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11-07-2005, 06:38 PM
W00t. I just got back from my school trip to NYC yesterday. And I thought I'd give you all a walkthrough of what happened...

Day 1:

I woke up at 5:00 to make sure I got to the school by 6:30. So before we go, the chaperones had to check our bags seeing as how we were going to cross the boarder. So my friend is getting his bag searched. The principal opened up his bag and there sitting on the top was a bottle of skin moisturizer. The kid behind me is like "Is that vaseline?". And my friend replies "No, it's skin moisturizer". And the pricipal says "What ever works man". And then I laughed and got on the bus.

So we're on the bus and we've been on the road for a while now, so we stop for a lunch break. So I got to the bath room I walk in and I go up to the urinal and notice that there is no flusher thingy. So I'm like, ok, what ever, thats pretty normal. After that I go to the sink and start washing my hands, and apparently the faucet is motion sensored too. That's a little unusual, but normal none the less. I walk over to the paper towel dispenser and that also has a motion sensor, and I'm like, WTF? why would you need a motion sensor on a paper towel dispenser? Any way, we leave the rest area and continue our way to NYC.

A couple of hours pass and we get to NYC. We get some free time on 5th Avenue and stuff and I get a t-shirt with the Kramer portrait on it. After our free time is up I head back to where we were supposed to meet up. And so my friends and I are talking, and the coversation starts up about siblings. And my friend, (the kid who had the "skin moisturizer, and who is also black btw) mentions how he has a big family. And one of the other kids on this trip (who I swear to god, has the IQ of a kindergardener and has known my friend for 5 years now) says "Like your real family or your adopted family?" And my friend is like "I'm not adopted you fucking retard" and the kid just walks away.

That night we went to "The Hard Rock Cafe" in Times Sqaure for supper. and after that we went to the Empire State Building. When we get to the Empire State Building we have to go through a bunch of security pre cautions. So before I go through the metal detector, I had to put my bag, which contained my Kramer shirt, on the scanner. I get through the scanner and get in laine after about five minutes I realize that I forgot my bag on the scanner. And I was too far ahead to go back and get it. So I continue the tour and when I get up to the observation deck, I go up to the principal nad tell him I forgot my bag at the security place. And he hands me a bag and tells me that it must be mine because he picked it up right after our group went by. And sure enough, it was my bag with my Kramer shirt safely inside.

Later that night, we left for our hotel which for some reason was located in New Jersey. And I was talking to one of my roommates, and he tells me that he got a picture of himself standing next to Donald Trump.

And that's it for day one.

Day 2:

The wake up call came at 6:45 that morning. So, I got dressed and headed down to breakfast. My friends and I were the first ones on the bus that morning, so we decided to sit further to the back. And so when the kids who weresitting there yesterday get they start bitching and whining about how it was supposed to be the same seats as yesterday, and these are the "popular" kids, so they shit their pants and sit in the middle of the bus.

When we get back into the city, we get a tour of every thing, central park, Harlem, Manhattan, Brooklyn, ect. For lunch we went to some sort of train station in upper Manhattan I think. After lunch we went to a museum which was really boring. After the museum, we went to see ground zero. While we were there, I almost got hit by a bus. The sign said not to walk but every one else was walking so I started to cross. I started walking and I turn around to see where my friend was and as soon as I turned back a bus zoomed by. And there was another one of the kids in my group who had also stopped and we were like, "whoa!". Had we kept walking, we would have been hit. I didn't see the bus coming becasue our bus was parked on the side of the street and it was blocking my view from the side walk. When I finally do manage to cross the street, to where the twin towers fell. There was guy walking around selling books about september 11th. A good portion of the people there bought a book, that's when I noticed a sign that mentioned something about keeping this area sacred by not littering, soliciting or vendoring things there. Then I pointed out the sign to all the people who bought one of the little books.

When we were done visiting ground zero, we headed over to a place called south port(I think thats what it was called I wasn't paying attention") where there was a shopping mall. There I bought, Trauma Center: Under the Knife for the DS. I also bought a custom t-shirt that says "Cereal killer" and a sign that says "Caution: I can make it to the fence in three seconds, can you?" with the picture of a dog on it.

After that we left for the Hotel, and that's it for day 2.

Day 3:

Again the wake up call came at 6:45. And again I went down to breakfast. But this time the "popular" whiny kids were smart and ran to the bus like a bunch of morons.

That day we could pick between two different groups. Group A went to take a tour of a boat that was used in WWII and a tour central park and group B got to go to a mideval museum and the Metropolitan Museum or Art. I chose group B. And I was glad I chose it, because on the way to the MMoA, I saw Tom's Restaurant A.K.A. Monk's Coffee Shop, from Seinfeld which totally made my day.

That night we went back to Times Square for free time. We went to a bucnh of stores. We went to Macy's, which I swear to god is an all women store except for a little area at the back which has a few men's stuff. After leaving that store in about 5 minutes, I went to a gift shop and bought a t-shirt that has a picture of an old school nintendo controller and underneath it says, "Know Your Roots."

Day 4:

Our last day in NYC. We packed up our stuff and headed to the bus. Our first stop was Battery Park, where all the street vendors swarmed us, peddling their goods. They all were either selling bootlegged DVDs, watches, purses or sunglasses. I bought two DVDs, The 40 Year Old Virgin and The Wedding Crashers, for half of the asking price. And then some guy tried to see me a Rolex and I was like sorry, I only have 10$ and he' like "Ok, I give it to you for 10$." and I turned him down, about 10 minutes later I went back and tried to get 2 watches for 10$. After a bit of haggling, another kid came up and strted to help me out and we offered 21$ for 3 watches. But still no luck.

After that we took a ferry trip to Staten Island and back.

Then we went to China Town. Which by the way sucks. Every three store are the same thing. Watches -> Purses -> Purfume/Cologne. And since I was with four girls I had to stop at every single purse store we went by. The only things I got in China town was a pair of jeans and some cologne.

After our little journey in China Town we left for home. For supper we stopped at Taco Bell. I was walking towards the entrance when one of the kids from the trip, runs by and yelling out "Taco Bell, Taco Bell Taco Bell!" waving a 20$ bill in the air and runs right pass the entrance and disappears into the night. He comes back 20 minutes later with stuff from KFC. I was like WTF?

We pulled into town at about 11:15, and then I went home.

Well, that was my trip to NYC. GD was a little inactive and I felt like wasting your time so I wrote this.

11-07-2005, 07:31 PM
It's funny, I live a train ride away from Manhatten, and I don't bother to go see the sites. Yet, it's right there. People who come from other places flock to see stuff that I could see any day. It's funny really (not ha ha funny).

street vendors swarmed us, peddling their goods. They all were either selling bootlegged DVDs, watches, purses or sunglasses. I bought two DVDs, The 40 Year Old Virgin and The Wedding Crashers, for half of the asking price. And then some guy tried to see me a Rolex and I was like sorry, I only have 10$ and he' like "Ok, I give it to you for 10$." and I turned him down, about 10 minutes later I went back and tried to get 2 watches for 10$. After a bit of haggling, another kid came up and strted to help me out and we offered 21$ for 3 watches. But still no luck. I am all too used to that. y friend has Saw II on DVD already.

...So I'm like, ok, what ever, thats pretty normal. After that I go to the sink and start washing my hands, and apparently the faucet is motion sensored too. That's a little unusual, but normal none the less. I walk over to the paper towel dispenser and that also has a motion sensor, and I'm like, WTF? I strongly dislike those too.

The sign said not to walk but every one else was walking so I started to cross. Again, all too common. Pedestrians in NY act like they own the road. :D

Your t-shirts sound cool. I hope you didn't get a "I <3 NY" shirt. I hate those.

11-07-2005, 07:32 PM
That makes me remember my trip to DC. Did you guys watch any movies? I remember we watched Office Space and Bruce Almighty (we watched more, but those are the ones I remember.) I <3 street vendors. All the "cool" kids bought Oaklies rip-offs, and the paint bled down their ears. I laughed at their misery. They didn't know though, because we are all a bunch of counrty-bumpkins.

We also got to see a porno. Nothing happened though, probably because the teachers were too embarassed to tell the parents, and the parents who knew about it were to embarassed to mention it to the staff.

11-07-2005, 11:56 PM
Lil' Mounty in the Big City.

11-08-2005, 01:43 PM
Your t-shirts sound cool. I hope you didn't get a "I <3 NY" shirt. I hate those.

Naw, I didn't. They're too cliche. But I could have gotten like 10 for 2$.

11-08-2005, 04:06 PM
So we're on the bus and we've been on the road for a while now, so we stop for a lunch break. So I got to the bath room I walk in and I go up to the urinal and notice that there is no flusher thingy. So I'm like, ok, what ever, thats pretty normal. After that I go to the sink and start washing my hands, and apparently the faucet is motion sensored too. That's a little unusual, but normal none the less. I walk over to the paper towel dispenser and that also has a motion sensor, and I'm like, WTF? why would you need a motion sensor on a paper towel dispenser? Any way, we leave the rest area and continue our way to NYC.Holy crap, yeah, I know, ... some of these New York State Rest Stops, are some of the fanciest rest stops you'd ever find. They all smell just ... so ... heavenly... ...

And I was talking to one of my roommates, and he tells me that he got a picture of himself standing next to Donald Trump.Somehow, I find it easier to believe that your friend had substituted "Donald Trump" for either "A Statue Of donald Trump" or "A Pigeon" ... ... You just don't go walking up to freaking Donald Trump, man! :p

While we were there, I almost got hit by a bus. The sign said not to walk but every one else was walking so I started to cross. I started walking and I turn around to see where my friend was and as soon as I turned back a bus zoomed by. And there was another one of the kids in my group who had also stopped and we were like, "whoa!". Had we kept walking, we would have been hit. I didn't see the bus coming becasue our bus was parked on the side of the street and it was blocking my view from the side walk....
Welcome To New York City. :thumbsup:

(lol, you know what I mean. :p ;) It's a rough city.)

Our last day in NYC. We packed up our stuff and headed to the bus. Our first stop was Battery Park, where all the street vendors swarmed us, peddling their goods. They all were either selling bootlegged DVDs, watches, purses or sunglasses. I bought two DVDs, The 40 Year Old Virgin and The Wedding Crashers, for half of the asking price. And then some guy tried to see me a Rolex and I was like sorry, I only have 10$ and he' like "Ok, I give it to you for 10$." and I turned him down, about 10 minutes later I went back and tried to get 2 watches for 10$. After a bit of haggling, another kid came up and strted to help me out and we offered 21$ for 3 watches. But still no luck.You were right not to buy any of that stuff. Either it's completely bs, poorly made stuff, or illegal. You'd be surprised what street hecklers can get away with when there are so many of them and so few police manning the streets. (The citizen to police ratio is obviously a high one.)

I was walking towards the entrance when one of the kids from the trip, runs by and yelling out "Taco Bell, Taco Bell Taco Bell!" waving a 20$ bill in the air and runs right pass the entrance and disappears into the night. He comes back 20 minutes later with stuff from KFC. I was like WTF?... :laughing: ...

It's funny, I live a train ride away from Manhatten, and I don't bother to go see the sites. Yet, it's right there. People who come from other places flock to see stuff that I could see any day. It's funny really (not ha ha funny).OMG. Which Direction? I'm about 25-30 miles East of Manhatten. (Map) (http://www.frappr.com/purezc)

EDIT: There's no such thing as "A Pigeon of Donald Trump"

11-08-2005, 06:06 PM
Naw, I didn't. They're too cliche. But I could have gotten like 10 for 2$. :laughing: When I see a tourist with one of those, I laugh inwardly. When someone who lives here has one, its just sad.

OMG. Which Direction? I'm about 25-30 miles East of Manhatten.I live in Brooklyn. Any number of bus and train combos puts me in Manhatten in notime. :D

11-08-2005, 10:30 PM
Sounds like you had a great time

11-09-2005, 11:30 AM
Somehow, I find it easier to believe that your friend had substituted "Donald Trump" for either "A Statue Of donald Trump" or "A Pigeon" ... ... You just don't go walking up to freaking Donald Trump, man! :p

I dunno... a couple of kids have a picture of him on their digital camera, and I saw the picture.

11-12-2005, 07:58 PM
i live in nyc but i hardly go to downtown manhattan...its really a big tourists trap.
75cent drink for $3(!). did any rapper try to sell you his album? that always happens to me.

11-15-2005, 10:31 PM
I'd love to go to NYC one day, but everything up there, according to my cousin (who bought all of us I <3 NY shirts. ugh...) is UBER pricey. :(

11-15-2005, 10:35 PM
Not really, the priciest things I saw were on 5th avenue. Every where else I went every thing was regularily priced, and China town is UBER cheap.

11-15-2005, 11:01 PM
*Cough*Buy your pets from the Chinatown Market.*Cough* Yeah, most prices in NY really aren't that bad. Obviously, it depends on where you go, but you can still find some pretty darn cheap places in NY.

11-16-2005, 02:59 AM
one time when i was browsing chinatown's fine selection of dangerous ninja weapons i did come across some dude who had 'pets' for sale. They werent exactly cute and cuddly, but if your into illegal, exotic, endangered, and possibly venomous pets..sure why not.

11-16-2005, 08:37 AM
I'm jealous, I hate to admit. I can't wait to go someday.

We have pirated DVDs here in Iraq too. I saw all the big movies this summer on bootlegs. Yeah...thats all I have to say.