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View Full Version : mass converting tiles

11-07-2005, 12:44 PM
It would be very convienent if when you selected 20 or so tiles, and pressed B, they all changed to 256 colors, but only the first one does. Meaning you have to select each tiles and hit b, and you usually miss one or two and that sucks so you have to go back and do it again. And that sucks. So yeah. Suggestion.

Dark Nation
11-07-2005, 01:22 PM
Done. Even works with BigJoe's suggested shift key modification.

11-07-2005, 01:34 PM
Um .. On a somewhat related note, ... ... Can we have a Mass Overlap feature too? :p It's been on the agenda for ages. Haven't heard word of it. It'd work wonders with your "Underlap" feature as well, DN. :)

Dark Nation
11-07-2005, 01:46 PM
The only thing that's kept me from working on it so far is trying to figure out how to handle differently-sized selections. For instance...

In striped selection mode:
If you copy 7 tiles, then select 5 tiles and do an overlap.
If you copy 2 tiles, then select 9 tiles and do an overlap.

In rectangular selection mode:
If you copy 3 rows and 4 columns of tiles, then select 5 rows and 9 columns of tiles and do an overlap.
If you copy 4 rows and 6 columns of tiles, then select 3 rows and 7 columns of tiles and do an overlap.

And so forth.

11-07-2005, 02:41 PM
Well, one way we could do it is through the first evident extreme. Force the two selection sizes to be the same. :shrug: It would probably make it easier on your part, (To just make an error message among various if statements. :p I dunno.) as well as forcing the Quest Author not to mess with the system so much. He/She'll know what he/she is doing with his/her overlapping work.

11-07-2005, 03:17 PM
Or you could set it up so that it only overlaps where both selections have selections...

In striped selection mode:
If you copy 7 tiles, then select 5 tiles and do an overlap.
Those 5 tiles would be overlapped by the first 5 tiles of the striped selection.
If you copy 2 tiles, then select 9 tiles and do an overlap.
Those 2 tiles would be overlapped onto the first 2 tiles of the 9 selection.

In rectangular selection mode:
If you copy 3 rows and 4 columns of tiles, then select 5 rows and 9 columns of tiles and do an overlap.
The first 3 rows and 4 columns of the 5x9 selection would be overlapped.
If you copy 4 rows and 6 columns of tiles, then select 3 rows and 7 columns of tiles and do an overlap.
Here you would get a 3x6 block of the of the 3x7 overlapped.

Copied Selection Overlapped

I'm not sure it's the best solution but it is definitely one solution.