum? Im not accusing them of all bieng bums either, but it does kinda fit the job description.

Or maybe Santa is actually a druggie! That could explain how he breaks into everyones houses and does it all in a second! I would imange enough drugs could screw you up enough to do so.

11-13-2005, 12:20 AM
Yeah, its too hot for him down here..

btw goki, is the nutty chain Myer by any chance?? Because Myer goes all out for their Christmas decorations n shiat..

You got it in one, DT.

11-13-2005, 01:02 AM
I lol'd at this.

11-13-2005, 08:44 PM
Heh, well when you think about it, it kinda makes some sense... I mean whos gonna get a job as a santa other then a bum? Im not accusing them of all bieng bums either, but it does kinda fit the job description.

Not all the guys who get a job as a santa are bums or druggies. I don't talk to my dad anymore and I can't stand him but he did santa a few times last year and the year before and he isn't a bum or a druggie. Alot of guys do it for some extra cash or because they like kids and not in a sick way.

11-13-2005, 09:35 PM
I would be santa for teh extra cash, also for teh contact with lil boys, that would totally be a plus