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fire dragon
11-03-2005, 12:59 PM
I heard that using Link tile mods,you can change his tiles.But I don't know how use them.I want that when you are in menus or shops,Link transform example mouse cursor.So how mods work?Thanks.

11-03-2005, 02:21 PM
I'm afraid Tile mods don't work that way. I know I found a good description of Link Tile Mods somewhere, and put a link to it here on the forums... but I can't find it, so I'll try to describe it myself.

Zelda Classic does graphics based on the locations of tiles. When you set a certain tile to a combo, you are actually setting whatever tile is in that location to the combo. That's why the combos automatically change if the tiles do. Zelda Classic looks for Link tiles the same way. It looks for a certain location in the tile menu as being the first of Link's tiles, and from there it finds all of Link's other tiles.

Link Tile Mods change the place where ZC looks for the first of Link's tiles. If ZC looks at, say, tile number 17 as the first of Link's tiles, and then you get a Link Tile Mod of 30, from then on ZC will use tile number 47 as the first of Link's tiles and change all the rest of Link's tiles accordingly.

Unfortunately you can't change the Tile Mods any time, or just from one room to the next. You can only change Link Tile Mods when you pick up items. Go into the Quest->Graphics->Sprites->Items menu and look at an item, and you'll see a box for "Link Tile Modification." This is the box in which you put your Link Tile Mod number, like the 30 from the example above. Now say you set the Link Tile Mod value for the wooden sword to 50. When Link picks up the wooden sword, ZC will move the location for Link's first tile forward by 50. Now you need to copy all of Link's tiles into tile number 50 and so on, and add a scabbard to these tiles. That way, when Link picks up the sword, ZC will switch his tiles to ones that have a scabbard. Neat, huh?

Now, things to keep in mind:
The tiles change when Link picks up the item, and they change permanently. They do NOT change depending on what item Link currently has set to the button. So when Link changes from the boomerang to bombs it will not affect the Tile Mods at all.

You can't take back changes made by the Tile Mods, but you could undo them. For instance, if you have a 50 for the blue ring, and a -50 for the Red Ring, then picking up both rings would set Link back to where he started.

Using the tile mods requires the use of math (gasp!) There's a great description of the math somewhere on PureZC, but I couldn't find that thread; however, this thread does at least address the math:

Good luck. Any more questions, feel free to ask.

11-03-2005, 02:42 PM
Also, it is really buggy. I am using the tile mods in my quest and I found a lot of bugs. One bug is that the cast tiles for Din's Fire and Nayru's Love go super crazy (I posted it in 2.10 bugs if you want to learn more about it). And also, the slash tiles don't change. That means if you turn Link into Zelda and you use the sword, it will show Link using the sword if that was the first slash tiles.

11-03-2005, 02:53 PM
I'm waiting for complete Link tile mods ;)

fire dragon
11-03-2005, 03:31 PM
Okay,that helps.But now I have new question about mods.
I do now sailing game and I changed swimming tiles to boat tiles.Diving was problem,but I invented fog machine.But now,I must ask,can I turn diving tiles to boat tiles,when you can't see change?Or can I put away animation on diving?
And one more thing,Pure tileset updated extreme doesn't have Din's fire,Nayru's love or Farore's Wind's tiles and you can't use them.Can somebody explain how set needed tiles?I have Bombos item sprite so it should be good,if someone knows where I can find bombos tiles.

11-03-2005, 04:18 PM
Set-up of Din's, Farore's, and Nayru's can be seen in the 2.10 test quest, and you can get the tiles there too, though you may need to recolor them to your palettes.

You can remove the dive tiles and replace them with a clear tile, but Link would still disappear.