View Full Version : Happy Early Anniversary!

10-22-2005, 11:38 AM
Tomorrow is my 5 year anniversary with AGN. I wanted to post this early because when tomorrow rolls around I will probably stab myself because Ive spent 5 years here. Im jk, I want to thank the people who have made this possible.

Warlord: I love your balls.
Shadowblazer: you are so pretty.
Breaker: I enjoy our shower sessions.
Eckels: you smell like cabbage.
CK: Thanks for cleaning up my puke and washing my clothes.
Masamune: I love you in a questionable way.
Starkist: OK, I got you in on teh 3rd edit
JJ Maxx: MATT DAMON!@@@!!!
Ganonator: Ill give you $20 to fly a kite in a dress.
Mercy: I would liek to lick your eyeball
Jigglysaint: Youre a loser and I hate you.
AlexMax: When I look at you Im instantly blinded.
Daarkseid: Ill go to teh airport with you aytime!
Nutz4Linux: I miss you in a gay way.
Link 64: Am I the only one who remembers him?
Mr Cow: Fuck teh red sox :)
Aerozeplyn: You fucking rock hardcore man. Check out his band. (http://www.myspace.com/cellpan)
Gerudo: Thanks for teh seatbelt ticket, ass
Kryten: You are special to me, dont ever change, except your boxers.
Toolie: I wub my power tool.
Radium: You draw good.
Moocow: Quit bitching, I edited you in :)
Zelda64Gld: Remember 5 years ago when I hated you? I still hate you.
Warlock: Are you still alive?
Dark Templar: Your templar is indeed dark. I got nothing.
Mottzilla: Theres nothing that makes me happier than watching you destroy tokyo.
Mr 207: <insert comment here>
The cool kids: Thanks for not hanging out with me and allowing me the time and ability to hang out online, you guys rock!

If theres anyone I didnt mention, I either forgot and I apologize, or I hate you and you dont know it so fuck you. My god I need a drink.

10-22-2005, 11:43 AM
Happy 5th year you big sexy man. :o I believe a crying blowjob is in order for such a big sexy man of your stature.

10-22-2005, 12:02 PM

man, fuck that bitch cop.

i dunno if i should say "happy 5th" because thats a long time to spend at some online place. i bet you wouldnt change it for anything, would you? :p

edit: yay not forgotten anymore! :D

10-22-2005, 06:01 PM
Goatboy forever.

10-22-2005, 06:28 PM
I have an idea! Since im so cool and funny, lets all post your favorite memories of me!

10-22-2005, 06:41 PM
I remember the first time I met you... or at least the first time I saw you... sitting on top of the lockers at school. I thought, "wtf is wrong with that kid?"

Then you became one of my best friends, helped me through one of my toughest times, and then you disappeared.


10-22-2005, 07:05 PM
Goatboy, Goatman, Teh Goat, Teh legend, the cubs lover .... fuck the cubs:)
happy 5 years... timefor you to get wasted

10-22-2005, 07:53 PM
my five years is next sunday. how pathetically pathetic

Master Ghaleon
10-22-2005, 09:12 PM
Happy 5th Goat

10-23-2005, 02:06 PM
I remember teh good old days eck. We used to have fun. I remember I was a mod over gd, back when it was cool to be a mod, and I was busy and i didnt want to do it anymore, so i gave the spot to eck. There were soem great things I remember, like when we used to sit at school and freestyle on the boards, those were great, also I remember the big argument between myself and Zelda64Gld, where he called me a litle bitch and shadowblazer changes my user title to little bitch, you were such a bastard, and the chair porn!!! umm... Cockblazer, that was hilarious, only, me, jarrod, and blazer knew, but i kept messing up and posting as teh wrong person, finally warlock outted me, bastard, being an admin, i gave breaker his very first ban :), the buttlotion ads, the best will always be the tsa one, he was so pissed, also teh jigglysaint ones, omg i thought that fat bastard was going to kill himself cause he was so pissed, my fake 5 year feud with desperado, we got into it real bad over somethign we made up and peopel thought we were serious, everyone was liek omg, calm down, freaking out, i think desperado messed that up and blazer figured it out, bastard, im out of memories and football is about to come on, so just remember everyone, hanging out online is much cooler than having real friends :) I love some of you guys, have a good day

10-23-2005, 02:23 PM
I was about to post about the Desperado thing. I remember the TSA buttlotion ad, but that was before I knew who anyone was, so I didnt' remember who did it. It's not like you and I have ever talked anyway :P

10-23-2005, 02:30 PM
Same as Decipher.. I vaguely remember those things, but I was too new to really care. What happened with TSA, jigglysaint, and buttlotion?

10-24-2005, 12:57 PM
Congratz Goat. It sure doesn't feel like 5 years has passed, does it? I had my 5 year anniversary back in August - I meant to make a thread about it titled "yin yangs biotches", but I forgot to. :shrug:

10-24-2005, 01:33 PM
If theres anyone I didnt mention, I either forgot and I apologize, or I hate you and you dont know it so fuck you. My god I need a drink.

So, which one am I?

10-24-2005, 03:43 PM
Damn, forgot j00. And after we had such an awesome adventure trying to watch Foxy brush her teeth too!