View Full Version : Two Quick (Hopefully) Questions

10-30-2005, 11:01 PM
My first question is this:

I'm trying to make a starting area where you walk into the closest building, open the chest, and get a boomerang. Link does not have a sword yet, but needs to boomerang to get the sword here soon. Here's the problem... I can't get the chest to work right. I've followed idontknow's tutorial on creating locked chests, though I skipped the locked part, and I still can't get it to work. When I hit it with a sword, it makes the secret sound, shows the item, but doesn't switch to the open chest under. I've set the under though to the open chest. Also, can I make this chest open without literally hitting it?

Second question:

Same room as above. I can enter the room just fine from the overworld using a tile warp, entrance/exit. But when I try to leave the room it just warps me back into the room instead of the overworld. I've tried setting the side warp to the original overworld map and the side you exit on and everything, but keeps warping me back into the building... Any suggestions? Thanks.

10-31-2005, 12:09 AM
1. Maybe you need to change the Slash secret combo.

2. I don't know. Sounds like a DMap problem. You are using an entrance/exit to another DMap and all? and you're changing the side warp location, not the tile warp location? I know these are silly little things, but I can't think of a bigger reason for this to not work.

10-31-2005, 12:02 PM
To make a chest open without hitting it you place a trigger (temp or perm) combo where you want to stand to open it (in front of the chest). That triggers when you stand on it. As for locked chests a lock block always changes into the combo directly following it.

You'll have problems making an item appear then though. Usually a chest is set as an armos->item and the sword triggers that.
One thing that springs to my mind is you could make two identical rooms, one with the closed chest and a pit warp to the 2nd room directly in front of the chest. On the 2nd room you have an open chest and the item on it. Both rooms have the side warp where the door is set to go back to the overworld.

If your side warp is not working check:
1) a dmap is set up for the map that has your overworld
2) the side warp is set to that dmap and screen number, and the side is activated
3) the side warp type is not cave or passageway, I use entrance/exit.
4) the relative coordinate system is not messed up (the slider bar in the dmap settings)